How to play the number slider game?

The objective of the game is to arrange the numbers 1 to 9 (or 1 to 15) in sequence row-wise.
- Select Easy or Medium option. In Medium option, the grid is 4x4 with numbers 1 to 15. In Easy option, it is 3x3 grid with numbers 1 to 9.
- The number grid has one vacant cell or 'hole' with the rest filled with numbers.
- To move a number to another position, click any of the numbered blocks or cell which is adjacent to the vacant cell. (left, right, top or bottom).
- On clicking a number next to the 'hole', the number moves into that position and the hole shifts to the position occupied by the number.
- You can move the numbers around in different directions to arrange them sequentially.
- Click 'New' to start a new game.
- Click ' Restart' to play the same game again freshly.
- Click 'Copy' or 'Share' to create a game link to the specific number pattern. The link can be used multiple times and it will show the same pattern.