feet-inch-cm icon

Cm to Feet - Feet to Cm Converter

Convert Centimeter to feet or feet to centimeter



Cm - Feet Conversion


Centimeter to Feet and Feet to Centimeter Conversion Formula

How many Feet to Cm?

To convert feet to centimeter, multipy feet by 30.48:

centimeters = feet * 30.48

For example, to convert 5.64 feet to centimeters, multiply 5.64 by 30.48, which gives you 172 cm.

How many Cm to Feet?

To convert centimeter to feet, divide centimeter by 30.48:

feet = centimeters / 30.48

For example, to convert 172 cm to feet, divide 172 by 30.48, which gives you 5.64 feet.

What is Centimeter and Feet?

Conversion  Icon
  • Centimeter is a basic unit of length in the SI unit. The meter is the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), and the centimeter is one-hundredth of a meter.
  • The foot is a unit of length that has been used for thousands of years is a unit of length in the imperial system. It was originally based on the length of a human foot, but it has since been standardized to be exactly 30.48 centimeters.
  • There are 2.54 centimeters in one inch, and there are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, there are 30.48 centimeters in one foot.
  • The word "centimeter" comes from the French words "cent" and "mètre", meaning "one hundredth of a meter".
  • The word "foot" comes from the Old English word "fōt", which means "step".
  • The foot is used as a unit of measurement in many different cultures around the world.
  • In the United States, feet and inches are the most common units of measurement for length.
  • In most other countries, centimeters and meters are the most common units of measurement for length.
  • Centimeters are used to measure small objects, such as screws and pencils, and to measure lengths on maps and drawings. They are also used in cooking recipes and other instructions.
  • Feet are used to measure people's heights, the lengths of rooms and other spaces, and the distances between two points. They are also used in some sports, such as American football and basketball.
Use feet when:
  • Measuring the height of a person or animal.
  • Measuring the length of a room or other space.
  • Measuring the distance between two points.
  • Describing the size of a piece of furniture or other object.
  • Countries using the imperial system of measurement.
Use centimeters when:
  • Measuring the length of a small object, such as a screw or a pencil.
  • Measuring the distance between two points on a map or drawing.
  • Following a recipe or other instructions that are written in metric units.
  • Countries using the metric system of measurement.
Here is a comparison between centimeters (cm) and feet (ft):
Unit systemMetricImperial
Base unitMeterYard
DefinitionOne one-hundredth of a meterOne-third of a yard
Common usesMeasuring small objects, lengths on maps and drawings, following recipesMeasuring people's heights, lengths of rooms, distances between points

Centimeters to Feet (cm to ft) Conversion Table

Conversion Table Icon

Centimeters (cms)

Feet (ft)

Inch (in)

