
Liters to Kilograms Converter

Convert Liters to Kilograms (l to kg) and Kilograms to liters (kg to l)

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Liter to Kilogram

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Formula for Liter to Kilogram Conversion

How many Liters to Kilograms? (lt to kg)?

  • To convert liters to kg of any item, multiply liters by density
    kg = liters * density (in kg/L)
  • For example weight of 5 liters of water is 5 * 1 kg/L = 5 kgs
  • For example weight of 5 liters of diesel whose density is 0.182 is equal to 5 * 0.182 = 4.4 kgs

How many Kg to Liters? (kg to l)

  • To convert Kilograms to Liters, divide Kg by density
    liters = kg / density
  • For example, 1 kg of liquid nitrogen with density 1.78 has a volume equal to 1 / 1.78 = 0.56 liters

Weight in Kg / Liter (Density of Substances)

Conversion Table Icon
Item Density (kg/Liter)
Water 1
Paint 1.3
Milk 1.03
Propane 0.583
Ethanol 0.783
Methanol 0.791
Alcohol 0.785
Cooking Oil 0.92
Engine Oil 0.885
Gasolene 0.75
Kerosene 0.81915
Molasse 1.424
Liquid Nitrogen 1.782
Acetone 0.78458
Fuel 0.89
Liquid Hydroxide 2.13
Soybean Oil 11.6
Peanut Oil 0.90
Sulfuric Acid 1826.7
Diesel 0.18267
Biodiesel 0.874

The Relationship Between Liters and Kilograms

Relationship Icon
  • The liter is a unit of volume, while the kilogram is a unit of mass.
  • Litre is the SI unit of volume. Volume is defined as the amount of space occupied by an object.
  • Kilogram is the SI Unit of mass. Mass is the amount of matter in an object
  • The relationship between liters and kilograms is through density. Density = Mass / Volume
  • The higher the density, the lower the volume and similarly the lower the density, the higher is the volume
  • A liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. This is because water has a density of 1 kilogram per liter.
  • A liter of milk weighs 1.03 kilograms. Milk is slightly denser than water.
  • A liter of honey weighs 1.42 kilograms. Honey is denser than water or milk.
  • A liter of gasoline weighs 0.73 kilograms. Gasoline and alcohols are less denser than water.

Liter to Kilogram Converter (l to kg) Table

Conversion Table Icon

This is applicable for conversion of water

Liter (l) Kilogram (kg)
1 l 1 kg
1.5 l 1.5 kg
1.8 l 1.8 kg
2 l 2 kg
2.5 l 2.5 kg
3 l 3 kg
4 l 4 kg
4.4 l 4.4 kg
5 l 5 kg
5.5 l 5.5 kg
6 l 6 kg
7 l 7 kg
8 l 8 kg
9 l 9 kg
10 l 10 kg
11 l 11 kg
12 l 12 kg
13 l 13 kg
14 l 14 kg
15 l 15 kg
16 l 16 kg
17 l 17 kg
18 l 18 kg
19 l 19 kg
20 l 20 kg
25 l 25 kg
28 l 28 kg
30 l 30 kg
35 l 35 kg
40 l 40 kg
50 l 50 kg
60 l 60 kg
70 l 70 kg
75 l 75 kg
100 l 100 kg
120 l 120 kg
200 l 200 kg
500 l 500 kg
1000 l 1000 kg

Kilogram to Liter conversion table

Conversion Table Icon

This is applicable for conversion of water

Kilogram (kg) Liter (l)
1 kg 1 l
2 kg 2 l
3 kg 3 l
4 kg 4 l
5 kg 5 l
6 kg 6 l
7 kg 7 l
8 kg 8 l
9 kg 9 l
10 kg 10 l
11 kg 11 l
12 kg 12 l
13 kg 13 l
14 kg 14 l
15 kg 15 l
16 kg 16 l
17 kg 17 l
18 kg 18 l
19 kg 19 l
20 kg 20 l
25 kg 25 l
28 kg 28 l
30 kg 30 l
35 kg 35 l
40 kg 40 l
50 kg 50 l
60 kg 60 l
70 kg 70 l
75 kg 75 l
100 kg 100 l