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Case Converter Online

Convert Text to Upper case, Lower case, All Caps, Proper case, Sentence Case, Snake Case, Kebab Case, Pascal Case and Title case


Developer Tools

Case Converter

  Sentence Case


 Upper Case / All CAPS


  Lower Case


  Title Case / Proper Case


  Camel Case


  Pascal Case


  Snake Case


  Kebab Case (Dash / Hyphen Case)

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How to use the Case Converter Tool

  • This is a very simple, easy to use tool

  • Enter the text you want to convert or browse and select the file containing your data

  • Select the Casing that you want in the output from the list of options available such as lower, upper, sentence, title. Example of how each case conversion works is provided in the subsequent section

  • The output text box automatically shows the converted text

  • Click on Copy or Download to save the converted text.

Title Case

  • In Title Case, the first letter of all words is capitalized.

  • It is also known as Proper Case

  • Before: A bird In hand Is worth two in the bush

  • After : A Bird In Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush

  • We can also exclude words from being capitalized such as (in, the, is , a, an) and then it becomes : A Bird in hand is worth two in the Bush

Upper Case

  • Every letter of the word is capitalized (Capital letters)

  • It is also referred to as ALL CAPS converter

  • Example of an uppercase conversion :

  • Before - Blood is thicker than water.


Lower Case

  • Every letter of the word is made to small letter

  • Example of Lower Case :

  • Before : How Old are YOU?

  • After : how old are you?

Sentence Case

  • To convert text to Sentence case, select the option ' Sentence Case'. Every first letter of the beginning of the sentence is capitalized

  • All other major and minor words are in lower case other than Proper Nouns

  • Example of Sentence case conversion.

  • Before: A Bird in Hand is worth two in a Bush. A Stitch in Time saves Nine.

  • After: A bird in hand is worth two in a bush. A stitch in time saves nine.

Kebab Case

  • In Kebab case, multiple words of the text are linked by a hyphen / dash (-) where space is replaced by '-'

  • This is known by many other names such as Hyphen case, caterpillar case, dash case, slug case, seo friendly url case, spinal case, lisp case

  • Example of Kebab case conversion.

  • Before: A Bird In Hand Is Worth 2 In A Bush.

  • After: a-bird-in-hand-is-worth-2-in-a-bush.

Snake Case

  • In Snake case, multiple words of the text are joined by a underscore(_) where space is replaced by '_'

  • This is also known as Underscore case

  • Example of Snake case conversion.

  • Before:A Bird in Hand is worth 2 in a bush

  • After:a_bird_in_hand_is_worth_2_in_a_bush.

Pascal Case

  • In Pascal case, multiple words of the text are combined without space and the first letter of the words is capitalized

  • This is known as Upper Camel Case

  • Example of Pascal case conversion.

  • Before: Convert Text To Pascal Case.

  • After: ConvertTextToPascalCase.

Camel Case

  • In Camel case, multiple words of the text are combined without space and except the first letter, the first letter of the other words are capitalized

  • This is known as lower Camel Case

  • Example of Camel case conversion.

  • Before: Convert Text to Camel Case.

  • After: convertTextToCamelCase.