1 cm

0.03 ft

0.4 in

1.5 cm

0.05 ft

0.6 in

1.65 cm

0.05 ft

0.6 in

1.73 cm

0.056 ft

0.67 in

1.75 cm

0.057 ft

7 in

2 cm

0.07 ft

0.8 in

5 cm

0.17 ft

2 in

10 cm

0.3 ft

4 in

15 cm

0.5 ft

6 in

20 cm

0.7 ft

7.8 in

33 cm

1.1 ft

13 in

35 cm

1.17 ft

14 in

38 cm

1.25 ft

15 in

40 cm

1.3 ft

15.6 in

41 cm

1.34 ft

16 in

43 cm

1.42 ft

17 in

45 cm

1.48 ft

17.7 in

50 cm

1.7 ft

20 in

60 cm

2 ft

24 in

63 cm

2.08 ft

25 in

64 cm

2.09 ft

25.1 in

65 cm

2.13 ft

25.5 in

66 cm

2.16 ft

25.9 in

68 cm

2.23 ft

26.7 in

70 cm

2.3 ft

28 in

72 cm

2.4 ft

28.3 in

75 cm

2.46 ft

29.5 in

76 cm

2.5 ft

30 in

80 cm

2.6 ft

31 in

82 cm

2.7 ft

32 in

84 cm

2.75 ft

33 in

85 cm

2.78 ft

33.4 in

90 cm

2.92 ft

35 in

95 cm

3.1 ft

37 in

100 cm

3.3 ft

39 in

105 cm

3.42 ft

41 in

110 cm

3.6 ft

43 in

115 cm

3.8 ft

45 in

120 cm

3.93 ft

47.2 in

123 cm

4 ft

48 in

125 cm

4.1 ft

49 in

130 cm

4.3 ft

51 in

132 cm

4.33 ft

52 in

134 cm

4.4 ft

53 in

135 cm

4.43 ft

53.14 in

137 cm

4.49 ft

53.9 in

138 cm

4.5 ft

54 in

139 cm

4.56 ft

54.7 in

139.7 cm

4.58 ft

55 in

140 cm

4.59 ft

55.1 in

141 cm

4.63 ft

55.5 in

142 cm

4.66 ft

55.9 in

143 cm

4.7 ft

56.3 in

144 cm

4.73 ft

56.7 in

145 cm

4.75 ft

57 in

146 cm

4.8 ft

57.4 in

147 cm

4.82 ft

57.8 in

148 cm

4.85 ft

58.2 in

149 cm

4.88 ft

58.6 in

150 cm

4.9 ft

59 in

151 cm

4.92 ft

59.4 in

152 cm

5 ft

60 in

153 cm

5 0.2 ft

60.2 in

154 cm

5.1 ft

61 in

155 cm

5.11 ft

61.02 in

156 cm

5.13 ft

61.5 in

157 cm

5.2 ft

62 in

157.5 cm

5.18 ft

62.1 in

158 cm

5.183 ft

62.2 in

159 cm

5.21 ft

62.5 in

160 cm

5.25 ft

63 in

160.5 cm

5.26 ft

63.1 in

161 cm

5.28 ft

63.3 in

162 cm

5.31 ft

63.7 in

162.5 cm

5.33 ft

63.9 in

163 cm

5.34 ft

64 in

164 cm

5.38 ft

64.5 in

165 cm

5.4 ft

65 in

166 cm

5.44 ft

65.3 in

167 cm

5.47 ft

65.7 in

167.6 cm

5.49 ft

65.9 in

168 cm

5.5 ft

66 in

169 cm

5.54 ft

66.5 in

170 cm

5.58 ft

67 in

171 cm

5.6 ft

67.3 in

172 cm

5.67 ft

68 in

173 cm

5.7 ft

68.1 in

174 cm

5.7 ft

68.5 in

175 cm

5.75 ft

69 in

175.5 cm

5.75 ft

69.1 in

176 cm

5.77 ft

69.2 in

176.5 cm

5.79 ft

69.5 in

177 cm

5.82 ft

69.9 in

178 cm

5.83 ft

70 in

179 cm

5.87 ft

70.4 in

180 cm

5.9 ft

71 in

181 cm

5.94 ft

71.3 in

182 cm

5.97 ft

71.6 in

182.5 cm

5.98 ft

71.8 in

183 cm

6 ft

72 in

184 cm

6.05 ft

72.5 in

185 cm

6.06 ft

73 in

186 cm

6.1 ft

73.2 in

187 cm

6.13 ft

73.6 in

188 cm

6.17 ft

74 in

189 cm

6.2 ft

74.4 in

190 cm

6.25 ft

75 in

191 cm

6.26 ft

75.1 in

192 cm

6.29 ft

75.5 in

193 cm

6.32 ft

75.9 in

194 cm

6.35 ft

76.3 in

195 cm

6.39 ft

76.7 in

196 cm

6.43 ft

77.1 in

197 cm

6.46 ft

77.5 in

198 cm

6.49 ft

77.9 in

199 cm

6.53 ft

78.3 in

200 cm

6.56 ft

78.7 in

201 cm

6.59 ft

79.1 in

205 cm

6.73 ft

80.7 in

206 cm

6.76 ft

81.1 in

207 cm

6.79 ft

81.4 in

208 cm

6.82 ft

81.8 in

210 cm

6.88 ft

82.6 in

212 cm

6.95 ft

83.4 in

213 cm

7 ft

84 in

215 cm

7.1 ft

85 in

220 cm

7.3 ft

87 in

228.6 cm

7.6 ft

90 in

230 cm

7.54 ft

90.5 in

240 cm

7.83 ft

94 in

241.3 cm

7.9 ft

95 in

250 cm

8.2 ft

98 in

254 cm

8.4 ft

100 in

266.7 cm

8.8 ft

105 in

292.1 cm

9.6 ft

115 in

300 cm

9.83 ft

118 in

317.5 cm

10.4 ft

125 in

320 cm

10.5 ft

126 in

330.2 cm

10.9 ft

130 in

393.7 cm

12.10 ft

155 in

500 cm

16.5 ft

197 in

Feet to Centimeters (ft to cm) Conversion Table

Conversion Table Icon

Feet - Inch (ft-in)

