Waist to Hip Ratio

Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) Calculator

Use Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator to know your body shape. Find out what is the ideal waist to hip ratio



Waist to Hip Ratio


Your Waist Hip Ratio (WHR)

Waist and Hip Ratio Formula

Formula Icon

Note: Both waist and hip should be in same unit (either cms or inches)

The Waist to Hip Ratio formula (WHR) = Waist / Hip

Hip to Waist Ratio is also the same and computed as (Waist / Hip)

Waist to Hip Ratio Table for Men

MenHealth RiskBody Shape
0.95 or below LowPear
0.96 to 1.0 ModerateAvocado

The same holds good for hip to waist ratio chart. Though it is referred as Hip to Waist Ratio, it is the same as Waist to Hip and the formula is Waist / Hip

Waist to Hip Ratio Table for Women

WomenHealth RiskBody Shape
0.80 or below LowPear
0.81 to 0.85ModerateAvocado

Frequently Asked Questions on Waist to Hip Calculator

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  • Waist to Hip Ratio (waist-to-hip ratio) is also referrred to as WHR.
    The ratio helps to know our body shape, fat distribution and health risk.
    Hip to Waist Ratio Calculator is also the same measure of waist to hip ratio.

  • High value means there is more fat around the waist / midsection than the hip region.
    This fat is known as 'visceral fat' which is fat surrounding liver, pancreas and other organs in the waist region.
    More fat around the waist leads to higher risk of heart / cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cholesterol and other problems related to obesity.
    Higher fat around the hips is comparatively less harmful. This fat is mostly the 'subcutaneous fat' (fat under the skin).

  • For measuring waist to hip ratio, do it in 'Standing Position'. Use a tape and wrap it around the smallest part of the waist region / belly area.
    Note down the value in inches or cm.
    Next with same tape, wrap it around the largest part of the hip region.
    Note down the value in inches or cm.
    Divide the waist value by the hip value using same units (either cms or inches).
    This value gives the WHR ratio.

  • There are 3 basic body shapes or types based on waist to hip ratio measure.
    Apple shape - Waist is much bigger than Hip. This indicates high risk.
    Pear shape - Hip is much larger than the waist. This indicates low risk.
    Avocado shape - There is an even fat distribution between waist and hip.
    IT's better than apple shape but not as good as pear shape.
    It comes under moderate risk category.

  • WHR formula remains the same for any age or gender - it is always waist / height.
    However,the interpretation of the normal, high and low values are different for men and women and different age groups

  • BMI determines body fat using height to weight ratio.
    It is not very accurate for some types as it does not take into account muscle mass vs actual fat.
    WHR determines fat distribution using waist to hip ratio which has been found to be a more accurate measure of actual fat distribution.

  • RFM is Relative Fat mass and expressed in %.
    It finds the overall fat percentage in the body.
    RFM uses height and waist measure and has its own formula to compute the categories.
    WHR is expressed as a ratio of waist to hip.
    It is more on the fat distribution part rather than how much fat is present.
    It predicts risks pertaining to the fat distribution between waist and hips.
    Both are useful guides in predicting overall health risk and different studies confirm the same.

  • Burning more calories by doing regular exercises and reducing fat intake with dietary changes can help reduce waist fat and improve whr scores.