Calories to Pound Converter
Find how many Calories in a Pound and calories burnt, calories gained.
Calories to Kg Converter
Find how many Calories in a Kilogram. Convert calories to kg and kg to calories.
No of Steps and Calories Burned
Find out correlation between Steps and Calories. How many calories burned per step.
Exercise to Calories Burned Calculator
Find out how many Calories Burned and METS for different exercises and activities
Calorie Intake Calculator
Actual Calories IN - Find out your avg daily calorie consumption
Body Mass Index Calculator (BMI)
Estimate your body fat (BMI) using your height and weight
Total Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator(tdee)
Find your maintenance calories - the total calories needed for your daily activities
Relative Fat Mass Calculator(RFM)
Find your body fat through RFM using height and waist dimensions
Lean Body Mass Calculator(lbm)
Find your lean body mass and body fat % using height and waist dimensions
Body Adiposity Index Calculator(BAI)
Find your body fat index (BAI) using height and hip measurements
Body Surface Area Calculator(BSA)
Calculate your body surface area using your height and weight
Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator(WHR)
Check out your body fat and shape, health risk using waist to hip ratio calculator