
Land Area Converters

Acreage Converter - Hectare to Square Feet, Hectare to Sq km, Hectare to Sq mile, Bigha to Square Feet, Bigha to Square Yard to Square Meter, Bigha to Hectare, Bigha to Acre to Ground, Ground to Hectare,to Square Meter to Square Yard to Square Feet, to Square Mile, to Square km to Square Meter



Land Area Measure Converters

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Landarea Measurements - An Overview

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  • The standard unit of land area measurement is the hectare.

  • Hectare is a metric unit equal to 10,000 square meters or 2.47 acres.

  • The hectare is the largest unit in this list, followed by the other units of land area measurements such as acre, ground, bigha, square yard, square foot, cent, and square kilometer.

  • The square mile is the smallest unit in this list.
  • The hectare and square kilometer are metric units, while the acre, ground, bigha, square yard, and square foot are imperial and U.S. customary units.

  • It is important to note that some countries and regions may use different units of land area measurement.
  • For example, acres are still commonly used in the United States and some other English-speaking countries. And bigha is commonly used to measure agricultural land in North India. However, for international communication and comparison, it is generally best to use hectares.
  • In short, the hectare is the most widely used and accepted unit of land area measurement in the world.
  • Which Land area measurement is used and where?

  • Hectares are commonly used to measure large areas of land, such as farms, forests, and national parks.
  • Acres are commonly used to measure smaller areas of land, such as residential lots, agricultural plots, and golf courses.
  • Grounds are commonly used to measure agricultural land in South India.
  • Cents are commonly used to measure small areas of land, such as residential plots and building lots.
  • Bighas are commonly used to measure agricultural land in North India.
  • Square feet are commonly used to measure the interior area of buildings and rooms.
  • Square yards are commonly used to measure the area of patios, decks, and other outdoor spaces.
  • Square miles are commonly used to measure the area of large geographic regions, such as states and countries.
  • Square kilometers are commonly used to measure the area of large geographic regions, such as countries and continents.

Land Measurements In Different Parts of the World

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Here is a list of some land area measures used in other parts of the world:
  • Acre: Commonly used in the United States and other English-speaking countries.
  • Bigha: Commonly used to measure agricultural land in North India.
  • Cent: Commonly used to measure small area of land in South India.
  • Feddans: Commonly used to measure agricultural land in Egypt and Sudan.
  • Ground: Commonly used to measure agricultural land in South India.
  • Hectares: The standard unit of land area measurement in the world.
  • Hectare-equivalents: Commonly used in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • Jiang: Commonly used to measure agricultural land in China.
  • Kanam: Commonly used to measure agricultural land in South India.
  • Krai: Commonly used to measure land in Thailand.
  • Morgen: Commonly used to measure land in South Africa and Namibia.
  • Square kilometers: Commonly used to measure large geographic regions, such as countries and continents.
  • Square miles: Commonly used to measure large geographic regions in the United States and other English-speaking countries.
  • Comparison of Land measurements with conversion to Square meter

    UnitSymbolConversion to Square Meters (mΒ²)
    Hectareha10,000 mΒ²
    Acreac4,047 mΒ²
    Groundgr222.96 mΒ²
    Centct11.1111 mΒ²
    Bighabi1,200 mΒ² (varies by region)
    Square FootftΒ²0.092903 mΒ²
    Square YardydΒ²0.836127 mΒ²
    Square MilemiΒ²2,589,988.110336 mΒ²
    Square KilometerkmΒ²1,000,000 mΒ²

Land Area Measurement Conversion Formulae

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Acre to Square Feet, Hectare, Square Yard, Square Meter, Ground, Square Kilometer, Square Mile Conversion

Square Feet = Acre * 43560.00001

1 Acre to square feet = 43560.00001 square feet

Ground = Acre * 18.15

1 Acre to ground = 18.15 ground

Hectares = Acre * 0.404686

1 Acre to hectares = 0.404686 hectares

Square Yard = Acre * 4840

1 Acre to square yard = 4840 square yard

Square Meter = Acre * 4047

1 Acre to square meter = 4047 square meter

Square Kilometer = Acre * 0.00404686

1 Acre to square kilometer = 0.00404686 square kilometer

Square Mile = Acre * 0.0015625

1 Acre to square mile = 0.0015625 square mile

Bigha = Acre * 1.613

1 Acre to bigha = 1.613 bigha

Cent = Acre * 99.996

1 Acre to cent = 99.996 cent

Square Feet to Acre, Hectare, Square Yard, Square Meter, Ground,Square Kilometer, Square Mile Conversion

