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CSV to HTML Table Converter

Parse csv and convert csv to table, json or pdf Or Convert your table to csv.

Upload any csv data file. If input csv has no header, then uncheck the Header option.

Delimiter used is , (COMMA)
Number of Valid Rows:5
Number of discarded rows: 0

CSV to Table Output

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# Username User Id First name Last name
1eschmidt0001"Eric, C"Schmidt
2sgrey1234"Grey, Night"Shade
4mretton1999"Mary Lou,"Retton

What is CSV?

faq icon
  • CSV stands for 'Comma Separated Value'. It is a plain text file format that stores data and uses comma (,) as separator or delimiter.

  • For those familiar with table, we can visualize data in csv as every column being separated by a comma (or any delimiter) and every record or row separated by a new line.

  • A csv file usually contains a header with the field names. The header is optional and sometimes csv files do not have headers.
    If comma is part of the field value, then it has to be enclosed within double quotes to avoid being considered as a separator.

  • Apart from Comma, Semicolon (;), Colon (:), Space (\r), Tab (\t), Pipe (|), Dot (.) can also be used as delimiters .

  • Example of a CSV File:
    Username,ID,First name,Last name,Age
    vbtrumpet,1002,"Von, Braun", Trumpet,55
    fbelinda,18933,Felis, Belinda,23
    csancho,132099,Cernis, Sancho,14
    pficus,0028,Papaya, Ficus,80
    fzorro,0201,Fibonacci, Zorro,75

  • A CSV Parser parses a CSV Format file and extracts its contents. It should be able to auto detect the separator used if not specified.

How to use the CSV To Table Converter Tool?

CSV icon
  • Select the csv file using the browse icon or drag and drop the file into the input area. You can also copy the csv content and paste it directly.

  • If the csv does not contain heading/column titles in the first row, then uncheck the 'With Column Header' option.

  • Once the csv content is loaded, the tool automatically detects the delimiter and converts the csv to json and html table formats

  • You can edit the csv content in the input box directly for any changes needed and copy to clipboard using the copy icon.

  • The html table displays all the records in pages of 10. The number of records per page can be set above the table.

  • You can also filter and search by keyword and sort the different columns in ascending or descending order

  • Click on Export as json to get the csv input in json format

  • Select Export to pdf to view the entire table in pdf format.