
Pints to Fluid Ounce Converter

Convert Pints to Ounce (pt to floz) or Ounces to Pints (floz to pint)

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Pint - Ounce Converter

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Formula to convert between Pints and Fluid Ounces

How many Pints to Fluid Ounces (pt to floz)

  • To convert pints to fluid ounces, multiply pints by 16

  • ounces = pints * 16

  • For example, 0.5 pints to fluid ounce is 0.5 * 16 = 8 fluid ounces

How many Fluid Ounces to Pints (floz to pt)

  • To convert fluid ounces to pints, divide ounces by 16

  • pints = ounces / 16

  • For example, 80 fluid ounces to pints is equal to 80/16 = 5 pints

What are Pints and Ounces?

Convert Icon
  • Both Pint and Fluid Ounce are units of volume in the British Imperial and US Customary systems
  • A fluid ounce is a much smaller unit and is equal to 1/16th of a pint
  • There are 2 main types of Ounces - the Avoirdupois Ounce which is a unit of mass and the Fluid Ounce which is a unit of volume
  • The abbreviation used for fluid ounce is 'fl oz' and for pint is 'pt'
  • The pint is used to measure slightly larger quantities of liquids such as milk, juice, water, drinks
  • The fluid ounce is used to measure very small volumes such as syrups, medicines, mixing very small quantities of liquid ingredients

Pints to Ounce Conversion Table (pint to oz)

Conversion Table Icon
Pints (Pt) Fluid Ounce (oz)
0.25 pint (1/4 pint) 4 oz
0.5 pint (1/2 pint, Half pint) 8 oz
0.75 pint ( 3/4 pint ) 12 oz
1 pint 16 oz
2 pints 32 oz
2.25 pint (2 1/4 pint) 36 oz
2.5 pints ( 2 1/2 pints) 40 oz
3 pints 48 oz
3.5 pints 56 oz
4 pints 64 oz
4.5 pints 72 oz
5 pints 80 oz
5.5 pints 88 oz
6 pints 96 oz
6.5 pints 104 oz
7 pints 112 oz
7.5 pints 120 oz
8 pints 128 oz
9 pints 144 oz
10 pints 160 oz
12 pints 192 oz
20 pints 320 oz
25 pints 400 oz
50 pints 800 oz
75 pints 1200 oz
100 pints 1600 oz

Fluid Ounces to Pints Conversion Table (fl oz to pint)

Conversion Table Icon
Fluid Ounce (oz) Pints (Pt)
1 oz 0.0625 pint
2 oz 0.125 pint
3 oz 0.1875 pint
4 oz 0.25 pint
5 oz 0.3125 pint
6 oz 0.375 pint
7 oz 0.4375 pint
8 oz 0.5 pint
9 oz 0.5625 pint
10 oz 0.625 pint
11 oz 0.6875 pint
12 oz 0.75 pint
15 oz 0.9375 pint
16 oz 1 pint
20 oz 1.25 pints
24 oz 1.5 pints
32 oz 2 pints
48 oz 3 pints
56 oz 3.5 pints
64 oz 4 pints
80 oz 5 pints
96 oz 6 pints
100 oz 6.25 pint
128 oz 8 pints
256 oz 16 pints
1024 oz 64 pints