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Hexadecimal Decoder - Hex to Text Converter

Convert Hexadecimal to Text (hex decoder) or Text to Hexadecimal (hex encoder) Online

Select Encode to convert from text to hex. Select Decode to convert from hex to text

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What is Hex Encoder?

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  • Encoding is a process by which the input data is transformed to a different format. For eg, the letter 'a' is transformed to 61 in hex encoded format

  • Hex Encoder is a tool that uses hexadecimal system to encode plain text to hex format.

  • Hexadecimal system is also known as Base 16 as it uses 16 chars for encoding. These are 0 to 9 and A to F that are combined to represent 4 bits of binary data

  • In hexadecimal encoding scheme, every 4 bits is transformed to hexadecimal value (0-9, A-F). So every character represented by 8 bits of data in binary will have 2 hex symbols. The binary representation for a character in 8 bits can range from 00000000 to 11111111 which is 00 to FF in hexadecimal system.

  • Consider letter 'P' whose ascii value is 80 and represented in binary form as 01010000. The first 4 bits 0101 is 5 in hexa. The last 4 bits 0000 is 0 in hex. So letter 'P' in hexa is 0x50. 0x as prefix is used to depict an hexadecimal value

  • This is an example of an encoded format
    Input (Plain text): What is Encoding?
    Hex Encoded Output:
    57 68 61 74 20 69 73 20 65 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 3f

  • The same encoding system has be used for decoding to convert encoded text back to original format

What is Hex Decoder?

  • Decoding is a process by which the encoded data is transformed back to its original text format.

  • Hex Decoder is a tool that uses hexadecimal system to decode hex data to plain text format.

  • For eg, a '4B' hex value gets decoded to letter 'K'. 4 in binary is 0100 while B is 1011
    4B is 01001011 which is 75 in Ascii representing character 'K'

  • This is an example of hex to text decoding
    Encoded Input: 77 68 61 74 20 69 73 20 68 65 78 20 64 65 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 3f
    Decoded Text:
    what is hex decoding?

  • Decoding uses the same encoding system to convert back to the original format without needing a key. If we know a particular output is hex encoded, we can convert it back to original readable text by using this tool or by referring a hex table

  • In Hex decoding, the 2 hex symbols are converted to their respective binary data of 8 bits which are then mapped to the respective character.

Is Hex Encoding same as Encryption?

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  • No, Hex Encoding is not same as Encryption

  • The algorithm used in encryption is different and more secure as compared to encoding. Encryption uses a public or private key to transform the input.
    There is no key in encoding. In encoding, the input text is replaced by another number based on the encoding format. Ascii, Hex, Base 64, Unicode are some of the encoding formats.

  • Hex encoding is mainly used for data transmission to prevent data from getting misinterpreted. It is not as secure as encryption. It provides a very simple layer of obfuscation where data is not visible directly It is also used for presenting binary data in a readable format . An example is that of representing color codes in hex format #FFFFFF

  • In hex encoding, the data can be decoded easily by parsing every 4 bits and mapping it to the ascii charset. Encryption is more advanced and without the key which is user provided, the data cannot be decrypted

Difference between Ascii and Hex Encoding?

  • Ascii is a character encoding format. It is commonly used to represent text data in computers

  • In Ascii format, 7 bits are used to represent different characters. For eg, digits 0 to 9 is mapped to numbers 48 to 57 in Ascii.
    The ascii value 48 is stored in binary form as 00110000 and 57 in binary form as 00111001

  • Ascii covers a limited range of character set mostly that of the english language and covers control and few special characters. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

  • Hex encoding works at the level of binary data. In Hex encoding, every text char of 8 bits is stored as 2 hexadecimal numbers. Every 4 bit of binary is converted to its hexa equivalent.

  • Hexadecimal system uses these 16 charset: A,B,C,D,E,F, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

How to Use Hexadecimal to Text Converter?

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This tool supports both hexadecimal to text conversion and text to hexadecimal conversion

To Convert 'Hexadecimal to Text', follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Select the Option 'Decode'

  • Step 2: In the Input box on the left, enter the hexadecimal text. You can also browse or drag n drop any file contain hexadecimal input.

  • Step 3: The converted text automatically appears in the output box.

  • Step 4: Click on Download icon to download to a text file or click on Copy icon to copy the converted text to a clipboard

To Convert 'Text to Hexadecimal', follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Select the Option 'Encode'

  • Step 2: In the Input box on the left, enter the plain text. You can also browse or drag n drop any file contain plain input.

