
Meters per Second to Miles Per Hour Converter

Convert Meters per second to Miles per hour (m/s to mph) or Miles per hour to Meters per sec (mph to m/s)

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Meters/sec to Miles/hour

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Formula to Convert Meters per Second to Miles Per hour

How many Meters Per Second to Miles Per hour?

  • To convert meters per second to miles per hour, multiply meters/sec by 2.23694
    Miles Per Hour = m/s * 2.23694

  • For example, to convert 150 meters per second to miles per hour, multiply 150 by 2.23694
  • miles per hour = 2.23694 * 150 m/s = 335.54040 mph

How many Miles Per hour in Meters Per Second?

  • To convert miles per hour to meters per second, divide miles/hr by 2.23694
    Meters Per Second = mph / 2.23694

  • For example, to convert 75 miles per hour to meters per second , divide 75 by 2.23694
  • meters per second = 75 mph/2.23694 = 33.528 m/s

What is Meters Per Second?

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  • Meters Per Second (m/s) is the SI unit of speed/velocity.
  • It measures the distance travelled in meters by a moving object in a second.
  • This is the standard Unit for Speed measurement.
  • Abbreviation for meters per second is m/s.
  • The other commonly used and popular units of speed are Kilometers/Hour and Miles Per hour.

What is measured using Meters Per Second?

If the distance is short, then it's easy to visualize with meters per second like a 100 meter race.

Or if the speed is of very large magnitude, then again it's often specified in meters per second such as speed of light or sound.

A few examples are given below:

  • Speed of light is measured in meters per second and is equal to 3x10^8 m/s.
  • Speed of sound in specified conditions is also in meters per second and equal to 343 m/s
  • Walking or Running speed of human beings is in m/s. The average running speed is typically between 2 to 3 m/s
  • The earth's rotation speed around the axis is 460 m/s
  • The earth's revolution speed around the sun is 30,000 m/s

What is Miles Per hour?

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  • Miles per hour is unit of speed in the imperial system. Imperial system is followed in US and few other countries
  • Miles per hour is the distance travelled (measured in miles) by an object in an hour
  • The abbreviation used for miles per hour is mph.

What is measured using Miles per hour?

Where it is easier to visualize the time in hours in medium to long distances, it is useful to use miles per hour or kms per hour such as in travel

A few examples are given below for usage of mph:

  • Speed of vehicles and cars is expressed in miles per hour such as 60 mph.
  • Wind speeds, speed of Hurricanes are in the range 75-130 mph
  • Animal speeds are measured in mph. For example, Cheetah, the fastest land animal, typically clocks speed in the range of 40-75 mph
  • Cycling, Long distance Races such as Marathons are in mph ranging from 3 mph to 15 mph

Miles per hour to Meters per second Conversion Table (mph to mps)

Conversion Table Icon
Miles per hour (mph) Meters per second (m/s) Kilometers per hour (kmh)
1 mph 0.45 mps 1.61 kmh
5 mph 2.24 mps 8.05 kmh
10 mph 4.47 mps 16.09 kmh
15 mph 6.71 mps 24.14 kmh
20 mph 8.94 mps 32.19 kmh
25 mph 11.18 mps 40.23 kmh
30 mph 13.41 mps 48.28 kmh
35 mph 15.65 mps 56.33 kmh
40 mph 17.88 mps 64.37 kmh
45 mph 20.12 mps 72.42 kmh
50 mph 22.35 mps 80.47 kmh
60 mph 26.82 mps 96.56 kmh
70 mph 31.29 mps 112.65 kmh
75 mph 33.53 mps 120.7 kmh
80 mph 35.76 mps 128.75 kmh
85 mph 38 mps 136.79 kmh
90 mph 40.23 mps 144.84 kmh
95 mph 42.47 mps 152.89 kmh
99 mph 44.26 mps 159.33 kmh
100 mph 44.7 mps 160.93 kmh
105 mph 46.94 mps 168.98 kmh
110 mph 49.17 mps 177.03 kmh
115 mph 51.41 mps 185.07 kmh
120 mph 53.64 mps 193.12 kmh
125 mph 55.88 mps 201.17 kmh
130 mph 58.12 mps 209.21 kmh
135 mph 60.35 mps 217.26 kmh
140 mph 62.59 mps 225.31 kmh
145 mph 64.82 mps 233.35 kmh
150 mph 67.06 mps 241.4 kmh
160 mph 71.53 mps 257.5 kmh
170 mph 76 mps 273.59 kmh
175 mph 78.23 mps 281.64 kmh
180 mph 80.47 mps 289.68 kmh
185 mph 82.7 mps 297.73 kmh
190 mph 84.94 mps 305.78 kmh
195 mph 87.17 mps 313.82 kmh
200 mph 89.41 mps 321.87 kmh
205 mph 91.64 mps 329.92 kmh
210 mph 93.88 mps 337.96 kmh
220 mph 98.35 mps 354.06 kmh
225 mph 100.58 mps 362.1 kmh
230 mph 102.82 mps 370.15 kmh
235 mph 105.05 mps 378.2 kmh
240 mph 107.29 mps 386.24 kmh
250 mph 111.76 mps 402.34 kmh
260 mph 116.23 mps 418.43 kmh
270 mph 120.7 mps 434.52 kmh
280 mph 125.17 mps 450.62 kmh
290 mph 129.64 mps 466.71 kmh
300 mph 134.11 mps 482.8 kmh
310 mph 138.58 mps 498.9 kmh
320 mph 143.05 mps 514.99 kmh
330 mph 147.52 mps 531.08 kmh
340 mph 151.99 mps 547.18 kmh
350 mph 156.46 mps 563.27 kmh
360 mph 160.93 mps 579.36 kmh
370 mph 165.4 mps 595.46 kmh
380 mph 169.88 mps 611.55 kmh
390 mph 174.35 mps 627.64 kmh
400 mph 178.82 mps 643.74 kmh
500 mph 223.52 mps 804.67 kmh
600 mph 268.22 mps 965.61 kmh
700 mph 312.93 mps 1126.54 kmh
800 mph 357.63 mps 1287.48 kmh
900 mph 402.34 mps 1448.41 kmh
1000 mph 447.04 mps 1609.34 kmh

