Use 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' arrow to move the battle matchine. Press SPACEBAR to release the bullet.
Help: Hit 'Spacebar' to shoot. Use Left and Right Arrow to move the machine
How to play Paratrooper Game?

- The paratrooper game is an adaptation and inspired by the classic arcade game of the 80's. The objective is to shoot down all the invading enemy paratroopers.
- Player (You) control a battle machine and use it to fire at enemy troopers. Goal is to protect the base from being captured by the troopers.
- Use 'Left Arrow' and 'Right Arrow' to control the player and battle machine movement. Use Spacebar to fire a bullet
- You must shoot down the paratroopers before they can drop to the ground.
- You must also tackle enemy jets that drop bombs. If a bomb hits you, the game is over. You can move out of the path of the bomb to avoid getting hit
- The game ends and you lose if more than 5 paratroopers descend to the ground and capture you or if a bomb falls on you. You win the game if you manage to restrict paratroopers on ground to less than 5 and dodge all the bombs.