Acre = Square Feet * 0.00002295684113

1 Square Feet to acre = 0.00002295684113 acres

Ground = Square Feet * 0.0004166055604

1 Square Feet to ground = 0.0004166055604 ground

Hectares = Square Feet * 0.000009290303997

1 Square Feet to hectares = 0.000009290303997 hectares

Square Yard = Square Feet * 0.111111

1 Square Feet to square yard = 0.111111 square yard

Square Meter = Square Feet * 0.093

1 Square Feet to square meter = 0.093 square meter

Square Kilometer = Square Feet * 0.000000092903

1 Square Feet to square kilometer = 0.000000092903 square kilometer

Square Mile = Square Feet * 0.0000000358701

1 Square Feet to square mile = 0.0000000358701 square mile

Bigha = Square Feet * 0.00003703703704

1 Square Feet to bigha = 0.00003703703704 bigha

Cent = Square Feet * 0.0023

1 Square Feet to cent = 0.0023 cent

Hectares to Acre, Square Feet, Square Yard, Square Meter, Ground,Square Kilometer, Square Mile Conversion

Square Feet = Hectare * 107639.1042

1 Hectare to square feet = 107639.1042 square feet

Ground = Hectare * 44.84304933

1 Hectare to ground = 44.84304933 ground

Acres = Hectare * 2.47105

1 Hectare to acres = 2.47105 acres

Square Yard = Hectare * 11959.9

1 Hectare to square yard = 11959.9 square yard

Square Meter = Hectare * 10000

1 Hectare to square meter = 10000 square meter

Square Kilometer = Hectare * 0.01

1 Hectare to square kilometer = 0.01 square kilometer

Square Mile = Hectare * 0.00386102

1 Hectare to square mile = 0.00386102 square mile

Bigha = Hectare * 3.986633489

1 Hectare to bigha = 3.986633489 bigha

Cent = Hectare * 247.0966

1 Hectare to cent = 247.0966 cent

Ground to Acre, Square Feet, Square Yard, Square Meter, Hectares, Square Kilometer, Square Mile Conversion

Square Feet = Ground * 2400

1 Ground to square feet = 2400 square feet

Acre = Ground * 0.05510450007

1 Ground to acres = 0.05510450007 acres

Hectares = Ground * 0.0223

1 Ground to hectares = 0.0223 hectares

Square Yard = Ground * 266.6667

1 Ground to square yard = 266.6667 square yard

Square Meter = Ground * 223

1 Ground to square meter = 223 square meter

Square Kilometer = Ground * 0.000223

1 Ground to square kilometer = 0.000223 square kilometer

Square Mile = Ground * 0.0000861003

1 Ground to square mile = 0.0000861003 square mile

Bigha = Ground * 0.0889019268

1 Ground to bigha = 0.0889019268 bigha

Cent = Ground * 5.5103

1 Ground to cent = 5.5103 cent

Square Yard to Acre, Square Feet, Ground, Square Meter, Hectares, Square Kilometer, Square Mile Conversion

Square Feet = Square Yard * 9.000000878

1 Square yard to square feet = 9.000000878 square feet

Ground = Square Yard * 0.003749450409

1 Square yard to ground = 0.003749450409 ground

Hectare = Square Yard * 0.0000836127

1 Square yard to hectares = 0.0000836127 hectares

Acre = Square Yard * 0.000206612

1 Square yard to acres = 0.000206612 acres

Square Meter = Square Yard * 0.8361274413

1 Square yard to square meter = 0.8361274413 square meter

Square Kilometer = Square Yard * 0.000000836127

1 Square yard to square kilometer = 0.000000836127 square kilometer

Square Mile = Square Yard * 0.000000322831

1 Square yard to square mile = 0.000000322831 square mile

Bigha = Square Yard * 0.0003333333658

1 Square yard to bigha = 0.0003333333658 bigha

Cent = Square Yard * 0.0207

1 Square yard to cent = 0.0207 cent

Square Meter to Acre, Square Feet, Ground, Square Yard, Hectares, Square Kilometer, Square Mile Conversion