Meters per second to Miles per hour Conversion Table

Conversion Table Icon
Meters per second (m/s) Miles per hour (mph) Kilometers per hour (kmh)
1 mps 2.24 mph 3.6 kmh
5 mps 11.18 mph 18 kmh
10 mps 22.37 mph 36 kmh
15 mps 33.55 mph 54 kmh
20 mps 44.74 mph 72 kmh
25 mps 55.92 mph 90 kmh
30 mps 67.11 mph 108 kmh
50 mps 111.85 mph 180 kmh
60 mps 134.22 mph 216 kmh
70 mps 156.59 mph 252 kmh
80 mps 178.96 mph 288 kmh
90 mps 201.32 mph 324 kmh
100 mps 223.69 mph 360 kmh
110 mps 246.06 mph 396 kmh
120 mps 268.43 mph 432 kmh
130 mps 290.8 mph 468 kmh
140 mps 313.17 mph 504 kmh
150 mps 335.54 mph 540 kmh
160 mps 357.91 mph 576 kmh
170 mps 380.28 mph 612 kmh
180 mps 402.65 mph 648 kmh
190 mps 425.02 mph 684 kmh
200 mps 447.39 mph 720 kmh
210 mps 469.76 mph 756 kmh
215 mps 480.94 mph 774 kmh
220 mps 492.13 mph 792 kmh
230 mps 514.5 mph 828 kmh
240 mps 536.87 mph 864 kmh
250 mps 559.24 mph 900 kmh
260 mps 581.6 mph 936 kmh
270 mps 603.97 mph 972 kmh
280 mps 626.34 mph 1008 kmh
290 mps 648.71 mph 1044 kmh
300 mps 671.08 mph 1080 kmh
310 mps 693.45 mph 1116 kmh
330 mps 738.19 mph 1188 kmh
340 mps 760.56 mph 1224 kmh
350 mps 782.93 mph 1260 kmh
360 mps 805.3 mph 1296 kmh
370 mps 827.67 mph 1332 kmh
375 mps 838.85 mph 1350 kmh
400 mps 894.78 mph 1440 kmh
450 mps 1006.62 mph 1620 kmh
470 mps 1051.36 mph 1692 kmh
500 mps 1118.47 mph 1800 kmh
600 mps 1342.16 mph 2160 kmh
700 mps 1565.86 mph 2520 kmh
800 mps 1789.55 mph 2880 kmh
900 mps 2013.25 mph 3240 kmh
1000 mps 2236.94 mph 3600 kmh
1200 mps 2684.33 mph 4320 kmh
1500 mps 3355.41 mph 5400 kmh
2000 mps 4473.88 mph 7200 kmh
3000 mps 6710.82 mph 10800 kmh
4000 mps 8947.76 mph 14400 kmh
5000 mps 11184.7 mph 18000 kmh
6000 mps 13421.64 mph 21600 kmh
7000 mps 15658.58 mph 25200 kmh
8000 mps 17895.52 mph 28800 kmh
9000 mps 20132.46 mph 32400 kmh
10000 mps 22369.4 mph 36000 kmh

Frequently Asked Questions on m/s to mph converter

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Which is bigger Meters per second or Miles Per hour?

Meters Per Second is the larger unit.

Meters per second is 2.2 times bigger than Miles per hour and 3.6 times bigger than Kilometers per hour.

From big to small => m/s > mph > kmh

Is Speed and Velocity Same?

The SI Unit of both speed and velocity is meters/sec.

Speed is a scalar unit and it measures the distance covered over a period of time.

Velocity is a vector unit which has both magnitude and direction. It measures the net displacement over time.

Is m/s2 same as m/s?

m/s2 is meter per second squared. m/s is meter per second

They are not the same. m/s2 is SI unit of acceleration and m/s is SI unit of speed.

Is Meters/Sec unit of speed or velocity?

Meters/Sec is SI unit of both Speed and Velocity. Velocity has both magnitude and direction

Both are expressed as distance / time.