  • Step 3: The hexadecimal output automatically appears in the output box.

  • Step 4: Click on Download icon to download to a file or click on Copy icon to copy the contents to a clipboard

Benefits of using our tool for Text to Hex Conversion

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  • User Friendly: The tool supports bi-directional conversion easily. It's simple and intuitive to use. The conversion happens automatically once input is detected.

  • Secure: The entire conversion happens on client side. There is no transmission of data over the network and confidential data can be used without any risk of hacking.

  • No Installs, No Downloads: You can bookmark the page and use it anytime without installing any new software and without having to download

  • Free: The online tool is completely free and available at all times.

  • Performance: The conversion is instant without any lag. There is no page reload or delay in the processing. Faster and more accurate than native ones.

  • Accessibility: It is designed as a responsive web app and easily accessible on desktop, tablets and all mobile devices.

Hexadecimal Decoder (Base 16 to Ascii text) Table

Conversion Table Icon
Hex Code (0x30-0x7A)CharacterDecimal
30 0 48
31 1 49
32 2 50
33 3 51
34 4 52
35 5 53
36 6 54
37 7 55
38 8 56
39 9 57
41 A 65
42 B 66
43 C 67
44 D 68
45 E 69
46 F 70
47 G 71
48 H 72
49 I 73
4A J 74
4B K 75
4C L 76
4D M 77
4E N 78
4F O 79
50 P 80
51 Q 81
52 R 82
53 S 83
54 T 84
55 U 85
56 V 86
57 W 87
58 X 88
59 Y 89
5A Z 90
61 a 97
62 b 98
63 c 99
64 d 100
65 e 101
66 f 102
67 g 103
68 h 104
69 i 105
6A j 106
6B k 107
6C l 108
6D m 109
6E n 110
6F o 111
70 p 112
71 q 113
72 r 114
73 s 115
74 t 116
75 u 117
76 v 118
77 w 119
78 x 120
79 y 121
7A z 122
Hex Code (0x20-0x7E)CharacterDecimal
20 space32
21 !33
22 "34
23 #35
24 $36
25 %37
26 &38
27 '39
28 (40
29 )41
2A *42
2B +43
2C ,44
2D -45
2E .46
2F /47
3A :58
3B ;59
3C <60
3D =61
3E >62
3F ?63
5B [91
5C ""92
5D ]93
5E ^94
5F _95
7B {123
7C |124
7D }125
7E ~126

Frequently Asked Questions on Hex Decoder and Hex Encoder

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Do you need any special software to use this converter?

This is a free to use online tool. No special software or downloads are required to use the tool.

How do you indicate a hex format number?

0x before the number means it is in hexadecimal format like 0x4B, 0x41. Alternately, it is also indicated by 'h' as suffix like 3Ah (means hex 3A or 0x3A).

What is the use of hexadecimal encoding?

It is more compact and a more human readable and understandable format than the binary system of 1's and 0's.
Hexadecimal scheme is also used in URL encoding to escape special reserved characters for transmission over internet.

What is hex code?

In Color coding, hex code is used to represent the Red, Green and Blue colors in hexadecimal format
See RGB To HEX for more details

What does hex 0A , 0D represent?

They are control characters also known as CRLF. 0A is line feed (LF). 0D is carriage return (CR)

Difference between ASCII and Hexadecimal?

Both are used to represent character codes and have different values to represent them. ASCII has a range from 0 to 127 to represent decimals and A-Z, a-z and other commonly used special chars.
In Hexadecimal format, the same ASCII codes are in the range 00 to FF.

What is the range / maximum hexadecimal system can support?

Hexadecimal uses 16 diff values 0-9, A-F to represent 8 bit of data.
So 16 to the power of 7 is the total character that can be represented in hexadecimal format which is 235.4 million (235435456).

Difference between base 64 encoding and hex encoding?

Hex encoding also called as base 16 and it uses 4 bits for represent a character. 1 byte for 2 chars.
Base 64 uses 6 bits to represent a character. 12 bits (1 byte + 4 bits) for 2 characters and 4 bytes for 3 chars.

What is UTF-8 encoding?

UTF-8 is the standard encoding used for encoding text. Every character in Unicode has a unique code point.
UTF-8 is a variable width encoding format. It uses 1 byte (8 bits) to represent ascii range characters and extends to 2, 3 or 4 bytes to cover full range of charset.
UTF-8 is apt for text encoding, hex encoding is more suitable for binary form of data.