Square Feet = Square Meter * 10.76391042

1 Square meter to square feet = 10.76391042 square feet

Hectare = Square Meter * 0.0001

1 Square meter to hectares = 0.0001 hectares

Ground = Square Meter * 0.004484304933

1 Square meter to ground = 0.004484304933 ground

Square Yard = Square Meter * 1.19598993

1 Square meter to square yard = 1.19598993 square yard

Acre = Square Meter * 0.0002471054

1 Square meter to acres = 0.0002471054 acres

Square Kilometer = Square Meter * 0.000001

1 Square meter to square kilometer = 0.000001 square kilometer

Square Mile = Square Meter * 0.000000386102

1 Square meter to square mile = 0.000000386102 square mile

Bigha = Square Meter * 0.0003986633489

1 Square meter to bigha = 0.0003986633489 bigha

Cent = Square Meter * 0.02470966148

1 Square meter to cent = 0.02470966148 cent

Square Mile to Acre, Square Feet, Ground, Square Yard, Hectares, Square Meter, Square Kilometer Conversion

Square Feet = Square Mile * 27878555.87

1 Square Mile to square feet = 27878555.87 square feet

Hectare = Square Mile * 258.999

1 Square Mile to hectares = 258.999 hectares

Ground = Square Mile * 11614.36139

1 Square Mile to ground = 11614.36139 ground

Square Yard = Square Mile * 3097617.016

1 Square Mile to square yard = 3097617.016 square yard

Acre = Square Mile * 640

1 Square Mile to acres = 640 acres

Square Kilometer = Square Mile * 2.59000259

1 Square Mile to square kilometer = 2.59000259 square kilometer

Square Meter = Square Mile * 2590002.59

1 Square Mile to square meter = 2590002.59 square meter

Bigha = Square Mile * 1032.539106

1 Square Mile to bigha = 1032.539106 bigha

Cent = Square Mile * 63998.0872

1 Square Mile to cent = 63998.0872 cent

Square Kilometer to Acre, Square Feet, Ground, Square Yard, Hectares, Square Meter, Square Mile Conversion

Square Feet = Square Kilometer * 10763910.42

1 Square Kilometer to square feet = 10763910.42 square feet

Ground = Square Kilometer * 4484.304933

1 Square Kilometer to ground = 4484.304933 ground

Hectare = Square Kilometer * 100

1 Square Kilometer to hectares = 100 hectares

Acre = Square Kilometer * 247.105

1 Square Kilometer to acres = 247.105 acres

Square Meter = Square Kilometer * 1000000

1 Square Kilometer to square meter = 1000000 square meter

Square Yard = Square Kilometer * 1196000

1 Square Kilometer to square yard = 1196000 square yard

Square Mile = Square Kilometer * 0.386102

1 Square Kilometer to square mile = 0.386102 square mile

Bigha = Square Kilometer * 398.6633489

1 Square Kilometer to bigha = 398.6633489 bigha

Cent = Square Kilometer * 24709.6615

1 Square Kilometer to cent = 24709.6615 cent

Bigha to Acre, Square Feet, Ground, Square Yard, Hectares, Square Meter, Square Mile, Square Kilometer, Cent Conversion

Square Feet = Bigha * 27000

1 Bigha to square feet = 27000 square feet

Ground = Bigha * 11.24835013

1 Bigha to ground = 11.24835013 ground

Hectare = Bigha * 0.2508382079

1 Bigha to hectares = 0.2508382079 hectares

Acre = Bigha * 0.6198347106

1 Bigha to acres = 0.6198347106 acres

Square Meter = Bigha * 2508.382079

1 Bigha to square meter = 2508.382079 square meter

Square Yard = Bigha * 2999.999707

1 Bigha to square yard = 2999.999707 square yard

Square Mile = Bigha * 0.0009684863208

1 Bigha to square mile = 0.0009684863208 square mile

Square Kilometer = Bigha * 0.002508382079

1 Bigha to square kilometer = 0.002508382079 square kilometer

Cent = Bigha * 61.9813

1 Bigha to cent = 61.9813 cent

Cent to Acre, Square Feet, Ground, Square Yard, Hectares, Square Meter, Square Mile, Bigha, Square Kilometer Conversion

