Start by entering any 4 digit Number and try to guess the actual number using bulls and cows clues

- If Bulls and Cows are 0, then all the entered digits are incorrect.
- The number of bulls indicate the number of digits in right place.
- The number of cows indicate the number of digits in the wrong place.
Guess the secret number and press Enter Key once done
Guess the secret number and press Enter Key once done
How to play the Bulls And Cows game

- You have to guess the number based on the bulls and cows clue. The magic number is generated by the system. You can also save your own magic number and play with friends.
- Press or click the Enter button after each guess. You can click on BACK OR UNDO to revert the last change. Once Enter is pressed, you can't undo for that row.
- Click on REFRESH to restart the game freshly.
- The secret number may be between 3 to 9 digits
- The bull indicates the number of digits in the correct position. The cow indicates the number of digits in the wrong position 0 for bull and cow indicates that none of the entered digits are in the magic number
- The game ends once you exceed the maximum no of allowed attempts or if you Guess the Number correctly.
- Once game is over and if you have not been able to guess, you can click on REVEAL option to find out the secret number.
How to Create Your Own Cows and Bulls Game?

- You can make your own cows and bulls game
- Select / Enable the option labelled as 'Create your own Bulls and Cows Game'.
- In the text field, enter your number (ideally between 3 to 9 digits)
- Set the no of attempts. It can be any number. Default is 6.
- Copy or Share the game link with your friends and challenge them to guess your magic number.