
Liters to Quarts Calculator

Convert Quarts to Liters (qt to l) and Liters to Quarts (l to qt)

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Liter - Quart Converter

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Formula for liter to quart and quart to liter conversion

How many quarts in a liter? (l to qt)

To convert liters to quarts, multiply by 1.06

quart = liter * 1.06

For example, to convert 5 liters to quarts,

quart = 5 * 1.06 = 5.28qt

Therefore, 5 liters is equal to 5.28 quarts

How many liters in a quart? (qt to l)

To convert quarts to liters, divide by 1.06 or multiply by 0.95

liter = quart * 0.95

For example, to convert 2 quarts to liters, you would do the following:

liters = 2 * 0.95 = 1.89L

Therefore, 2 quarts is equal to 1.89 liters.

Quarts and Liters – An Overview

Overview Icon
  • Quarts and liters are both units of volume. However, they are used in different measurement systems.
  • Quarts are used in the imperial and customary system of units. This system is followed by US, Canada and UK and few other countries. Liters are part of metric system and followed by most countries around the world
  • A quart is slightly smaller than a liter. One quart is equal to 1.05669 liters.
  • Quarts are commonly used in the United States for measuring liquids, such as milk, water and gasoline.
  • Liters are commonly used in the rest of the world for measuring liquids in various containers like bottles, cans, jugs and other items as food, fuel, and chemicals.
  • Liters are also used to measure the volume of solids, such as sand and gravel. For example, a cubic meter of sand has a volume of 1,000 liters.

Benefits of a Liter to Quart Conversion Tool

Overview Icon
  • Countries such as US do not follow the metric system. A 'quart' is a common liquid measure in the US while most other countries have adopted the metric system which uses liters. Therefore, Liters to Quart converter becomes essential for people travelling between these countries or while working with both systems
  • While referring to recipes from across the world, a liter to quart converter may be used to convert the measurements in a recipe from the metric system to the imperial system.
  • For a traveler, a quart to liter or liter to quart converter is useful to convert the measurements let's say in a gasoline pump station or for procuring containers in a store while in a different country.
  • While measuring liquids in containers with liter markings and when you need the other way around or with quart markings and when you want to know the quantity in liters.

Liter to Quart Conversion (l to qt) Table

Conversion Table Icon
Liters (L) Quart (qt)
1 L 1.1 qt
1.1 L 1.2 qt
1.2 L 1.3 qt
1.4 L 1.5 qt
1.5 L 1.6 qt
1.7 L 1.8 qt
1.8 L 1.9 qt
1.9 L 2 qt
2.3 L 2.4 qt
2.5 L 2.6 qt
2.6 L 2.7 qt
3 L 3.2 qt
3.5 L 3.7 qt
3.7 L 4 qt
3.78 L 4.1 qt
3.785 L 4.2 qt
4 L 4.3qt
4.2 L 4.4 qt
4.5 L 4.8 qt
4.7 L 5 qt
5 L 5.3 qt
5.5 L 5.8 qt
5.7 L 6 qt
6.2 L 6.6 qt
6 L 6.3 qt
6.5 L 6.9 qt
7 L 7.4 qt
7.25 L 7.7 qt
7.5 L 7.9 qt
8 L 8.5 qt
9 L 9.5 qt
9.5 L 10 qt
10 L 10.6 qt
11 L 11.6 qt
13 L 13.7 qt
14 L 14.8 qt
15 L 15.9 qt
16 L 16.9 qt
18 L 19 qt
20 L 21 qt
25 L 26 qt
30 L 31.7 qt
50 L 52.8 qt

Quarts to Liters converter(qt to l) table

Conversion Table Icon
Quart (qt) Liters (L)
1 qt 0.9 L
1.1 qt 1 L
1.5 qt 1.4 L
1.8 qt 1.7 L
2 qt 1.9 L
2.5 qt 2.4 L
2.6 qt 2.5 L
3 qt 2.8 L
3.2 qt 3 L
3.5 qt 3.3 L
3.7 qt 3.5 L
4 qt 3.8 L
4.2 qt 4 L
4.4 qt 4.2 L
4.5 qt 4.3 L
4.8 qt 4.5 L
5 qt 4.7 L
5.3 qt 5 L
5.5 qt 5.2 L
5.8 qt 5.5 L
6 qt 5.7 L
6.3 qt 6 L
6.5 qt 6.2 L
7 qt 6.6 L
8 qt 7.6 L
8.5 qt 8 L
9 qt 8.5 L
10 qt 9.5 L
11 qt 10 L
12 qt 11.4 L
15 qt 14.2 L
16 qt 15.1 L
20 qt 18.9 L
24 qt 22.7 L
30 qt 28.4 L

FAQ on Liter and Quart Conversion

FAQ icon

  • A Quart is unit of volume for measuring liquids.
    A quart is 1/4th of a gallon and twice the size of a pint.
    A Quart is used in US, Canada and countries that use imperial system.
    Symbol of Quart is qt.

  • Liter is a metric unit of volume.
    It is the standard unit used in most of the countries. Quart as a unit is limited to few countries.
    Liter is designated as L.
    A liter is equal to 1000 cubic centimeter or 1000 milliLiters.

  • Yes, they are the same.
    Both Liter and Litre can be used interchangeably and represent the same measure and have the same value.
    The US spelling is Liter and British spelling is Litre.

  • Yes, they are different.
    UK Quart is the British Imperial Quart and it is 1.2 times bigger than US Quart.
    Imperial Quart = 1.2 * US Liquid Quart

  • 1. US Liquid Quart.
    2. US Dry Quart slightly bigger than Liquid Quart both of which are part of customary system of US.
    3. British Imperial Quart used by UK is bigger than liter.
    US Liquid Quart = 0.95 liter
    Imperial Quart = 1.137 liter
    US Dry Quart = 1.1 liter

  • A liter is a slightly bigger unit than Quart.
    A quart is 0.95 of a liter.