Square Feet = Cent * 435.6

1 Cent to square feet = 435.6 square feet

Ground = Cent * 0.1814733821

1 Cent to ground = 0.1814733821 ground

Hectare = Cent * 0.004046856421

1 Cent to hectares = 0.004046856421 hectares

Acre = Cent * 0.009999999997

1 Cent to acres = 0.009999999997 acres

Square Meter = Cent * 40.47

1 Cent to square meter = 40.47 square meter

Square Yard = Cent * 48.39999528

1 Cent to square yard = 48.39999528 square yard

Square Mile = Cent * 0.00001562491264

1 Cent to square mile = 0.00001562491264 square mile

Square Kilometer = Cent * 0.00004046856421

1 Cent to square kilometer = 0.00004046856421 square kilometer

Bigha = Cent * 0.01613333333

1 Cent to bigha = 0.01613333333 bigha

Land Area Measurement Conversion Table

AcresSquare FeetGroundHectareSquare YardSquare MeterSquare KilometerSquare Mile
0.00115 ac 50 sq ft0.02083 ground 0.00046451 ha 5.6 sq yd 4.65 sq mt0.000005 sq km 0.0000018 sq mi
0.0017 ac 75 sq ft0.03125 ground 0.000697 ha 8.33 sq yd 6.97 sq mt0.000007 sq km 0.0000027 sq mi
0.0023 ac 100 sq ft0.0417 ground 0.000929 ha 11.11 sq yd 9.29 sq mt0.0000092 sq km 0.0000036 sq mi
0.0046 ac 200 sq ft0.0833 ground 0.00186 ha 22.22 sq yd 18.58 sq mt0.000019 sq km 0.0000072 sq mi
0.0115 ac 500 sq ft0.2083 ground 0.004645 ha 55.555 sq yd 46.45 sq mt0.000046 sq km 0.000018 sq mi
0.0229 ac 1000 sq ft0.417 ground 0.00929 ha 111.11 sq yd 92.90 sq mt0.00009 sq km 0.000036 sq mi
0.0124 ac 538.2 sq ft0.224 ground 0.005 ha 59.8 sq yd 50 sq mt0.00005 sq km 0.0000193 sq mi
0.0185 ac 807.3 sq ft0.336 ground 0.0075 ha 89.7 sq yd 75 sq mt0.000075 sq km 0.000029 sq mi
0.0247 ac 1076.4 sq ft0.4485 ground 0.001 ha 119.6 sq yd 100 sq mt0.0001 sq km 0.000038 sq mi
0.0494 ac 2152.8 sq ft0.8969 ground 0.01 ha 239.2 sq yd 200 sq mt0.0002 sq km 0.000077 sq mi
0.0550 ac 2400 sq ft1 ground 44.85ha 266.7 sq yd 222.967 sq mt0.00022 sq km 0.000086 sq mi
0.1102 ac 4800 sq ft2 ground 89.7 ha 533.33 sq yd 445.935 sq mt0.00045 sq km 0.00017 sq mi
0.124 ac 5381.95 sq ft2.2425 ground 0.05 ha 597.994 sq yd 500 sq mt0.0005 sq km 0.00019 sq mi
0.2471 ac 10763.9 sq ft4.485 ground 0.0999 ha 1195.988 sq yd 1000 sq mt0.001 sq km 0.00039 sq mi
0.1653 ac 7200 sq ft3 ground 134.5488 ha 800 sq yd 668.9 sq mt0.0006691 sq km 0.000258 sq mi
0.2204 ac 9600 sq ft4 ground 179.3983 ha 1066.7 sq yd 891.9 sq mt0.0008921 sq km 0.000344 sq mi
0.2755 ac 12000 sq ft5 ground 224.248 ha 1333.3 sq yd 1114.83 sq mt0.0011152 sq km 0.00043 sq mi
0.3305 ac 14400 sq ft6 ground 269.0975 ha 1600 sq yd 1337.80 sq mt0.00133 sq km 0.000516 sq mi
0.3857 ac 16800 sq ft7 ground 313.947 ha 1866.6 sq yd 1560.77 sq mt0.001561 sq km 0.00060 sq mi
0.4407 ac 19200 sq ft8 ground 358.796 ha 2133.3 sq yd 1783.74 sq mt0.00178 sq km 0.000688 sq mi
0.4958 ac 21600 sq ft9 ground 403.6463 ha 2400 sq yd 2006.708 sq mt0.00200743 sq km 0.000774 sq mi
0.5509 ac 24000 sq ft10 ground 448.4958 ha 2666.6 sq yd 2229.675 sq mt0.0022304 sq km 0.000860 sq mi
0.8264 ac 36000 sq ft15 ground 672.744 ha 4000 sq yd 3344.51 sq mt0.0033457 sq km 0.00129 sq mi
1 ac 43560 sq ft18.15 ground 0.405 ha 4840 sq yd 4046.86 sq mt0.00404 sq km 0.0015 sq mi
1.378 ac 60000 sq ft25 ground 1121.24 ha 6666.6 sq yd 5574.1878 sq mt0.005576 sq km 0.00215 sq mi
2 ac 87120 sq ft36.3 ground 0.809371 ha 9680 sq yd 8093.71 sq mt0.00809371 sq km 0.003125 sq mi
2.4710 ac 107639 sq ft44.8495 ground 1 ha 11959.8 sq yd 10000 sq mt0.01000362 sq km 0.00386 sq mi
2.7548 ac 120000 sq ft50 ground 2242.5 ha 13333.33 sq yd 11148.375 sq mt0.01115 sq km 0.0043 sq mi
