
Free Digital Counter Tool

Track anything with ease! Up/Down tally counter with reset & target.

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Press + to increment counter and - to decrement the counter. Target set to 999 which can be changed in settings below.

Set Starting value for Counter and Target value
Set Counter Start Value
Target Value
Counter Name

Steps to use the Digital Counter Tool

Counter Tool
  • To get started, simply press the '+' to increment the counter. Press '-' to decrement the counter. View the counter value going up / down in the display boxes
  • Once you reach the target number, it will beep and change color indicating completion.
  • Click on 'Reset' button to start the counting freshly
  • The counter starting value is set to 0 and maximum value is set to 999
  • To change the starting value or target value, go to the section marked as 'Configuration'
  • To change the start value to a number other than 0, change the value in the field marked as 'Set Counter Start Value'. To change the target number to a value greater or lesser than 999, update the value in the field marked as 'Target Value'.
  • Click on Save. You can optionally give a name for the counter.
  • To continue counting from where you left off, you can click 'Copy' or 'Share'. This will create a link with the current state of the counter. You can use the same link next time to resume counting.

What is a Digital Counter Tool?

Counter Tool
  • A digital counter tool is software application that can increment or decrement a number on a tap or button click to enable counting up or counting down
  • The simplest counter tool will allow to reset the counter, set the target value and provide indication when the target is reached.
  • More advanced features include changing sound effects and tracking of multiple counts simultaneously.
  • This tool can be used for simple counting as in prayer or chanting