- Arithmetic is one of the branches in mathematics. It covers basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, exponents, log
- Geometry deals with 2d and 3d objects, shapes and space
- Statistics deals with the study and analysis of data and its interpretation

Add Fractions and Numbers
Add and Subtract Decimals, Whole Numbers, Integers

Prime Number and Composite Number
What is Prime and How to find a number is Prime or Composite

Prime Factorization And Factorization
Find the Prime factor, Factor and Factor Pairs for a given number

Lowest Common Multiple
Find the lowest common multiple (lcm) of given numbers

Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
Find the greatest common factor of the given numbers

Divide by / Modulo Calculator
Divide Any two numbers and find the Quotient and Modulo

Square Root Calculator
Find the square root of any number

Factorial Calculator
Find the factorial of a number

Log Calculator
Find the common log, natural log of any number

Exponent Calculator
Find the power of any number

Million to Billion to Trillion Converter
Convert Big Number to Million, Billion, Trillion, Quadrillion and Quintillion

Scientifc Notation Calculator
Convert Number to Scientific Notation, Exponent Notation and Metric Notation

Arithmetic Operations Calculator
Evaluate Arithmetic Expressions using Order Of Operations rules with PEMDAS or BODMAS

Percent - Fraction Converter
Convert Fraction to Percent and Percent to Fraction

Decimal - Fraction Converter
Convert Decimal to Fraction and Fraction to Decimal

Percent - Decimal Converter
Convert Decimal to Percent and Percent to Decimal

Triangle Calculator
Find the sides and angles of a triangle using SSS, SAS or ASA methods

Surface Area Calculator
Find Surface Area of Cylinder, Surface Area of Sphere and Surface Area of Cube, Cuboid, Pyramid, Prism, Cone

Volume Calculator
Volume of Cylinder Formula, Volume of Sphere and Volume of Cube, Cuboid, Pyramid, Prism, Cone

2d Shapes Area Calculator
Area and Perimeter of Circle, Rectangle, Triangle, Ellipse, Rhombus, Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Pentagon, Hexagon

Statistics Summary Calculator
Compute Mean, Median, Mode, Quartiles, Variance, Standard Deviation, Min, Max, Range, Standard Error and Sigma

Correlation Coefficient R Calculator
Find the correlation coefficient between two variables .

Percent Change Calculator
Find the Percent Change between two numbers.

Discount Calculator
Calculate the discounted price with the percent off calculator

GPA Calculator
Calculate your Weighted, Unweighted, Cumulative Overall GPA

Simple Interest Calculator
Find the simple interest and the final amount for the principal.