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How to Generate Random Numbers using the Tool?

Generate Random Numbers with Min and Max Range
- To generate within a given range, enter Min and Max number. For example, to generate between -10 and 100, Min will be -10 and Max will be 100
- To get a list of numbers, change the count in the field labelled as 'How Many'. The default is 1
- Click on 'Generate' button
- The tool will generate a list of integers as per the setting. It will generate non-duplicate numbers by default
- To get with duplicate numbers, you can enable the 'Allow Duplicates' option
- Click on 'Refresh' to get a fresh set of numbers
- To pick a number at random, set Count as '1' and enter min and max appropriately. For eg to pick a number between 1 and 3, enter min as 1, max as 3 and click Generate.
How to Generate for a Specific Number of Digits?
- To generate based on number of digits, you have to simply set the min and max appropriately
- For example, to generate 3 digit random numbers, set min as 100 and max as 999. Click on Generate
How to Generate Random Decimal Numbers?
- Click the option 'Include Decimals'.
- Enter the Number of Decimals needed. Default is 1
- Enter the Min and Max Range. Click on Generate
The table below captures a few scenarios with min and max configuration
Scenario | Min (inclusive) | Max (inclusive) | Example: Your Random Number is |
Random Text Number with length 5 | 10000 | 99999 | 46803 |
Random Text Number with length 8 to 10 | 10000000 | 9999999999 | 825592776 |
Pick a number between 1 and 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Generate random number 1 to 25 | 1 | 25 | 3 |
Pick a number between 500 and 1000 | 500 | 1000 | 918 |
1 digit generator | 0 | 9 | 1 |
2 digit generator | 10 | 99 | 80 |
3 digit generator | 100 | 999 | 466 |
4 digit generator | 1000 | 9999 | 1205 |
5 digit generator | 10000 | 99999 | 48497 |
6 digit generator | 100000 | 999999 | 326942 |
What Algorithm is used by Random Number Generator Tool?

- There are two main types of random number generators: pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) and true random number generators (TRNGs).
- PRNGs use a program/algorithm to generate a sequence of numbers that are random.
- TRNGs are based on physical elements such as atmospheric noise or hum to generate random numbers.
- This tool generates Pseudo Random Numbers from Rand library.
- You can set Integer ranges from -2147483647 to 2147483647 in this tool
Frequently Asked Questions on RNG Generator

What does RNG and PRNG stand for?
RNG stands for Random Number Generator.
PRNG stands for Pseudo Random Number Generator
What is PRNG?
Pseudo random number generator.
What is TRNG?
True Random number generator.
What are the types of Random numbers?
True Random number - This is also called Non deterministic random number.
It is based on hardware and other combinations of noise.
Pseudo Random number - This is also called Deterministic random number.
This produces predictable output and more of software program based.
How can this tool be used as number picker?
This tool can pick a number from a range.
Configure the min number and max number to the range with count as 1.
To pick a number between 1 and 5, configure min as 1 and max as 5 and click generate.
What are the popular PRNG algorithms?
Mersenne Twister (MT), Linear congruential generators (LCG) , Multiplicative Congruential Method (Lehmer Method), Lagged Fibonacci to name a few of them.
What is DRBG?
It stands for Deterministic Random Bit Generator.
It is same as Pseudo random number generator.