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How to use the Word Counter tool?

Type in the words in the input box and instantly get the count of words, chars, lines, paragraphs as and when you type.
You can also browse and load text from a file or drag n drop text content into the input box.
A Character includes Lowercase (a-z), Uppercase (A-Z), Number (0-9) , Symbols ( ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ @) and Space. The number of characters is counted by getting the length of the text. To count number of characters without space, remove space replace(/\s+/g, '') in text and then get length of text
A word is combination of characters that has a meaning.
However, for the purpose of counting words, this tool uses space as the separator between words.
To count number of words in a text, split them, then use regex and replace all linebreaks in a string (replace(/[\t\n\r\.\?\!]/gm, " ")
After removing space characters, the length of that string gives the word countA Sentence is a combination of words. The end of Sentence is denoted by a dot (.) To count number of sentence, split using dot(.) as delimiter. The count of split tokens gives Sentence count
A Line is generally group of words and ending with a new line character ('\n'). To count number of lines, regex is used along with split method split("\n") The no of split tokens gives the line count
A Paragraph consists of one or more sentences which are grouped logically. This tool identifies the number of Paragraph based on count of new line excluding line breaks.