
Percentage Change Calculator

Find the Percent Increase or Percent Decrease between two numbers

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Percent Change Calculator


Formula for Percent Change Calculation

Percent Change = ((Final Value - Initial Value) / Initial Value) * 100%

This formula can be used to calculate the percent change of any two values, regardless of their units.

You can use it to calculate the percent change of a population, a stock price, or a temperature as per examples below:

  • Percent Increase

    Population in 2020 = 800 crores

    Population in 2021 = 900 crores

    Percentage increase = 900-800 / 800 * 100 = +12.5% increase

  • Percent Decrease

    Growth in starting year = 100

    Growth after one year = 90

    Percentage decrease = 90-100 / 100 * 100 = - 10% decrease

  • Percent Change from negative to positive

    Previous value = -5

    New value = 2

    Percentage increase = 2 -- 5 / -5 * 100 = 140 % increase

  • Percent Change for Fraction

    Previous value = 1/4

    New value = 1/2

    Percentage increase = (1/2)-(1/4) / (1/4) * 100 = 100 % increase

  • Find Percent change from 0 to 1, 0 to any number

    Anything divided by 0 is undefined or infinity. In practical terms, it means 100% increase

  • Find New Value for a given Percentage Increase

    Previous score = 700

    Percentage increase = 12%

    new value = 700 + 700 * 12/100 = 784 increase

  • Find Original Value for a given Percentage Decrease

    new value = 100

    percentage decrease = -25%

    old value = 100 + (100 * 25 / 100) = 125

Find Initial Value or Final Value given Percent Change

Change Icon

How to find initial value or final value given percent change:

To find the initial value:

Initial Value = Final Value / (1 + (Percent Change / 100))

To find the final value:

Final Value = Initial Value * (1 + (Percent Change / 100))

For example, if Initial value is 20 and percent change is 25%, then final value = 20 *(1+25/100) = 25

Where is Percent Change Used?

Change Icon
A positive percent change indicates an increase while a negative percent change indicates a decrease.
If the price of a stock increases from 400 to 800, it means there is 100% increase.
If the temperature changes from 30 degrees to 25 Degrees, then there is a 16.67% decrease in temperature
Percent Changes are widely used in Mathematics, Statistical Analysis, Trends, Finance and Stock Markets, Performance Tracking, Discount Calculations,

Percent Change Table

Percent Change Conversion Table Icon
Input (Percent change from) Percent Change (% change)
1/4 to 1/2 + 100%
2 to 1 - 50%
0 to 1 100% or infinity increase
1 to 2 + 100%
4 to 7 + 75%
4 to 3 - 25%
4 to 5 + 25%
2 to 3 + 50%
8 to 10 + 25%
12 to 15 + 25%
10 to 3 - 70%
10 to 24 + 140%
100 to 80 - 20%
15 to 18 + 20%
2/5 to 4/5 + 100%
2 to 1.6 - 20%
8 to 2 - 75%
3/8 to 7/8 + 133.333%
3 to 30 + 900%
4/5 to 3/5 - 25%
40 to 60 + 50%
40 to 20 - 50%
4 to 1 - 75%
50 to 35 - 30%
5 to 9 + 80%
50 to 22 - 56%
8 to 6 - 25%
6 to 36 + 500%
4 to 6 + 50%
10 to 9 - 10%
19 to 9 - 52.6316%
6 to 9 + 50%
10 to 8 - 20%
5 to 8 + 60%
4 to 7 + 75%
5 to 7 + 40%
2/7 to 4/7 + 100%

Frequently Asked Questions on Percentage Change Calculator

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What is percent change?

Percentage change is calculated as the difference between 2 values divided by the old value and multiplied by 100.
Percentage change from 1 to 3 = (3-1 / 1) x 100 = 200% change

Is Percent change and Rate of Change same?

Not exactly. Rate of change is always with respect to time.
Percent change is just change from old to new. The formula to compute the change from old to new is the same
Population Growth, Forest Area Reduction, Depreciation of Stock value are all examples for Rate of Change as it is measured with respect to time
Rainfall Increase or Decrease, Exam Scores with Pass/Fail Percent are some of the areas where Percent Increase or Decrease is used

What is percent increase formula?

Percent Change = + (New Value - Previous Value / Previous Value * 100)

How do you find a percent decrease?

Percent Change = - (New Value - Previous Value / Previous Value * 100)