
Dog Years to Human Years

Dog Age Calculator - Find puppy age or dog age in human years

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Dog Age in Human Years Calculator

You can enter dog's age by years, months, weeks or days OR select the date of birth to compute human years. You can enter human years to find the equivalent dog years.







How to Convert Dog year to Human year

  • To calculate human years based on dog years or dog's date of birth, enter dog years, months, weeks and days or select dog's date of birth to get human years.

  • Dog years varies by size of dog like small, medium, large and giant sized.

  • To find different sized years select dog size like small, medium, large and giant.

  • The human years corresponding to the dog years is displayed automatically

  • You can also enter human years and find the corresponding dog years.

Guidelines on Dog Years to Human Years

Conversion Table Icon
  • The conversion from dog to human age is more of an estimate and general guideline based on studies
  • The 1st year of a dog is equal to 15 human years. 2nd year is 9 human years. From the 3rd year onwards, every year is equal to 5 human years
  • Another guideline is the formula:

    Human age = 16 * ln(dog age) + 31 where ln is the natural logarithm.

  • There is some correlation between breed, size, and lifespan of dogs. Smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger dogs.
Refer the table in next section that captures Dog Years to Human Years and Puppy Years to Human Years based on these general guidelines.

Dog Age Chart (Dog to Human Years)

Conversion Table Icon
Age in Dog Years Small Breed to Human Year Medium Size Breed to Human Year Large Breed to Human Year Giant / Very Large Breed to Human Year

1 year

15 years 15 years 15 years 12 years

2 years

24 years 24 years 24 years 22 years

3 years

28 years 28 years 28 years 31 years

4 years

32 years 31 years 32 years 38 years

5 years

36 years 36 years 36 years 45 years

6 years

40 years 42 years 45 years 49 years

7 years

44 years 47 years 50 years 56 years

8 years

48 years 51 years 55 years 64 years

9 years

52 years 56 years 61 years 71 years

10 years

56 years 60 years 66 years 79 years

11 years

60 years 65 years 72 years 86 years

12 years

64 years 69 years 77 years 93 years

13 years

68 years 74 years 82 years 100 years

14 years

72 years 78 years 88 years 107 years

15 years

76 years 83 years 93 years 114 years

16 years

80 years 87 years 99 years 121 years

17 years

84 years 92 years 105 years 128 years

18 years

88 years 96 years 111 years 135 years

19 years

92 years 101 years 117 years 142 years

20 years

96 years 105 years 122 years 149 years

Puppy Age in Human Years

Conversion Table Icon
Puppy Age Human Years
1 week 0.31 years
2 weeks 0.63 years
3 weeks 0.94 years
4 weeks / 1 month 1.25 years
6 weeks / 1.5 months 1.88 years
8 weeks / 2 months 2.5 years
10 weeks / 2.5 months 3.13 years
11 weeks 3.44 years
12 weeks / 3 months 3.75 years
13 weeks 4.06 years
14 weeks 4.38 years
15 weeks 4.69 years
16 weeks 5 years
17 weeks 5.31 years
18 weeks 5.63 years
19 weeks 5.94 years
20 weeks 6.25 years
24 weeks 7.5 years
1 month 1.25 years
2 months 2.5 years
3 months 3.75 years
4 months 5 years
5 months 6.25 years
6 months 7.5 years
7 months 8.75 years
8 months 10 years
9 months 11.25 years
10 months 12.5 years
11 months 13.75 years
12 months 15 years

Frequently Asked Questions on Dog Years Calculator

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  • It means 1 year in dog years that roughly corresponds to 15 human years in the first year of birth.

  • It varies by size of dog like small, medium, large and giant sized.
    15 human years equals the 1 year of a medium-sized dog’s life.
    Year 2 for a dog equals to 24 human years. Year 3 for a dog equals to 31 human years.
    And after that, each human year it increases by 4-6 years every year for a dog.