Enter the number to convert to words

Number in Words Table
Number / Amount | Amount in Words (International) | Amount in Words (India) |
1 | One | One |
10 | Ten | Ten |
100 | One Hundred | One Hundred |
500 | Five Hundred | Five Hundred |
1000 | One Thousand | One Thousand |
10000 | Ten Thousand | Ten Thousand |
12345 | Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five | Twelve Thousand Three Hundred And Forty Five |
100000 | One Hundred Thousand | One Lakh |
111222 | One Hundred Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Two | One Lakh Eleven Thousand Two Hundred And Twenty Two |
1000000 | One Million | Ten Lakhs |
1234321 | One Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Three Hundred Twenty One | Twelve Lakhs Thirty Four Thousand Three Hundred And Twenty One |
10000000 | Ten Million | One Crore |
67867890 | Sixty Seven Million Eight Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety | Six Crores Seventy Eight Lakhs Sixty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred And Ninety |
100000000 | One Hundred Million | Ten Crores |
987654321 | Nine Hundred Eighty Seven Million Six Hundred Fifty Four Thousand Three Hundred Twenty One | Ninety Eight Crores Seventy Six Lakhs Fifty Four Thousand Three Hundred And Twenty One |