Create text hash by entering text or file hash by browse / drag and drop file to convert to SHA2 hash

Hash Algorithms

Hash Types | Hash Type Description |
SHA1 hash | Stands for Secure Hashing Algorithm. It is the first version and obsoleted now |
SHA2 hash (SHA-256, SHA-512) | SHA2 is an improved version. SHA-256 and SHA-512 are the popular SHA2 hashing algorithms. SHA-256 uses 256 bit message digest and SHA-512 uses 512 bits. |
SHA3 hash(SHA3-256, SHA3-512) | SHA3 is more secure and enhanced version of SHA2. It produces same length output like SHA-2. (SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-512). The internal structure, implementation is totally different from SHA-2. |
MD5 hash | MD5 hash Stands for Message Digest Algorithm. The message digest length is 128 bit (16 bytes) |
Frequently Asked Questions on MD5 and SHA Hashing

Hashing is part of cryptography and is an encryption technique to transform the input data to fixed length string (hash).
A hashing function is a crypto program / algorithm that takes input which can be a text, message, single word and produces a fixed length string called the hash.
The cryptographic hash is unique for that text input and same hash is produced each time for the same given input.
The hash is irreversible.
We cannot get the original text from hash.
It is also called one way encryption
It is primarily used to check integrity of data and authenticity/validity of data.
a. Data integrity verification - If two files produce same hash output, then they are identical and used when files are transmitted across networks.
b. Digital Signature for Authentication & Authorization.
c. Handshake mechanism between servers where hashed token is passed which both sides understand.
d. Storing hashed Password information in database.
No, it's not possible.
We cannot recover the original data from the hash.
They are not same and used for different purposes.
In hash, we cannot recover the input data.
In Encryption, we get back the original enrypted data using the key and purpose is for secure transmission of data.
The hash itself can be encrypted in some situations.
Or an encrypted file/document can be hashed and transmitted like in digital signatures.
It can be 256-bit (32 bytes) or 512-bit (64 bytes) fixed length or in some cases 128-bit (16 bytes).
The output from a given hashing algorithm produces the same fixed length whether the input is a single letter input or a large message input.
MD5 produces 128 bit, SHA-256 produces 256 bit hash and SHA-512 produces 512 bit hash.
The hashed value which is the output of a hashing function or algorithm is also known as a message digest.
Its the hash value or fingerprint of the message.
The input can be message of varying length but the output is fixed length hexadecimal represented in 32 bits.
MD5 - Stands for Message Digest Algorithm.
The message digest length is 128 bit (16 bytes).
SHA2 Hash - Stands for Secure Hashing Algorithm.
The first version was SHA1 hash and the improved version is SHA2 family series.
SHA-256 and SHA-512 are popular algorithms of SHA-2 family.
SHA1 hash is no longer used.
SHA3 - It is more secure and enhanced version of SHA-2.
It is also named after the founder Keccak and known as 'Sponge function'.
It produces same length output like SHA-2.
(SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-512 and so on..).
The internal structure, implementation is totally different from SHA-2.
CRC stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check.
It is an algorithm that generates a checksum with a given file / text input.
The checksum is thought of as a 'hash' and used for limited purpose of file checksum verification.
It uses 32 bits (4 bytes) to create the unique checksum.
It's not designed for use in scenarios needing very high security implementation.
It's main purpose is for checking integrity of data or files when transmitted across network.
By comparing checksum (hash output) before and after transmission, it can be found out if file is tampered or corrupted.
The digital document can be image, pdf , data or any file is hashed using one of hashing algorithms.
The hash is encrypted using senders private key and this is referred to as the digital signature.
On Receiver end, the encrypted hash is decrypted using the public key of the authorized signee.
Then the hashes are compared and if hashes match then the original document is valid and the signature is by authorized sender
Fingerprint is not exactly identical to hash or message digest.
However, the output of a hashing function (message digest) can be referred to as 'fingerprint' of the data as it uniquely identifies the input data.
Fingerprint is used in the context of establishing ownership, identity of documents, audio, video, images.
Digital fingerprint is also used for identifying users ,tracking user preferences based on data trail of the user.
Hashing function with asymmetric encryption cryptography is one of the tools used in fingerprinting.
No, they are not the same but UUID v3 and v5 types actually use MD and SHA hashing algorithms to generate the UUID.
v3 UUID - It generates UUID using MD5 hash of the inputs (namespace and name as input by user).
v5 UUID - It generates UUID using SHA hash of the inputs (namespace and name as input by user).
UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier. It is mainly used for uniquely tagging and identifying objects / resources across network and across systems.
The UUID is usually 128 bits indicated using 32 hexadecimal digits and in 4 parts separated by hyphen (-).
MD5 and SHA are generally used for password hashing.
SHA256 is the most popular option.