cm3-ml icon

Cubic Centimeter to Milliliter (cc to ml) Converter

Convert cubic cm to ml or convert ml to cubic cm



Cubic Centimeter - Milliliter Conversion


Are cc and ml the same?

Conversion Table Icon
  • cc and ml are both units of volume and they are equal to each other. So, 1 ml is same as 1 cc (1 cc = 1 ml or 1 ml = 1 cc)
  • cc stands for cubic centimeters and ml stands for milliliters .Both cc and ml are used to measure small volumes of liquids such as medicine and cooking ingredients.
  • Cubic Centimeter (cm3) is SI Unit of volume
  • Milliliter (mL) is also part of the SI unit and is more widely used in measurement of volume as compared to cubic cm
  • cc is more commonly used in the United States and other English-speaking countries, while ml is more commonly used in the rest of the world.

ml to cc Table

Conversion Table Icon
Cubic Centimeter (cm³) Milliliter (ml)
0.5 cc 0.5 ml
1 cc 1 ml
1.25 cc 1.25 ml
1.5 cc 1.5 ml
2 cc 2 ml
2.5 cc 2.5 ml
3 cc 3 ml
3.5 cc 3.5 ml
4 cc 4 ml
5 cc 5 ml
6 cc 6 ml
7 cc 7 ml
8 cc 8 ml
9 cc 9 ml
10 cc 10 ml
12 cc 12 ml
14 cc 14 ml
15 cc 15 ml
20 cc 20 ml
25 cc 25 ml
30 cc 30 ml
35 cc 35 ml
40 cc 40 ml
50 cc 50 ml
60 cc 60 ml
70 cc 70 ml
80 cc 80 ml
100 cc 100 ml
120 cc 120 ml
140 cc 140 ml
150 cc 150 ml
180 cc 180 ml
200 cc 200 ml
210 cc 210 ml
250 cc 250 ml
300 cc 300 ml
350 cc 350 ml
390 cc 390 ml
400 cc 400 ml