
Random Color Generator

Generate any number of random colors along with RGB and Hex codes

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Random Color Generator

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What is a Random Color Generator?

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  • A random color generator is a tool that generates different combinations of colors ranging from white to black and all the shades in between.
  • These colors can be displayed in a variety of formats, such as hexadecimal, RGB, and CMYK along with its Hue, Saturation and Light Values.
  • It creates random colors by combining random numbers for each the R, G and B component.
  • This tool can therefore generate 16 Million+ colors potentially. As each of Hex color code or RGB have a range of 0-255 and when combined it can pick upto 256 ^ 3 which is 16,777,216 different colors

How to Generate Random colors using the tool?

  • Enter no of colors to be generated per batch in the field labelled as 'How many Colors?'. The maximum per batch is 20 and default is 4
  • Select a base color if you want colors of a particular shade. This is optional
  • Click on the button 'Generate Random Color'. The tool will generate the colors along with its rgb, hex code and name of color
  • Copy or Save the colors in json format
  • Click on Refresh to generate fresh set of colors. You can use it free with no restrictions

What are the Benefits of a Color Generator tool?

With over 16 Million color combinations on offer, the random color generator tool can be used in multiple different ways:
  • Web Developers and UI Designers can use random color generators to explore new color palettes, create visually appealing designs and for accessibility design.
  • Artists and Brand designers can use random color generators to take inspiration for their artwork, explore different colors and use this to build on their imagination and creativity for their product designs
  • Color Researchers, Advertisers can use it for their research on effect on colors on moods and psychology of colors.
  • Any User can use it for their personal work / hobbies, to pick suitable colors for their attire
  • Random color generators can be used to teach children all the different colors that exist .

Is Random Hue same as Random Color?

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The terms "random hue" and "random color" are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two.
  • Random hue refers to a random selection of a color's pure color (e.g., red, green, blue, yellow). It is a specific attribute of a color, representing its dominant wavelength. When a random hue is generated, the other attributes of the color, such as saturation (intensity) and lightness (brightness), may be fixed or vary within a certain range.
  • Random color, on the other hand, refers to a random selection of a complete color, including its hue, saturation, and lightness. It encompasses all aspects of a color, determining its overall appearance. When a random color is generated, all three attributes are randomly determined, resulting in a wide variety of possible colors.
In other words, a random hue is a single dimension of a color, while a random color is a complete combination of hue, saturation, and lightness.

Frequently Asked Questions on Random Color Generator

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  • A color is a combination of Red, Green and Blue color values each ranging from 0 to 255. for eg RGB for White is 255, 255, 255 and RGB for Black is 0, 0, 0. All other colors are in between these two. Random color is created using Random number generators which takes an input with minimum as 0 and maximum as 255.

  • Hex code is hexadecimal representation of RGB code. It expresses the same color in hex format. Hexadecimal system uses 0-9 , A-F to represent the binary digits. 255 is FF in hexadecimal and 0 is 0 in hexadecimal.

  • In RGB, for each of the R,G and B, we can have values ranging from 0 to 255. So total no of possible colors are 256 to the power of 3 which is 16,777,216. (16+ Million)

  • Red, Yellow, Blue are the 3 primary colors.

  • Orange (Red-Yellow), Green (Blue-Yellow), Purple (Red-Blue) are the secondary colors.

  • Combining Primary and Secondary gives tertiary colors. Vermilion (orange - red), Magenta (red - purple), Violet (purple - blue), Teal (blue - green), Chartreuse (green - yellow), Amber (yellow - orange).

  • Colors arranged in a circular way showing relationships between colors and how they are formed. The 12 primary, secondary and tertiary colors form the basis of the color wheel. There are 2 types - RYB and RGB color wheels.

  • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colors are referred as Hues or Pure Colors.

  • Adding black to the hue is shade . The original color is same, it's just darkened with black.

  • Adding white to the hue is tint. The original color is not changed, but it's lightened with white.

  • Adding grey (black and white in equal mixture) to the hue is toning. Its effect is to make the hue dull.