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Color Finder from Image

Choose colors from an image, picture or photo. Get RGB or Hex color code from any part of an image

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Image - Color Extractor


How to Convert Image to Color Code using Tool?

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  • Using this tool, you can extract colors from an image or picture or photo.
  • Click on Browse icon and select the desired image. The image will get loaded into the input area.
  • If you know the path to an image url, then enter the http(s) url to the image path.
  • You can also copy an image to clipboard and 'Paste' or 'Ctrl V' in this page to load the image.
  • As soon as the image is loaded in the input area, the tool will list out all the colors used in that image along with the RGB, Hex code
  • You can also get the exact color at any specific point in the image. Click on any part of the image and view the details corresponding to the clicked pixel point.
  • The tool is free to use and all the extraction happens on the client side. There is no data transfer to the server.
  • Export the colors as json and share or download it as a file.

How does the Image Color Picker Work?

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  • This uses client side javascript and canvas to convert image to pixels.
  • The given image is drawn onto a canvas. The getImageData inbuilt function is used to get information for each pixel.
  • This function takes x, y position along with width and height as the input (rectangle coordinates) and returns an array of pixel data. Every 4 elements of the array constitutes r,g,b and alpha value of a pixel element.

Frequently Asked Questions on Image Color Picker Tool

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What is an Image Color Picker tool?

It is a tool that finds all the colors that make up an image.
User can get the color code (RGB or HEX) of the colors.
Input can be an image, picture or photo

What image formats are supported?

Image formats such as png, jpeg, tiff, gif, bmp are supported.

How does this tool work?

The tool provides a number of ways to load an image such as:
Browse and upload an image (picture or photo) to the tool from local system
Drag and drop an image into the input area.
Provide a http(s) link to the image.
Copy an image and paste it on the page.
The tool automatically extracts all the colors and displays them in a list
User can also click on specific areas of the image and view the color code of the selected area.

What color codes can this tool provide?

This tool finds all the colors used in the image and provides RGB and HEX color codes in json format.

Are there any restrictions in using the Image Picker tool?

This Image Color Picker is free to use and can work seamlessly on any device.
There are no restrictions as such. It is free to use and free to share.

Where are the uploaded images stored?

We do not store any uploaded images. The processing is all on client side and nothing is stored.
Images are loaded locally and discarded after user navigates from the page