Unscramble the word
Time Left:
0 secs
Invalid Attempts: 0/25
Your Score: 0 / 100

How to play the Unscramble game

- Each game contains a word that is jumbled up
- You have to use the letters to form the main target word .
- In addition, form as many words as possible from the letters that are given. The minimum no of letters to be used is 3
- You will have 5 mins to unscramble the word and create as many valid words as possible.
- You can click on Hint when you want to take help
- The game ends once you exceed the maximum no of allowed attempts or if time runs out or if you find all the words . Game also ends if you click Reveal button
- 50% weightage is for finding the target word . Remaining 50% is for the number of smaller valid words that you are able to find.
- You can click on REVEAL option if you want to see all the words. Reveal will be shown once you click Hint
- Click on REFRESH to restart the game freshly.
- You can copy the current game and share with friends. The same scrambled word will be available to whoever uses the game link that you share.
Create Your own Unscramble Words Maker Game

- You can create your own free unscramble word maker games and share it with friends . The game link will always be valid and you can create and share and play any number of the unscramble word game
- Select / Enable the option labelled as 'Create My Unscramble Text Twist game'.
- In the text field, enter your word. Make sure it is a valid word.
- In the scrambled text box, it will automatically populate the shuffled word. You can edit it if needed
- You can also include a separate Hint which user can avail anytime in the game
- Save the word and then click on Copy OR Share and share it with friends. When you navigate using the link, the word game along with the scrambled text you created will be available
- To change the word, you can simply type in a new word and save it.