3 ac 130680 sq ft54.45 ground 1.214 ha 14520 sq yd 12140.6 sq mt0.0121406 sq km 0.0046875 sq mi
4 ac 174240 sq ft72.6 ground 1.619 ha 19360 sq yd 16187.42569 sq mt0.0161874 sq km 0.00625 sq mi
4.9421 ac 215278 sq ft89.7 ground 2 ha 23919.7 sq yd 20000 sq mt0.02000724 sq km 0.007721 sq mi
5 ac 217800 sq ft90.75 ground 2.02342 ha 24200 sq yd 20234.282112 sq mt0.0202343 sq km 0.0078125 sq mi
5.5096 ac 240000 sq ft100 ground 4484.96 ha 26666.6 sq yd 22296.751 sq mt0.02230 sq km 0.0086 sq mi
6 ac 261360 sq ft108.9 ground 2.43 ha 29040 sq yd 24281.138 sq mt0.0242811 sq km 0.009375 sq mi
7 ac 304920 sq ft127.05 ground 2.832 ha 33880 sq yd 28327.994 sq mt0.028328 sq km 0.0109375 sq mi
7.4131 ac 322917 sq ft134.54875 ground 3 ha 35879.6 sq yd 30000 sq mt0.030010 sq km 0.0116 sq mi
8 ac 348480 sq ft145.2 ground 3.2375 ha 38720 sq yd 32374.851 sq mt0.0323749 sq km 0.0125 sq mi
9 ac 392040 sq ft163.35 ground 3.6421 ha 43560 sq yd 36421.70 sq mt0.0364217 sq km 0.0140625 sq mi
10 ac 435600 sq ft181.5 ground 4.0469 ha 48400 sq yd 40468.56 sq mt0.0404686 sq km 0.015625 sq mi
12.355 ac 538195 sq ft224.25 ground 5 ha 59799.4 sq yd 50000 sq mt0.05001 sq km 0.0193 sq mi
15 ac 653400 sq ft272.25 ground 6.0703 ha 72600 sq yd 60702.85 sq mt0.0607028 sq km 0.0234375 sq mi
20 ac 871200 sq ft363 ground 8.094 ha 96800 sq yd 80937.13 sq mt0.0809371 sq km 0.03125 sq mi
24.710 ac 1076390 sq ft448.4959 ground 10 ha 119598.8 sq yd 100000 sq mt0.1000362 sq km 0.0386 sq mi
25 ac 1089000 sq ft453.75 ground 10.1171 ha 121000 sq yd 101171.41 sq mt0.101171 sq km 0.039 sq mi
30 ac 1306800 sq ft544.5 ground 12.140 ha 145200 sq yd 121405.7 sq mt0.121406 sq km 0.0468 sq mi
35 ac 1524600 sq ft635.25 ground 14.164 ha 169400 sq yd 141639.97 sq mt0.14164 sq km 0.0546 sq mi
40 ac 1742400 sq ft726 ground 16.1874 ha 193600 sq yd 161874.25 sq mt0.161874 sq km 0.0625 sq mi
45 ac 1960200 sq ft816.75 ground 18.2109 ha 217800 sq yd 182108.53 sq mt0.182109 sq km 0.0703125 sq mi
50 ac 2178000 sq ft907.5 ground 20.2343 ha 242000 sq yd 202342.82 sq mt0.202343 sq km 0.078125 sq mi
60 ac 2613600 sq ft1089 ground 24.2811 ha 290400 sq yd 242811.38 sq mt0.242811 sq km 0.09375 sq mi
61.77 ac 2690975 sq ft1121.23 ground 25 ha 298997.2 sq yd 250000 sq mt0.2506 sq km 0.097 sq mi
70 ac 3049200 sq ft1270.5 ground 28.327994957 ha 338800 sq yd 283279.94 sq mt0.28328 sq km 0.11 sq mi
74.13 ac 3229170 sq ft1345.4875 ground 30 ha 358796.6 sq yd 300000 sq mt0.305 sq km 0.115 sq mi
75 ac 3267000 sq ft1361.25 ground 30.3514 ha 363000 sq yd 303514.23 sq mt0.303514 sq km 0.117 sq mi
80 ac 3484800 sq ft1452 ground 32.375 ha 387200 sq yd 323748.51 sq mt0.323749 sq km 0.125 sq mi
90 ac 3920400 sq ft1633.5 ground 36.422 ha 435600 sq yd 364217.07 sq mt0.364217 sq km 0.140 sq mi
100 ac 4356000 sq ft1815 ground 40.469 ha 484000 sq yd 404685.64 sq mt0.404686 sq km 0.156 sq mi
123.55 ac 5381950 sq ft2242.4792 ground 50 ha 597994.4 sq yd 500000 sq mt0.50018 sq km 0.193 sq mi
200 ac 8712000 sq ft3630 ground 80.937128448 ha 968000 sq yd 809371.28 sq mt0.809371 sq km 0.3125 sq mi
247.10 ac 10763900 sq ft4484.958 ground 100 ha 1195988.8 sq yd 1000000 sq mt1.0003 sq km 0.3860 sq mi
300 ac 13068000 sq ft5445 ground 121.41 ha 1452000 sq yd 1214056.9 sq mt1.21406 sq km 0.46875 sq mi
400 ac 17424000 sq ft7260.01 ground 161.87 ha 1936000 sq yd 1618742.569 sq mt1.61874 sq km 0.625 sq mi
500 ac 21780000 sq ft9075.01 ground 202.35 ha 242000s q yd 2023428.2112 sq mt2.02343 sq km 0.78125 sq mi
1000 ac 43560000 sq ft18150.02 ground 404.69 ha 484000 sq yd 4046856.4224 sq mt4.04686 sq km 1.5625 sq mi

