
Grams to Pounds - Pounds to Grams Converter

Convert grams to lbs (g to lb) or lb to grams (lb to g)



Gram - Pound Converter

You can input in any of the fields and get equivalent values.

Formula to convert grams to pounds and pound to grams

How many Pound in Grams? (pounds to grams, lbs to g)

1 lb in grams = 453.592 g

The formula to convert pounds to grams is as follows:

grams = pounds * 453.592

For example, to convert 1 pound to grams, you would do the following:

grams = 1 pound * 453.592

grams = 453.592

Therefore, 1 pound is equal to 453.592 grams.

How many Grams to Pounds? (g to lbs, grams per pound)

1 g = 0.002 lb

To convert grams to pounds, you can use the following formula:

pounds = grams * 0.00220462262185

For example, to convert 100 grams to pounds, you would do the following:

pounds = 100 grams * 0.00220462262185

pounds = 0.220462262185

Therefore, 100 grams is equal to 0.220462262185 pounds.

How many Grams to Pounds and Ounces? (g to lb and oz)

1 Gram = 0.0022 pounds and 0.0353 ounces

Follow the steps below to convert Grams to Pounds Ounces
  • Convert grams to pounds using the following formula:

    pounds = grams * 0.00220462262185

  • Convert pounds to ounces using the following formula:

    ounces = pounds * 16

  • Add the pounds and ounces together to get the total weight in pounds and ounces.

  • For example, to convert 1000 grams to pounds and ounces, you would do the following:

  • Convert grams to pounds:

    pounds = 1000 grams * 0.00220462262185

    pounds = 2.20462262185

  • Convert pounds to ounces:

    ounces = 2.20462262185 pounds * 16

    ounces = 35.273961951

  • Add the pounds and ounces together:

    2.20462262185 pounds + 35.273961951 ounces = 2 pounds 11.27 ounces

  • Therefore, 1000 grams is equal to 2 pounds 11.27 ounces.

What are Grams and Pounds?

Overview Icon
  • The gram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI).

  • The pound is a unit of mass in the imperial system of units.

  • The pound is a unit of mass defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms or 453.3592 grams (One kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.)
  • Therefore,

    one pound is equal to 453.592 grams.

  • The imperial system of units is used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and a few other countries.
  • The SI system of units is used in most other countries.
  • The pound was originally defined as the weight of a tower of silver pennies.
  • The pound has been used as a unit of mass for over 1000 years.
  • The pound is used to measure a wide variety of things, including body weight, produce, and packages.
  • The gram was originally defined as the weight of one cubic centimeter of water.
  • The gram was first used in France in the late 18th century.
  • The gram is used to measure a wide variety of things, including food, drugs, and chemicals.
  • The average human body weight is about 70 kilograms, which is equal to about 154 pounds.
Following table captures the differences between pound and grams
Differences between Gram and Lb
Unit systemMetric systemImperial system
DefinitionA unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a kilogramA unit of mass equal to 16 ounces
Common usesMeasuring small quantities of mass, such as food, drugs, and chemicalsMeasuring larger quantities of mass, such as body weight, produce, and packages
  • Pounds
  • Body weight
  • Produce (e.g., apples, bananas, potatoes)
  • Meat
  • Packages (e.g., shipping boxes, laundry detergent)
  • Recipes (e.g., 1 pound of ground rice, 2 pounds of flour)
  • Grams
  • Food (e.g., bread, cereal, pasta)
  • Drugs
  • Chemicals
  • Precious metals (e.g., gold, silver)
  • Science experiments
  • Specific usage examples of g and lb
  • Andrew weighs 150 pounds.
  • Buy 2 pounds of apples at the grocery store.
  • Cook a 3-pound roast chicken for dinner.
  • Ship a 10-pound package to a friend.
  • Need 1 cup of all-purpose flour, which weighs 120 grams.
  • Take 500 milligrams of ibuprofen, which is equal to 0.5 grams.
  • Need 10 grams of baking soda for a science experiment.
  • Own a gold necklace that weighs 10 grams.
In general, pounds are used to measure larger quantities of mass, while grams are used to measure smaller quantities of mass.

