
Hours to Days - Days to Hours Converter

Convert Hours to Days (hrs to days) and Days to Hours (days to hrs). Convert hours to work days and work days to hours

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Hour - Day Converter

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Days to Hours and Hours to Days

How many hours in days?

The formula to convert hours to days is :

Days = Hours / 24

For example, to convert 100 hours to days, you would divide 100 by 24, which gives you 4.17 days.

How many days in hours?

The formula to convert days to hours is :

Hours = Days * 24

For example, to convert 5 days to hours, you would multiply 5 by 24, which gives you 120 hours.

You can use these formulas to convert between hours and days for any amount of time. For example, you could use them to convert the length of a work week into days, or to convert the length of a flight into hours.

How to Convert Hours to Work Days

To convert hours to work days, you need to divide the number of hours by the number of hours in a workday (typically 8 hours).

In most countries, a workday is 8 hours long. So, to convert hours to work days, you would use the following formula:

Work days = Hours / 8

For example, if you worked 40 hours in a week, you would have worked 5 work days.

Here is a table that shows some common conversions between hours and work days:

HoursWork days

Define Hours and Days

Unit Icon
  • Hours and days are units of time.
  • There are 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week? There are 168 hours in a week and 8760 hours in a year?
  • To convert day to hours, divide the number of hours by 24. For example, to convert 100 hours to days, you would divide 100 by 24, which gives you 4.17 days.
  • To convert days to hours, multiply the number of hours by 24. For eg 100 days to hours is 100 x 24 = 2400 hours
  • An hour is a unit of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes.
  • A day is the time period of a full rotation of the Earth with respect to the Sun. On average, this is 24 hours (86,400 seconds). As a day passes at a given location it experiences morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. This daily cycle drives circadian rhythms in many organisms, which are vital to many life processes.
  • Hours and days are commonly used to measure the duration of events and activities. For example, we might say that a meeting lasted for two hours, or that a trip took three days. We also use hours and days to schedule our lives, such as when to wake up, go to work, and go to bed.
Here are some examples of how hours and days are used:
  • A workday typically lasts for 8 hours.
  • A school day typically lasts for 7 hours.
  • A flight from New York to Los Angeles takes about 6 hours.
  • A week has 7 days.
  • A month has 28, 29, 30, or 31 days.
  • A year has 365 days, or 366 days in a leap year.

Hours to Days Converter Table

Conversion Table Icon
Hours Days
1 hrs 0.0417 days
6 hrs 0.25 days
12 hrs 0.5 days
20 hrs 0.8333 days
24 hrs 1 days
48 hrs 2 days
50 hrs 2.0833 days
72 hrs 3 days
84 hrs 3.5 days
96 hrs 4 days
100 hrs 4.1667 days
120 hrs 5 days
144 hrs 6 days
150 hrs 6.25 days
160 hrs 6.6667 days
168 hrs 7 days
200 hrs 8.3333 days
300 hrs 12.5 days
400 hrs 16.6667 days
500 hrs 20.8333 days
600 hrs 25 days
700 hrs 29.1667 days
800 hrs 33.3333 days
900 hrs 37.5 days
1000 hrs 41.6667 days
1200 hrs 50 days
1500 hrs 62.5 days
2000 hrs 83.3333 days
2500 hrs 104.1667 days
3000 hrs 125 days
3500 hrs 145.8333 days
4000 hrs 166.6667 days
4500 hrs 187.5 days
5000 hrs 208.3333 days
6000 hrs 250 days
7000 hrs 291.6667 days
8000 hrs 333.3333 days
9000 hrs 375 days
10000 hrs 416.6667 days
20000 hrs 833.3333 days
25000 hrs 1041.6667 days
50000 hrs 2083.3333 days
100000 hrs 4166.6667 days

Days to Hours Conversion Table

Conversion Table Icon
Days Hours
1 days 24 hrs
2 days 48 hrs
3 days 72 hrs
4 days 96 hrs
5 days 120 hrs
6 days 144 hrs
7 days 168 hrs
8 days 192 hrs
9 days 216 hrs
10 days 240 hrs
11 days 264 hrs
12 days 288 hrs
13 days 312 hrs
14 days 336 hrs
15 days 360 hrs
16 days 384 hrs
17 days 408 hrs
18 days 432 hrs
19 days 456 hrs
20 days 480 hrs
21 days 504 hrs
22 days 528 hrs
23 days 552 hrs
24 days 576 hrs
25 days 600 hrs
26 days 624 hrs
27 days 648 hrs
28 days 672 hrs
29 days 696 hrs
30 days 720 hrs
35 days 840 hrs
40 days 960 hrs
45 days 1080 hrs
50 days 1200 hrs
60 days 1440 hrs
70 days 1680 hrs
80 days 1920 hrs
90 days 2160 hrs
100 days 2400 hrs
120 days 2880 hrs
150 days 3600 hrs
200 days 4800 hrs
250 days 6000 hrs
300 days 7200 hrs
365 days 8760 hrs
500 days 12000 hrs
720 days 17280 hrs
1000 days 24000 hrs
1200 days 28800 hrs

Frequently Asked Questions on Hour and Day Calculator

FAQ icon

  • Divide the hours by 24 to get the number of days.

  • Multiply the days by 24 to get the number of hours.

  • Considering work day hours as 8. divide the hours by the work day hours.
    Example: 24 hours will be 24/8 = 3 work days.