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Tablespoon to Teaspoon Conversion Calculator

How many teaspoons in a tablespoon? Find out by converting Teaspoons to Tablespoons (tsp to tbsp) or Tablespoons to Teaspoon (tbsp to tsp)

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Tablespoon - Teaspoon Conversion


Formula to convert between Tablespoon and Teaspoon

 1 Tablespoon = 3 tsp

How many Teaspoons in a Tablespoon?(tbsp to tsp)

To convert tablespoons to teaspoons, multiply tablespoons by 3

Teaspoon = 3 * tablespoon

For example, 3 tablespoons in teaspoons is equal to 3 * 3 = 9 teaspoons

How many tablespoon in teaspoon (tsp to tbsp)

To convert teaspoon to tablespoon, divide teaspoon by 3

tbsp = tsp / 3

For example, to find out how many tablespoons is 5 teaspoons, divide 5 /3 = 1.67 tbsp

Tablespoon and Teaspoon

Comparison Icon
  • Tablespoons and Teaspoons are small units of volume
  • A tablespoon is a bigger unit than teaspoon and is equal to 3 teaspoons.
  • Tablespoons are typically used to measure small amounts of ingredients such as medicines, syrups, flour, oil, and other ingredients in cooking.
  • Teaspoons are used to measure even smaller amounts than tablespoon such as spices, salt, pepper, medicines.

Teaspoon to Tablespoon Conversion table

Conversion Table Icon
Teaspoon (tsp) Tablespoon (tbsp)
0.25 tsp 0.08 tbsp
0.5 tsp 0.17 tbsp
0.75 tsp 0.25 tbsp
1 tsp 0.33 tbsp
1.25 tsp 0.42 tbsp
1.5 tsp 0.5 tbsp
1.75 tsp 0.58 tbsp
2 tsp 0.67 tbsp
2.5 tsp 0.83 tbsp
3 tsp 1 tbsp
3.5 tsp 1.17 tbsp
4 tsp 1.33 tbsp
4.5 tsp 1.5 tbsp
5 tsp 1.67 tbsp
5.5 tsp 1.83 tbsp
6 tsp 2 tbsp
6.5 tsp 2.17 tbsp
7 tsp 2.33 tbsp
7.5 tsp 2.5 tbsp
8 tsp 2.67 tbsp
8.5 tsp 2.83 tbsp
9 tsp 3 tbsp
9.5 tsp 3.17 tbsp
10 tsp 3.33 tbsp
11 tsp 3.67 tbsp
12 tsp 4 tbsp
13 tsp 4.33 tbsp
14 tsp 4.67 tbsp
15 tsp 5 tbsp
16 tsp 5.33 tbsp
17 tsp 5.67 tbsp
18 tsp 6 tbsp
19 tsp 6.33 tbsp
20 tsp 6.67 tbsp
24 tsp 8 tbsp
28 tsp 9.33 tbsp
30 tsp 10 tbsp

Tablespoon to Teaspoon Conversion table

Conversion Table Icon
Tablespoon (tbsp) Teaspoon (tsp)
0.25 tbsp 0.75 tsp
0.5 tbsp 1.5 tsp
0.75 tbsp 2.25 tsp
1 tbsp 3 tsp
1.5 tbsp 4.5 tsp
2 tbsp 6 tsp
2.5 tbsp 7.5 tsp
3 tbsp 9 tsp
3.5 tbsp 10.5 tsp
4 tbsp 12 tsp
4.5 tbsp 13.5 tsp
5 tbsp 15 tsp
5.5 tbsp 16.5 tsp
6 tbsp 18 tsp
7 tbsp 21 tsp
8 tbsp 24 tsp
9 tbsp 27 tsp
10 tbsp 30 tsp
11 tbsp 33 tsp
12 tbsp 36 tsp
13 tbsp 39 tsp
14 tbsp 42 tsp
15 tbsp 45 tsp

Frequently Asked Questions Table spoons and Tea spoon conversion

FAQ icon

  • tsp is Teaspoon. It is a very small unit of measurement of capacity.

  • tbsp is Tablespoon. It is a small unit of measurement of capacity

  • Tablespoon is 3 times bigger than teaspoon. 1 tbsp = 3 tsp.

  • 1.5 teaspoons