
Percent to Fraction - Fraction to Percent

Convert Percent to Fraction, Percent to Mixed Fraction. Convert Fraction to Percent, Mixed Fraction to Percent


Percent Fraction Converter

You can input in any of the fields and get equivalent values.

How to Convert Percent to Fraction

Percent Frac icon
  • Step 1: To change percentage to fraction, divide the given percent value by 100 and get the decimal number.

  • Step 2: Count number of digits after a decimal point. Eg: 4.16 has two digits after the decimal point, so d = 2.

  • Step 3: Calculate the factor ‘f” using f^d f= 10^2, so f= 100.

  • Step 4: Decimal Number should be multiplied and divided by the factor

    Step 5: Simplify the fraction.

Turning Fractions into Percentages

Percent Frac icon
  • Step 1: To change fraction to percentage, Divide the numerator by denominator.

  • Step 2: Get the result and multiply by 100.

  • Step 3: Result is the fraction as a percent (%).

How to Convert Mixed Fraction to Percent (mixed number to Percent)

Percent Frac icon
  • Step 1: Convert the given mixed number into the decimal value.

  • Step 2: Divide the numerator by the denominator

  • Step 3: Add the decimal value to the whole number part of the mixed number

  • Step 4: Multiply the decimal number by 100 to get the percent value

Percent as a Fraction table

Conversion Table Icon
Percent Fraction Mixed Fraction
0.125% 1/800 0 1/800
0.25% 1/400 0 1/400
0.7% 7/1000 0 7/1000
0.8% 1/125 0 1/125
1.25% 9/800 0 9/800
2% 1/50 0 1/50
3% 3/100 0 3/100
7.5% 3/40 0 3/40
8% 2/25 0 2/25
8.5% 17/200 0 17/200
10% 1/10 0 1/10
12% 3/25 0 3/25
15% 3/20 0 3/20
20% 1/5 0 1/5
22% 11/50 0 11/50
25% 1/4 0 1/4
26% 13/50 0 13/50
30% 3/10 0 3/10
32% 8/25 0 8/25
35% 7/20 0 7/20
40% 2/5 0 2/5
42% 21/50 0 21/50
45% 9/20 0 9/20
50% 1/2 0 1/2
57% 57/100 0 57/100
60% 3/5 0 3/5
66.6% 333/500 0 333/500
72% 18/25 0 18/25
75% 3/4 0 3/4
80% 4/5 0 4/5
95% 19/20 0 19/20