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Pint to Gallon - Gallon to Pint Converter

Convert Pints to Gallons and Gallons to Pints

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Pint - Gallon Converter

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Formula for Gallon to Pints and Pints to Gallons Conversion

How many Pints per Gallon? (pt to gallon)

To convert pints to gallon, divide pints by 8

gallon = pints / 8

For example, to convert 12 pints to gallons, divide 12 by 8:

gallons = 12 pints / 8 = 1.5 gallons

How many Gallons to Pints ? (gallon to pt)

To convert gallon to pints, multiply gallon by 8:

pints = gallons * 8

To convert 5 gallons to pints, multiply 5 by 8:

pints = 5 gallons * 8 = 40 pints

Summary: There are 8 pints in 1 gallon.

Gallons to Pints: Easy Conversions for Everyday Use

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  • Gallon and Pint are units of volume in the Imperial and US Customary measurement systems. The US gallon is defined as 4 quarts, or 8 pints.
  • The US pint is defined as 16 fluid ounces, while the imperial pint is defined as 20 fluid ounces. This means that 1 imperial pint is equal to 1.25 US pints.
  • The abbreviation used for gallon is 'gal' and for pint it is 'pt'.
  • Gallons are used to measure large volumes of liquids such as milk, fuel, oil, water, chemicals.
  • Gallons are also used to measure dry goods, such as grain and sand.
  • Pints are used to measure small quantities of liquid such as juice, beer, water, milk.

Pints to Gallons Conversion (pt to gal ) Table

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Pints (pt) Gallon (gal)
0.25 pt 0.031 gal
1 pt 0.125 gal
2 pt 0.25 gal
3 pt 0.375 gal
4 pt 0.5 gal
5 pt 0.625 gal
6 pt 0.75 gal
7 pt 0.875 gal
8 pt 1 gal
9 pt 1.125 gal
10 pt 1.25 gal
11 pt 1.375 gal
12 pt 1.5 gal
13 pt 1.625 gal
14 pt 1.75 gal
15 pt 1.875 gal
20 pt 2.5 gal
24 pt 3 gal
30 pt 3.75 gal
32 pt 4 gal
50 pt 6.25 gal
70 pt 8.75 gal
72 pt 9 gal
75 pt 9.375 gal
100 pt 12.5 gal

Gallon to Pints Conversion (gal to pt) Table

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Gallon (gal) Pints (pt)
0.25 gal 2 pt
0.4 gal 3.2 pt
0.5 gal 4 pt
0.75 gal 6 pt
1 gal 8 pt
1.2 gal 9.6 pt
2 gal 16 pt
3 gal 24 pt
4 gal 32 pt
5 gal 40 pt
6 gal 48 pt
7 gal 56 pt
8 gal 64 pt
9 gal 72 pt
10 gal 80 pt
11 gal 88 pt
12 gal 96 pt
13 gal 104 pt
14 gal 112 pt
15 gal 120 pt
16 gal 128 pt
50 gal 400 pt
100 gal 800 pt
200 gal 1600 pt

Frequently Asked Questions on Pint - Gallon Conversion

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  • There are 2 types of gallons - US gallon and UK Gallon

  • UK Gallon is 1.2 times bigger than US gallon.
    UK Gallon = 1.2 * US Gallon

  • 1 UK Gallon is equal to 8 UK Pints.
    1 UK Gallon is equal to 9.6 US Pints

  • 1 US Gallon is 8 US Pints and 6.67 UK Pints.

  • Half a gallon is 4 pints

  • No, Quarter Gallon is equal to 2 Pints.
    One Eighth (1/8th) of a Gallon is equal to a Pint.