Word Type Selection

Word List
Steps to use Word Generator tool

The word generator has a dictionary of words classified into nouns, verbs, adjectives and idioms and using which it presents a set of words each time. Follow these simple steps to use the tool:
Select the type of word like Noun, Adjective, Idioms, Phrases. By default, it generates from all the word types and set to 'Any'.
- Set the number of words as needed. It will generate 10 words each time if nothing set.
- You can refine the list of words generated with the options 'Starts With', 'Ends With', 'Containing' and including the word in the 'Filter Word' field . For example, you can find all words ending with 'ant' or starting with 'un'
- You can also specify the number of letters like 3 letter words or 7 letter words. A value of 0 generates words of varying lengths without restrictions.
- Click on Generate to view a new set of word list each time as per the filter options.
- You can Copy or Download the words as txt file.
What is a Noun?
- A Noun is a word that denotes a 'Thing', 'Person','Place' or 'Idea'.
- Examples of Random Nouns: Spain, Fuji, School, Chair, Children, Girl, Boy, Carriage
- Types of Nouns - Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Concrete Noun
What is a Verb?
- A Verb is a word that denotes 'Action'.
- Examples of Random Verbs: Dance, Sing, Wash, Cleaned, Laugh, Prick, Cry, Beat, Write
- Main Types of Verbs are Transitive and Intransive.
- Transitive verbs have a 'Noun' or 'Object' on which the 'action' is applied. Jeeves broke the window.
- InTransitive verbs do not have a direct object like. They ran fast.
What is an Adjective?
- An adjective is a word that describes a noun. They quantify and qualify a noun to describe the state clearly.
- Examples of Random Adjectives - funny book , clever boy, wonderful lunch, ugly scene, beautiful sunset
- The 3 main types of adjective - Absolute, Comparative and Superlative. Absolute - The big boy next door won the boxing contest. Comparative - This room is neater than other rooms. Superlative - The most majestic tiger that ever lived
What is an Adverb?
- An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or an adverb
- Exampes of Adverbs - coming soon, very difficult, too quick, terribly wrong, gracefully accept
- Types of Adverbs - Adverbs of frequency,time, manner, degree, place and conjuctive.
What is a Phrase/ Idiom?
- A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb and is not a complete sentence
- Examples of Phrases : Back to the wall, Make common cause
What is a Gerund?
- A gerund a word that makes a verb to a noun form by adding 'ing' (most cases)
- Examples of Gerunds : Walking down the road, Sam came across an injured bird Moily's favorite hobby is painting