
Division and Modulus Calculator

Divide Numbers by Fractions, Integers and Decimals. Find Remainder, Modulus and Quotient after division


Divide By

You can input in any of the fields and get equivalent values.

Number 1 (Dividend)


Number 2 (Divisor)

Result of -8 / 6 is


Quotient: -2

Remainder: -2

Modulo: 4

Division Table

Conversion Table Icon
Input Result Quotient Remainder Modulo
0 divided by 5 0 0 0 0
1 divided by 2 0.5 0 1 1
-1 divided by 2 -0.5 -1 -1 1
1 divided by -5 -0.2 -1 1 -4
5 divided by 3 1.7 1 2 2
-5 divided by 3 -1.7 -2 -2 1
5 divided by -3 -1.7 -2 2 -1
-5 divided by -3 1.7 1 -2 -2
12 divided by 4 3 3 0 0
15 divided by 2 7.5 7 1 1
21 divided by 4 5.25 5 1 1
-21 divided by 4 -5.25 -6 -1 3
21 divided by -4 -5.25 -6 1 3
-21 divided by -4 5.25 5 -1 -1
26 divided by 2 13 13 0 0
28 divided by 7 4 4 0 0
33 divided by 3 11 11 0 0
-33 divided by 3 -11 -11 0 -3
100 divided by -4 -25 -25 0 -4
100 divided by 7 14.3 14 2 2
100 divided by 15 6.7 6 10 10

Modulo Table

Conversion Table Icon
Input Result
modulo 0 No Result
1 modulo 0 No Result
modulo2 ( 1 mod 2) 1
1 modulo 4 1
1 modulo 16 1
1 modulo 20 1
modulo 26 (1 mod 26) 1
modulo 2 0 (2 / 0) No Result
3 modulo 4 3
4 modulo 5 4
5 modulo ( 1 mod 5) 1
5 modulo 5 0
5 modulo 9 5
6 modulo 7 6
7 modulo 0
8 modulo 0
10 modulo 10 0
10 modulo 0
modulo 25 1
modulo 30 1
modulo 32 1
50 modulo 2 0
60 modulo 60 0
120 modulo 60 0
modulo 128 1

What is a Quotient , Modulo and Remainder?

Remainder Icon
  • Quotient is the output that we get when a number is divided by another number

  • Quotient is always a whole number irrespective of whether the 2 numbers divide perfectly or not.

  • The symbol used for getting quotient is /

  • The first number which is getting divided in the numerator is called the 'dividend'.

  • The number that is dividing and in the denominator is called the divisor.

  • Remainder is the number that is left over after the division of the 2 numbers.

  • Modulo is same as Remainder if both the numbers (dividend and divisor ) are both positive or both negative.

  • Modulo symbol is %. For example 5 mod 2 is 1 and 6 mod 3 is 0

  • Modulo is different when either dividend or divisor is of different sign. If either dividend or divisor is -ve, then this equation holds good
    Modulo = Remainder + Divisor

  • Modulo takes the same sign as the divisor. Remainder takes the sign of dividend

  • When we use % with any programming language such as javascript or c++ or python, what we get as result is remainder and not modulo. This becomes obvious only if numerator or denominator either one of them is -ve.

  • Both Numerator and Denominator is +ve

  • Number 1 = 8 (dividend)

    Number 2 = 5 (divisor)

    Quotient = 8 / 5 = 1 (with left over as 3)

    Remainder = 3

    Modulo = 8% 5 = 3

  • Numerator is -ve and Denominator is +ve

  • Number 1 = -8

    Number 2 = 5

    Quotient = -8 / 5 = -2

    Remainder = -3

    Modulo = -8 % 5 = 2

  • Numerator is +ve and Denominator is -ve

  • Number 1 = 8

    Number 2 = -5

    Quotient = 8 / -5 = -2

    Remainder = 3

    Modulo = 8 % -5 = -2

  • Both Numerator and Denominator is -ve

  • Number 1 = -8

    Number 2 = -5

    Quotient = -8 / -5 = 2

    Remainder = -3

    Modulo = -8 % -5 = -3

Frequently Asked Questions on Division and Modulus Conversion

Remainder Icon

What is Modulus and Modulo?

Modulus is the remainder we get on dividing 2 numbers.
Example if we divide 8 by 5 , the remainder is 3.
The value '3' is referred to as the modulus.
Modulo is usually used for the operator which is symbolically represented by percentage %.
For eg, 5 modulo 2.
It is also written as 5 % 2 and the result is 1

Is Modulus and Remainder Same?

No, they are not the same.
If both numerator and denominator are of same sign (both +ve or both -ve), then modulus and remainder will be same.
If either numerator or denominator is -ve, then modulus and remainder become different
For example consider the fraction -8 / 6, remainder is -2 whereas modulus is 4.