How to Convert Hours to Seconds and Seconds to hour
How many seconds to hours (hr to sec)?
To convert seconds to hours, divide seconds by 3600:
For example, to convert 6600 seconds to hours, divide 6600 by 3600:
Hours = Seconds / 3600
Hours = 6600 seconds / 3600 = 1.833 hours
How many seconds in an hour?(sec to hr)
To convert hours to seconds, multiply hours by 3600
To convert 2 hours to seconds, multiply 2 by 3600:
Seconds = Hours * 3600
Seconds = 2 hours * 3600 = 7200 seconds
How to Convert Seconds to Hours, Minutes and Seconds
To split seconds to Hours Minutes Seconds, first divide the seconds value by 3600. The integer part is the 'hour'
Multiply the decimal part by 60. The resultant integer is 'minutes'
Multiply the decimal part once again by 60 to get 'seconds'
'1' is the hour value. Multiply 0.020833 by 60 to get 1.24998
The integer part of 1.24998 is '1' which is minutes
Multiply .24998 by 60 to get 14.998 or '15' secs
For example consider converting 3675 secs to hr min sec values.
3675/3600 = 1.020833
3975 secs = 1 hour + 1 min + 15 secs
How to Convert Hours, Minutes and Seconds to Seconds
To convert hours mins and secs to seconds, first multiply hour value by 3600 to convert to seconds.
Multiply mins by 60 to convert to seconds
Add both of the above to secs
For example to convert 12 hours 30 mins 30 secs to seconds
seconds = hours * 3600 + mins * 60 + secs
seconds = 12 * 3600 + 30 * 60 + 30 = 43200+ 1800+30 = 45030 secs
Definition of Seconds and Hours

The second is the base unit of time in the International System of Units (SI). It is the duration corresponding to 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation between 2 states of cesium-133 atom.
The hour is a unit of time equal to one-twenty-fourth of a day. It is typically divided into 60 minutes. The hour is not a SI unit of time.
A second is 1/3600 of an hour.
The abbreviation for Hour is 'hr' and for seconds is 'sec'.
Hours to Seconds Conversion Table

Hours (hrs) | Seconds (secs) |
0.5 hrs | 1800 sec |
1 hr | 3600 sec |
2 hrs | 7200 sec |
3 hrs | 10800 sec |
4 hrs | 14400 sec |
5 hrs | 18000 sec |
6 hrs | 21600 sec |
7 hrs | 25200 sec |
8 hrs | 28800 sec |
9 hrs | 32400 sec |
10 hrs | 36000 sec |
11 hrs | 39600 sec |
12 hrs | 43200 sec |
15 hrs | 54000 sec |
20 hrs | 72000 sec |
24 hrs | 86400 sec |
32 hrs | 115200 sec |
36 hrs | 129600 sec |
48 hrs | 172800 sec |
50 hrs | 180000 sec |
60 hrs | 216000 sec |
100 hrs | 360000 sec |
120 hrs | 432000 sec |
200 hrs | 720000 sec |
250 hrs | 900000 sec |
500 hrs | 1800000 sec |
1000 hrs | 3600000 sec |
Seconds To Hours Conversion Table

Seconds (sec) | Hours (hrs) | Hours : Minutes : Seconds (hr:min:sec) |
1 sec | 0.00028 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 1 sec |
2 secs | 0.00056 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 2 secs |
5 secs | 0.00139 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 5 secs |
10 secs | 0.00278 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 10 secs |
15 secs | 0.00417 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 15 secs |
30 secs | 0.00833 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 30 secs |
45 secs | 0.0125 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 45 secs |
50 secs | 0.01389 hrs | 0 hrs : 0 mins : 50 secs |
60 secs | 0.01667 hrs | 0 hrs : 1 min : 0 secs |
90 secs | 0.025 hrs | 0 hrs : 1 min : 30 secs |
100 secs | 0.02778 hrs | 0 hrs : 1 min : 40 secs |
120 secs | 0.03333 hrs | 0 hrs : 2 mins : 0 secs |
150 secs | 0.04167 hrs | 0 hrs : 2 mins : 30 secs |
180 secs | 0.05 hrs | 0 hrs : 3 mins : 0 secs |
200 secs | 0.05556 hrs | 0 hrs : 3 mins : 20 secs |
260 secs | 0.07222 hrs | 0 hrs : 4 mins : 20 secs |
300 secs | 0.08333 hrs | 0 hrs : 5 mins : 0 secs |
360 secs | 0.1 hrs | 0 hrs : 6 mins : 0 secs |
720 secs | 0.2 hrs | 0 hrs : 12 mins : 0 secs |
1000 secs | 0.27778 hrs | 0 hrs : 16 mins : 40 secs |
1440 secs | 0.4 hrs | 0 hrs : 24 mins : 0 secs |
5000 secs | 1.38889 hrs | 1 hr : 23 mins : 20 secs |
6000 secs | 1.66667 hrs | 1 hr : 40 mins : 0 secs |
7200 secs | 2 hrs | 2 hrs : 0 mins : 0 secs |
10000 secs | 2.77778 hrs | 2 hrs : 46 mins : 40 secs |
21600 secs | 6 hrs | 6 hrs : 0 mins : 0 secs |
86400 secs | 24 hrs | 24 hrs : 0 mins : 0 secs |