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Certificate Decoder Online

Parse X.509 certificates online - PEM Certificate, PEM CSR, PEM RSA KeyPair, PKCS7, PKCS12 and DER Certificate


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Sample Certificate (PEM encoded certificate body)

Certificate Information

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Certificate Type: CRT In PEM Format

Common Name: Corstex

Subject Alternative Names (SANs): Rostrevor SA 5000

Organization: Albert Marashi


State: SA

Country: AU

Valid From: Nov 06, 2019, 12:0 a.m

Valid To: Jan 05, 2020, 12:0 a.mExpired

Issuer: getaCert - www.getacert.com

Serial Number: 2a0f

Algorithm: de5af57dcfaf9061e6cde68c21cf64fd46f7d0b6

Key size: 2048Strong

What is Digital Certificate ?

digital certificate icon

Digital Certificate

  • It is a document that establishes identify and trustworthiness of the holder.
  • The holder can be an individual or an organization or a website or any system / device
  • It is generally Issued by 3 rd party agency like CA Trust
  • It contains the identify information and public key
  • Digital Certificate use either Base64 encoding or Binary Encoding

Digital Certificate Information

  • Organization Name
  • State Name
  • Country Name
  • Validity Dates
  • Issuer
  • Serial Number
  • Key Size

Types of Digital Certificate

  • X.509 - Follows the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) standard.
  • PGP or Pretty Good Privacy - It is a Web of Trust Decentralized model. It can be signed by anyone and not specifically an approved agency
  • S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) - it is specifically used for secure exchange of email establishing identity and integrity It uses X.509 standard
  • SSL Certificate It is a type of X.509 certificate used in https / secure transmission for websites. It is one of examples of X.509 certificate format

X.509 Encoding Formats

encoding format


  • PEM Stands for Privacy Enhanced Email
  • PEM files can be used to create a self-signed certificate. This is a type of certificate that is signed by the certificate owner, not by a trusted certificate authority. Self-signed certificates are often used for testing and development purposes.
  • It is the most common format for storing X.509 certificates
  • It uses Base64 encoding
  • PEM certificate starts and ends with ---- BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- and ----END CERTIFICATE----
  • Other than certificates, it can also be used to store Certificate Request (CSR), Certificate Chains and Keys
  • Extension is typically .pem, crt. crt-bundle, .key are also pem formats


  • Stands for Distinguished Encoding Rule
  • DER files can be used to create a certificate signing request (CSR). A CSR is a request to a certificate authority to sign a digital certificate. CSRs are typically created using a tool like OpenSSL.
  • It is an X.509 certificate with binary encoding
  • Mostly used in java web servers and Windows servers
  • Extension is .der, .cer


  • It stands for Private Key Cryptographic Standard(also known as P7B)
  • PKCS#7 files can be used to store a certificate chain. This is useful for situations where you need to verify the identity of a website or other entity that uses multiple certificates.
  • It can be used for storing X.509 certificates using Base64 encoding
  • Typically used in Storing Certificate Chains / bundling PEM or DER Encoded certificates without the keys
  • The PKCS7 certificate starts and ends with -----BEGIN PKCS7-----" and "-----END PKCS7-----
  • Extensions are typically .p7b, .p7c


  • PKCS#12 Stands for Private Key Cryptographic Standard 12
  • PKCS#12 files can be used to backup and restore digital certificates and private keys. This is useful for situations where you need to move your certificates and keys to a new device or server.
  • PFX stands for Personal Information Exchange and is from Microsoft
  • PKCS#12 is the successor to PFX.
  • It is the format to bundle private key and PEM (X.509) content into a single encrypted 1 file
  • It uses binary encoding for the same.
  • Extensions are .pfx, .p12

All about Certificate Decoders

certificate decoder icon
  • Cert decoder is a tool that can be used to decode a digital certificate and display the contents in a human-readable format. Digital certificates are typically encoded in PEM or DER format, which makes them difficult to read without a decoder.
  • CSR decoder is a tool that can be used to decode a certificate signing request (CSR) and display the contents in a human-readable format. CSRs are typically encoded in PEM or DER format, which makes them difficult to read without a decoder.
  • CSR decoders can be used to verify the contents of a CSR before submitting it to a certificate authority. They can also be used to troubleshoot CSR-related problems.
  • SSL decoder is a tool that can be used to decode an SSL certificate and display the contents in a human-readable format. SSL certificates are typically encoded in PEM or DER format, which makes them difficult to read without a decoder.
  • SSL decoders can be used to verify the contents of an SSL certificate before using it to secure a website or other online service.
  • PEM decoder is a tool that can be used to decode a PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) file and display the contents in a human-readable format.
  • PEM files are Base64 encoded, which means that they are made up of only ASCII characters. This makes them easy to read and edit with a text editor. PEM files typically have a .pem or .crt extension.
  • X.509 decoder is a tool that can be used to decode an X.509 certificate and display the contents in a human-readable format. X.509 certificates are the most common type of digital certificate, and they are used to secure a wide variety of online applications, including websites, email, and file transfers.
  • X.509 certificates are encoded in ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), which is a binary format that is difficult to read without a decoder. X.509 decoders can be used to parse ASN.1 data and display the contents of the certificate in a human-readable format, such as JSON, XML, or plain text.