Centimeters (cms)

Inch (in)

5ft (5 feet)

152 cm

60 in

5ft 1 in ( 5 feet 1 inch)

155 cm

61 in

5ft 2 in ( 5 feet 2 inches)

157 cm

62 in

5ft 3 in ( 5 feet 3 inches)

160 cm

63 in

5ft 4 in ( 5 feet 4 inches)

163 cm

64 in

5ft 5 in ( 5 feet 5 inches)

165 cm

65 in

5ft 6 in ( 5 feet 6 inches)

168 cm

66 in

5ft 7 in ( 5 feet 7 inches)

170 cm

67 in

5ft 8 in ( 5 feet 8 inches)

173 cm

68 in

5ft 9 in ( 5 feet 9 inches)

175 cm

69 in

5ft 10 in ( 5 feet 10 inches)

178 cm

70 in

5ft 11 in ( 5 feet 11 inches)

180 cm

71 in

6ft ( 6 feet)

183 cm

72 in

6ft 1 in ( 6 feet 1 inch)

185 cm

73 in

6ft 2 in ( 6 feet 2 inches)

188 cm

74 in

6ft 3 in ( 6 feet 3 inches)

191 cm

75 in

6ft 4 in ( 6 feet 4 inches)

193 cm

76 in

6ft 5 in ( 6 feet 5 inches)

196 cm

77 in

6ft 6 in ( 6 feet 6 inches)

198 cm

78 in

6ft 7 in ( 6 feet 7 inches)

201 cm

79 in

6ft 8 in ( 6 feet 8 inches)

203 cm

80 in

6ft 9 in ( 6 feet 9 inches)

206 cm

81 in

6ft 10 in ( 6 feet 10 inches)

208 cm

82 in

6ft 11 in ( 6 feet 11 inches)

211 cm

83 in

Frequently Asked Questions on Converting cm to ft and ft to cm

FAQ icon

  • They are all units of measurement of length. The standard unit for measurement of length is meter and centimeter as per International system of units (SI units). The imperial system followed in US and partly in UK use feet, yards and inches.

  • Feet is bigger than cm. 1 foot = 30.48 cm . 1 cm = 0.03280839895013123 feet

  • 30.48 cm

  • 0.03280 foot

  • Inch is bigger . 1 inch = 2.54 cm

  • Feet is bigger than inch. 1 feet = 12 inches

  • To find 5 foot 10 in cm. Convert 5 foot to inches: 5 * 12 inches = 60 inches. Add 10 inches to foot: 60 + 10 = 70 inches. Convert inches to cm : 2.54 * 70 = 177.8 cms.

  • Find 6 foot in inches: 6 * 12 inches = 72 inches. Add inches part to the above, in this case it is 0: 72 + 0 = 72 inches. Convert inches to cm : 2.54 * 72 = 182.88 cms.

  • Convert 6 foot to inches: 6 * 12 inches = 72 inches. Add the inches part of 2 inches: 72 + 2 = 74 inches. Find 74 inches in cm : 2.54 * 74 = 187.96 cms.

  • Consider example to find 165cm in feet Convert cm to feet - 165 / 30.48 = 5.413 feet Find inches in feet - .43 feet to inches = 6 feet + (0.413 * 12) = 4.95 inches, So 165 cm is 5 feet 5 inches

  • 5.578 feet

  • 5.905 feet

  • 5.2493 feet

  • 5.741 feet

  • 5.4133 feet

  • 5.51181 feet

  • 5.6758 feet

  • 5.64304 feet

  • 5.34776 feet

  • 5.83989 feet

  • 6.069 feet

  • 6.23359 feet

  • 5.479 feet

  • 6 feet

  • 5.38 feet