
Volume Calculator

Find the Volume of a Cylinder, Sphere, Hemisphere, Cuboid, Cone, Cube, Pyramid and Prism


Volume Calculator

Cylinder Volume Calculator - Enter radius and height and calculate the volume


Formula to Calculate Volume of a Cylinder

Calculate Volume of Solid Cylinder

Volume = π r² h

r is radius, h is height and Pi value is 3.14


Calculate Volume of a Cylinder with diameter

Volume = π d² h / 4

d is diameter, h is height and Pi value is 3.14

Calculate Volume of a Hollow Cylinder

Volume = π (R² - r²) h

R is outer radius, r is inner radius, h is height and Pi value is 3.14

Hollow Cylinder icon

Formula to Calculate Volume of a Sphere

Calculate Volume of a Sphere using Radius

Volume = 4/3 π r³

r is radius and Pi value is 3.14


Calculate Radius of Sphere given the volume

Radius = (3V / 4π)⅓

V is volume and Pi value is 3.14

Formula to Calculate Volume of a Hemisphere

Calculate Volume of Hemisphere using Radius

Volume = 2/3 π r³

r is radius and Pi value is 3.14


Find the radius of a Hemisphere given its volume

Radius = (3V / 2π)⅓

V is volume and Pi value is 3.14

Formula to Calculate Volume of a Cone

Calculate Volume of a Cone

Volume = 1/3 h π r²

r is radius, h is height and Pi value is 3.14


Formula to Calculate Volume of a Cube

Calculate Volume of Cube using its Edge

Volume = a³

a is edge


Find the Edge of a Cube for a given Volume

Edge = (V)⅓

V is volume

Formula to Calculate Volume of a Cuboid

Calculate Volume of Cuboid using Length, Width and Height

Volume = L * W * H

L is Length, W is Width, and H is Height


Formula to Calculate Volume of a Pyramid

Calculate Volume of Triangular Pyramid using Area and Height

Volume = 1/3 A H

A is Area and H is Height


Calculate Volume of a Square Pyramid using Base edge and Height

Volume = a² h/3

A is base edge and H is Height


Calculate Volume of Pentagonal Pyramid using Base edge and Height

Volume = 5/12 tan(54°)h a²

A is base edge and H is Height


Calculate Volume of a Rectangular Pyramid using Base length, Width and Height

Volume = l w h / 3

L is base length, W is Width and H is Height


Formula to Calculate Volume of a Prism

Calculate Volume of a Triangular using Base Edge, Length and Height

Volume = 1/2 a h l

A is Base edge and H is Height and L is Length


Calculate Volume of a Square Prism using Base edge and Height

Volume = a² h

A is base edge and H is Height


Calculate Volume of a Rectangular Prism using Width, Length and Height

Volume = w l h

W is Width and L is Length and H is Height


Calculate Volume of a Pentagonal using Base edge and Height

Volume = (1 / 4) * square root(5 * (5 + 2 * square root(5))) a² h

A is base edge and H is Height


Calculate Volume of a Hexagonal using Base edge and Height

Volume = (3 * square root(3) / 2) a² h

A is base edge and H is Height


Formula to Calculate Volume of an Ellipsoid

Calculate Volume of a Ellipsoid using Axes

Volume = 4/3 π a b c

A, B and C are axes


Formula to Calculate Volume of a Tetrahedron

Calculate Volume of a Tetrahedron using its Edge

Volume = a³ / 6 * square root(2)

A is Edge

tetrahedron image

Calculate Edge of a Tetrahedron using Volume

Edge = square root(2) * (3 * V)⅓

V is Volume

Formula To Calculate Volume of a Hollow Cylinder

Calculate Volume of a Hollow Cylinder using radius and height

Volume = π (R² - r²) h

R is outer radius, r is inner radius, h is height and Pi value is 3.14


Formula to Calculate Volume of a Spherical Cap

Calculate Volume of a Spherical Cap using Radius and Height

Volume = (1/3) π h² (3R - h)

H is Height, R is Radius and Pi value is 3.14


Frequently Asked Questions on Volume Calculator

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  • Volume is a three-dimensional quantity and it represents the actual space an object has taken up.
    Volume is measured as cubic units like cubic cm, cubic meter, cubic feet.
    Capacity is the maximum quantity of substance an object can hold. Capacity is measured in metric units such as liters, milliliters, gallons.

  • v = π r² l. where v is volume, r is radius, l is length and Pi value is 3.14