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Yard to Feet - Feet to Yards Converter

Find out how many feet in a yard. Convert Feet to Yard (ft to yd) and Yard to Feet (yd to ft)

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Yard to Feet Converter

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Formula to convert Yard to Feet and Feet to Yards

How many Feet in a Yard? (yd to ft)

To convert yards to feet, multiply yards by 3:

feet = yards * 3

For example, to convert 10 yards to feet, you would multiply 10 by 3, which gives you 30 feet.

How many Yards in a Foot ? (ft to yd)

To convert feet to yards, divide feet by 3

yards = feet / 3 (0.333 * feet)

For example, to convert 20 feet to yards, you would divide 20 by 3, which gives you 6.67 yards.

What are Yards and Feet?

Converter Icon
  • Yards and feet are both units of length in the US Customary system of measurement.
  • Yards are used to measure longer distances more of exterior measurements. Yard is also a popular measure of length of fabric/clothing
  • Feet are used to measure shorter distances, depth of water bodies, height of people
  • The abbreviation for feet is 'ft' and for yards is 'yd'

Yard to Feet Conversion (yd to ft ) Table

Conversion Table Icon
Yard (yd) Feet (ft)
1 yd 3 ft
1.5 yd 4.5 ft
2 yd 6 ft
3 yd 9 ft
4 yd 12 ft
5 yd 15 ft
6 yd 18 ft
7 yd 21 ft
8 yd 24 ft
9 yd 27 ft
10 yd 30 ft
11 yd 33 ft
12 yd 36 ft
13 yd 39 ft
14 yd 42 ft
15 yd 45 ft
16 yd 48 ft
17 yd 51 ft
18 yd 54 ft
19 yd 57 ft
20 yd 60 ft
22 yd 66 ft
25 yd 75 ft
30 yd 90 ft
36 yd 108 ft
40 yd 120 ft
50 yd 150 ft
55 yd 165 ft
60 yd 180 ft
75 yd 225 ft
100 yd 300 ft
110 yd 330 ft
120 yd 360 ft
200 yd 600 ft
250 yd 750 ft
300 yd 900 ft
500 yd 1500 ft
600 yd 1800 ft