
Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generate Lorem Ipsum Text. You can generate any number of paragraphs

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Lorem Ipsum Generator

You can configure 1 or more paragraphs with fixed word count or random word count

Lorem Ipsum Text

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Why is Lorem Ipsum Popular?

Popular Icon Lorem Ipsum is a Latin placeholder text primarily used by UI Designers, Print publishers and Developers.
  • It is mainly used by UI designers as placeholder text and got popular after many UI designers across the world started adopting it
  • It helps to visualize the screen without distracting the viewer
  • Lorem ipsum text can be made to different lengths which can be used to detect text overflow and mis-alignment.
  • While prototyping, it is much faster to keep putting lorem ipsum content instead of waiting for actual content
  • It is based on real Latin language and not some concatenation of letters.

Advantages of using our Lorem Ipsum Generator tool

Popular Icon MyBrowser App Store's Lorem Ipsum Generator is
  • Very Simple to Use.
  • It has 2 simple customization Options. You can configure 'No of Paragraphs' and configure 'Words per Paragraph'. This helps with generating varying text lengths which can be used in different sections of the page design
  • It is super fast, online and accessible from any platform
  • You get new lorem ipsum content each time with variations
  • It's absolutely free. You can generate, copy, download and use it

Frequently Asked Questions on Lorem Ipsum Text Generator

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What is the meaning of Lorem Ipsum?

It is a 'Latin word'. It is derived from 'dolorem ipsum' means 'pain itself'

What is lorem ipsum ?

Lorem ipsum is a dummy text or filler text mainly used in Visual design and publishing.
The purpose is to keep the user focus on the visual and presentation aspects and not get distracted by text content.

What is the use of lorem ipsum ?

It's a dummy placeholder text mainly used in visual design and printing to make sure that the text content does not overshadow the other main focus areas.
So whenever designers want to indicate that 'text content goes here...', they use lorem ipsum as that filler text
It's a traditional practice that dates back to 1500 years and continues till today.