Correlation Statistics

Metric | Formula | Description | Result |
Pearson Correlation Coefficient / R Correlation | Correlation Coefficient Formula: | where, x̄ is the mean of x, ȳ is the mean of y and xi,yi are the individual values in sets of x and y | 0.9424 |
Count of dataset 1 | Count = n | where, n is the Number of items in dataset 1 | 18 |
Count of dataset 2 | Count = n | where, n is the Number of items in dataset 2 | 18 |
Sample Std Deviation | S = Square root((1/ n - 1 ) * ∑ i( x i - x ¯ ) 2) | where, n is Number of observations in sample, xi is individual values in sample and x ¯ is Sample mean | 6.546 |
Correlation Analysis / Inference
Correlation Range | Description |
1 | 100% Positive Correlation |
>= 0.7 < 1 | Strong Positive Correlation |
>= 0.5 < 0.7 | Moderate Positive correlation |
>= 0.3 < 0.5 | Low Positive Correlation |
> 0 <= 0.3 | No Correlation |
0 | No Correlation |
< 0 >= -0.3 | No Correlation |
>= -0.3 < -0.5 | Low Negative Correlation |
>=-0.5 < -0.7 | Moderate Negative Correlation |
>= -0.7 < - 1 | Strong Negative Correlation |
-1 | 100% Negative Correlation |
What is Coefficient Correlation and R?
Correlation Coefficient is the strength and relationship between two variables and the direction of it (+ve or -ve).
For example: Age vs Height have a positive correlation during the growing period.
Calories Consumed vs Weight has a positive correlation.
Relative Humidity and Temperature have a negative correlation
Density and Volume have a negative correlationR stands for Regression and is the correlation Coefficient between 2 sets of variables.
R value ranges from -1 to 1. A value of 0 for R indicates that there is no correlation between 2 sets of variables.
Significance of R
Significance of R is a measure of reliability. It is used to indicate if there is significant linear relationship between the variables and if it can be used for predictions
If R is significant, it indicates that the coefficient value and Scatter plot can be used for prediction of outcomes.based on the significant linear relationship between 2 variables
If R is NOT SIGNIFICANT, it means insignificant relationship between the variables and it cannot be used reliably to predict any outcome
This is used as a pre-requisite test before applying the Pearson's coefficient formula and analyzing
Frequently Asked Questions on R Calculator

What is the formula to determine R (formula for coefficient correlation)
correlation coefficient r = Σ(xi - x̄)(yi - ȳ) / √(Σ(xi - x̄)2Σ(yi - ȳ)2 ).
where,where, x̄ is the mean of x, ȳ is the mean of y and xi,yi are the individual values in sample sets of x and y.
It ranges between -1 to 1
What is a good R value?
1 or -1 depending on the variables under consideration
What is the strongest correlation value?
1 (positive) and -1 (negative)
What does R value of -0.7 mean?
Strong Negative Correlation
What does R value of 0.5 indicate?
Moderate Positive correlation
What does R value of -0.2 mean?
Negligible or No Correlation