Grams to Pound Conversion (g to lbs) Table

Conversion Table Icon

Gram (g)

Pound (lb)

1 g

0.002 lb

2 g

0.004 lb

5 g

0.011 lb

7 g

3175.14 lb

10 g

0.022 lb

12 g

0.026 lb

20 g

0.044 lb

25 g

0.055 lb

32 g

0.070 lb

48 g

0.105 lb

50 g

0.110 lb

63 g

0.138 lb

68 g

0.149 lb

70 g

0.154 lb

75 g

0.165 lb

85 g

0.187 lb

100 g

0.220 lb

112 g

0.246 lb

114 g

0.251 lb

115 g

0.253 lb

145 g

0.319 lb

150 g

0.330 lb

175 g

0.385 lb

180 g

0.396 lb

200 g

0.440 lb

210 g

0.462 lb

220 g

0.485 lb

227 g

0.500 lb

228 g

0.502 lb

230 g

0.507 lb

250 g

0.551 lb

255 g

0.562 lb

260 g

0.573 lb

280 g

0.617 lb

300 g

0.661 lb

330 g

0.727 lb

340 g

0.749 lb

350 g

0.771 lb

360 g

0.793 lb

400 g

0.881 lb

420 g

0.925 lb

425 g

0.936 lb

450 g

0.992 lb

454 g

1 lb

500 g

1.102 lb

520 g

1.146 lb

540 g

1.190 lb

600 g

1.322 lb

620 g

1.366 lb

640 g

1.410 lb

650 g

1.433 lb

660 g

1.455 lb

680 g

1.499 lb

690 g

1.521 lb

700 g

1.543 lb

710 g

1.565 lb

750 g

1.653 lb

780 g

1.719 lb

800 g

1.763 lb

810 g

1.785 lb

820 g

1.807 lb

860 g

1.895 lb

900 g

1.984 lb

907 g

1.999 lb

908 g

2.001 lb

910 g

2.006 lb

1000 g

2.204 lb

1100 g

2.425 lb

1200 g

2.645 lb

1250 g

2.755 lb

1280 g

2.821 lb

1290 g

2.843 lb

1400 g

3.086 lb

1450 g

3.196 lb

1500 g

3.306 lb

1550 g

3.417 lb

1590 g

3.505 lb

1600 g

3.527 lb

1780 g

3.924 lb

1900 g

4.188 lb

1950 g

4.299 lb

2000 g

4.409 lb

2200 g

4.850 lb

2300 g

5.070 lb

2500 g

5.511 lb

2600 g

5.732 lb

2750 g

6.062 lb

2900 g

6.393 lb

3000 g

6.613 lb

3100 g

6.834 lb

3200 g

7.054 lb

3300 g

7.275 lb

3400 g

7.495 lb

3500 g

7.716 lb

3750 g

8.267 lb

4000 g

8.818 lb

4500 g

9.920 lb

4800 g

10.582 lb

5000 g

11.023 lb

6000 g

13.227 lb

7000 g

15.432 lb

8000 g

17.636 lb

9000 g

19.841 lb

10000 g

22.046 lb

Pounds to Grams Conversion (lbs to g) Table

Conversion Table Icon

Pounds (lb)

Grams (g)

0.1 lb

45.35 g

0.2 lb

90.71 g

0.25 lb

113.39 g

0.3 lb

136.07 g

0.4 lb

181.43 g

0.5 lb

226.79 g

0.6 lb

272.15 g

0.7 lb

317.51 g

0.75 lb

340.19 g

0.8 lb

362.87 g

0.9 lb

408.23 g

1 lb

453.59 g

1.1 lb

498.95 g

1.2 lb

544.31 g

1.3 lb

589.67 g

1.4 lb

635.02 g

1.5 lb

680.38 g

1.7 lb

771.10 g

1.75 lb

793.78 g

1.8 lb

816.46 g

2 lb

907.18 g

2.2 lb

997.90 g

2.3 lb

1043.26 g

2.4 lb

1088.62 g

2.5 lb

1133.98 g

3 lb

1360.77 g

3.5 lb

1587.57 g

4 lb

1814.36 g

4.5 lb

2041.16 g

5 lb

2267.96 g

6 lb

2721.55 g

7 lb

3175.14 g

7.5 lb

3401.94 g

8 lb

3628.73 g

9 lb

4082.33 g

10 lb

4535.92 g

11 lb

4989.51 g

12 lb

5443.10 g

13 lb

5896.70 g

14 lb

6350.29 g

15 lb

6803.88 g

20 lb

9071.84 g

22 lb

9979.03 g

25 lb

11339.80 g

30 lb

13607.77 g

40 lb

18143.69 g

50 lb

22679.61 g

75 lb

34019.42 g

100 lb
