
Ounces to Tablespoon Converter

Convert tablespoons to Ounces (tbsp to oz) or Ounces to Tablespoons (oz to tbsp)



Tablespoon - Ounce Converter

You can input in any of the fields and get equivalent values.

Formula to convert between Ounces and Tablespoon, Teaspoon

How many tablespoons in an ounce? (oz to tbsp)

To convert ounce to tablespoon, multiply ounce by 2

Tablespoon = Ounces * 2

For example, to convert 4 ounces to tablespoons, multiply 4 by 2 which gives you 8 tablespoons.

How many ounce in a tablespoon? (tbsp to oz)

To convert tablespoons to ounces, divide tablespoon by 2.

Ounces = Tablespoon / 2

For example, 5 tablespoons in ounces is equal to 5/2 = 2.5 oz

How many teaspoons in an ounce? (oz to tsp)

To convert ounce to teaspoon, multiply ounce by 6

Teaspoon = Ounces * 6

For example, to convert 2 ounces to teaspoons, multiply 2 by 6 which is equal to 12 tsp.

How many ounce in a teaspoon? (tsp to oz)

To convert teaspoons to ounces, divide teaspoons by 6

Ounces = Teaspoon / 6

For example, 9 teaspoons in ounce is equal to 9/6 = 1.5 oz

Ounce vs Tablespoon vs Teaspoon

Conversion Icon
  • Fluid Ounces, tablespoons, and teaspoons are all units of volume, but they are used in different ways.
  • Fluid ounce is different from Avoirdupois ounce or dry ounce which is unit of mass. Fluid ounce is equal to 1/8 cup, 2 tablespoons or 6 teaspoons.
  • A tablespoon is a unit of volume equal to 1/16 cup or 3 teaspoons or 0.5 ounces.
  • tbsp, tbs, or T is the abbreviation used for tablespoon.
  • A teaspoon is a unit of volume equal to 1/48 cup or 1/3 tablespoon or 1/6 of an ounce.
  • tsp, or t is the abbreviation used for teaspoon.
  • Fluid Ounces are used to measure small quantities of liquid for medicine dosage and in cooking.
  • Tablespoons are most commonly used to measure the volume of liquid for medicine administration, syrups and to measure dry ingredients in cooking.
  • Teaspoons are the smallest unit of volume measurement and are most commonly used to measure the volume of liquid and dry ingredients in cooking and baking recipes, as well as to measure the dosage of medication.

Ounces to Tablespoon and Teaspoon Conversion Table

Conversion Table Icon
Ounce (oz) Tablespoon (tbsp) Teespoon (tsp)
0.5 oz 1 tbsp 3 tsp
1 oz 2 tbsp 6 tsp
1.5 oz 3 tbsp 9 tsp
2 oz 4 tbsp 12 tsp
2.5 oz 5 tbsp 15 tsp
3 oz 6 tbsp 18 tsp
3.5 oz 7 tbsp 21 tsp
4 oz 8 tbsp 24 tsp
4.5 oz 9 tbsp 27 tsp
5 oz 10 tbsp 30 tsp
6 oz 12 tbsp 36 tsp
7 oz 14 tbsp 42 tsp
8 oz 16 tbsp 48 tsp
9 oz 18 tbsp 54 tsp
10 oz 20tbsp 60 tsp
11 oz 22 tbsp 66 tsp
12 oz 24 tbsp 72 tsp
13 oz 26tbsp 78 tsp
14 oz 28 tbsp 84 tsp
15 oz 30 tbsp 90 tsp
16 oz 32 tbsp 96 tsp
17 oz 34 tbsp 102 tsp
18 oz 36 tbsp 108 tsp
19 oz 38 tbsp 114 tsp
20 oz 40 tbsp 120 tsp

Tablespoons to Ounces converter table

Conversion Table Icon
Tablespoon (tbsp) Ounce (oz)
0.5 tbsp 0.25 oz
1 tbsp 0.5 oz
1.25 tbsp 0.625 oz
1.5 tbsp 0.75 oz
1.75 tbsp 0.875 oz
2 tbsp 1 oz
2.5 tbsp 1.25 oz
3 tbsp 1.5 oz
3.5 tbsp 1.75 oz
4 tbsp 2 oz
4.5 tbsp 2.25 oz
5 tbsp 2.5 oz
6 tbsp 3 oz
7 tbsp 3.5 oz
8 tbsp 4 oz
9 tbsp 4.5 oz
10 tbsp 5 oz
12 tbsp 6 oz
14 tbsp 7 oz
16 tbsp 8 oz
18 tbsp 9 oz
20 tbsp 10 oz
22 tbsp 11 oz
24 tbsp 12 oz
26 tbsp 13 oz
28 tbsp 14 oz