Frequently Asked Questions on Land Measure Conversion

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  • The measure is in terms of Area (which is length * breadth). Metric system uses Square meter, Square km , Square Mile, Hectare. Imperial System uses Acre, Square Yard, Square Feet and Square Inch.

  • Hectare is used in Metric system and used to measure very large tracts of land. Mostly agriculture and forest lands mention in terms of hectares. A hectare is 10,000 square meter of land. Acre is used in Imperial system and also used to measure large areas with respect to fields, stadiums , residential and agriculture lands. 1 Hectare is 2.47 times an Acre.

  • Hectare is bigger than Acre. 1 Hectare (Ha) = 2.47 acres.

  • A square meter means 1 m x 1 m of area. Square feet is typically used in housing land and room measurements like a 20 x 20 square feet room (400 square feet). Square yard is also used in housing land area measurements and used in countries following Imperial system like US. A square yard is 9 square feet. Square miles / Square kilometers is used for larger areas like river / lake or forest area. For eg, the great bear lake is 31000 sq km / 12000 sq miles in area. Forest covers are also mentioned in sq km like 700,000 Sq km (70 million hectares). The area of ocean, area of earth etc.. are in millions of sq kms or millions of sq miles.

  • 1 Square meter is bigger than square yard and Square feet. 1 Sq meter = 10.76 sq feet and 1.2 sq yard. sq yard is bigger than sq feet and 1 sq yard = 9 square feet. Square miles is the biggest. 1 square mile = 2.59 square kilometers

  • A plot is a easy way to mark and sell blocks of land. A plot size itself can vary. A 9600 sq feet of land (4 grounds) and if plot sizes are 30x40, then there be 8 plots. If plot size is made as 60x40, then it will have 4 plots.

  • 1 acre is 43560 square feet. If a plot is 7200 sq feet, then 6 plots make an acre.

  • It is 2400 square feet. 1/2 ground is 1200 Square feet. It is used in land specification for residential houses.

  • The units are measured in millions of sq km or sq miles. The largest total area in million sq kms are Russia - 17 . Canada - 10 . China - 9.5 . US - 9.3 . Brazil - 8.5 . Australia - 7.7 . India - 3.3 .

  • Pacific Ocean - 155 million sq kms (60 million sq miles). Atlantic Ocean - 106.5 million sq kms (41 million sq miles). Indian Ocean - 70.5 million sq kms (27 million sq miles).

  • Sahara desert is 9.2 million sq kms (3.55 million sq miles). Deserts make up 1/3rd of land surface area, which is around 47 million sq kms (18 million square miles).

  • It is measured in sq kms or sq miles (millions of sq km / sq miles). It is about 510 million square km (197 million square miles). 29% is land area- 148 million sq km (57 million sq miles). 71% is sea area - 362 million sq km (148 million sq miles).