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Fluid Ounces to Quarts Converter

Convert Ounces to Quarts and Quarts to Ounces

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Ounce - Quart Converter

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Formula to convert between Fluid Ounces and Quarts

Units Icon

How many Ounces to Quarts? (fl oz to qt)

To convert fluid ounces (fl oz) to quarts (qt), divide ounces by 32

Quarts = Fluid Ounces / 32

For example, 64 Fluid Ounces in Quarts is equal to 64/32 = 2 quarts

How many Quarts to Ounces ? (qt to floz)

To convert quarts (qt) to fluid ounces (fl oz), multiply quarts by 32

Fluid Ounces = Quarts * 32

For example, 0.5 Quarts in Ounces is equal to 0.5 * 32 = 16 fl oz

What are Fluid Ounces and Quarts?

Units Icon
  • Quarts and Fluid Ounces are units of volume. They are used mostly in the Imperial System and US customary systems of measurement
  • There are 32 fluid ounces in 1 quart.
  • Quarts are used for storing medium volumes of liquids such as water, oil, fuel, milk, juice, chemicals
  • Fluid ounces are smaller measures and more commonly used in households for measuring out medicines, syrup and cooking ingredients.

Fluid Ounces to Quarts Conversion Table

Conversion Table Icon
Ounces (oz) Quart (qt)

0.25 oz

0.007 qt

0.5 oz

0.016 qt

0.75 oz

0.023 qt

1 oz

0.031 qt

1.5 oz

0.047 qt

2 oz

0.062 qt

2.5 oz

0.078 qt

3 oz

0.094 qt

3.5 oz

0.109 qt

4 oz

0.125 qt

4.5 oz

0.141 qt

5 oz

0.156 qt

5.5 oz

0.172 qt

6 oz

0.187 qt

6.5 oz

0.203 qt

7 oz

0.219 qt

7.5 oz

0.234 qt

8 oz

0.25 qt

8.5 oz

0.266 qt

9 oz

0.281 qt

9.5 oz

0.297 qt

10 oz

0.312 qt

12.5 oz

0.391 qt

15 oz

0.469 qt

20 oz

0.625 qt

25 oz

0.781 qt

50 oz

1.562 qt

100 oz

3.125 qt

Quarts to Fluid Ounces Conversion Table

Conversion Table Icon
Quart (qt) Ounces (oz)
0.25 qt 8 oz
0.5 qt 16 oz
0.75 qt 24 oz
1 qt 32 oz
2 qt 64 oz
3 qt 96 oz
4 qt 128 oz
5 qt 160 oz
6 qt 192 oz
7 qt 224 oz
8 qt 256 oz
9 qt 228 oz
10 qt 320 oz
11 qt 352 oz
12 qt 384 oz
13 qt 416 oz
14 qt 448 oz
15 qt 480 oz
20 qt 640 oz
25 qt 800 oz
50 qt 1600 oz
75 qt 2400 oz
100 qt 3200 oz
200 qt 6400 oz