Random IP Generator - IPV4 format (Internet Protocol Version 4)
IP v4 is represented in sets of four digits. It is in the format x.x.x.x where x is referred as an octet with value between 0 to 255 The total IP address ranges from to
Each octet is separated by a dot (.) such as [X1].[X2].[X3].[X4]. Example of an IPV4 address is
[X1. X2. X3].- is the Network ID. [X4] is the Host ID
If the IP Address is, the part 194.10.22 of the address will be the network ID and the last part 146 is the host id
Random IP Generator - IPV6 format (Internet Protocol Version 6)
IP v6 is a 128-bits address having an address space of 2^128, In IPv6 we use Colon-Hexa representation.There are 8 groups and each group represents 2 Bytes.
IPv6 normal has the following format:- y : y : y : y : y : y : y : y
Example of an IPV6 address 2001:0000:3238:DFE1:0063:0000:0000:FEFB
IPv6 Dual format is combination of ipv6 segments and ipv4 address.
It has the following format: y : y : y : y : y : y : x . x . x . x. The first 6 segments of ipv6 type separated by colon and the last part of x.x.x.x is ipv4 segment
Example of an IPV6 Dual address 2001:0000:3238:DFE1:0063:0000:0000:FEFB
What is a Fake IP Address Generator?

- Developers can generate IP Addresses to test their applications and services that use IP addresses
- For reasons of privacy or security, some people may utilize random fake IP generators to conceal their true IP address.
- Researchers and surveyors can use sample IP addresses to collect data from the internet without revealing their own IP address.
- Some online games and other entertainment sites may require users to provide their IP address. IP generators can be used to bypass these requirements and protect the user's privacy.
- Advertisers and marketers can use these IP addresses to collect specific data without revealing their identity.