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Correlation Coefficient (R) Calculator

Find Correlation coefficient between 2 variables using Pearson correlation formula (R). Generate Scatter Plot using the given set of data


Correlation Calculator

Enter your data as comma separated values or with spaces. You can also import csv or any data file with delimiters. Sample data is given below which can be edited.

Correlation Statistics

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Pearson Correlation Coefficient / R Correlation

Correlation Coefficient Formula:
r = Σ(xi - x̄)(yi - ȳ) / √(Σ(xi - x̄)2Σ(yi - ȳ)2 )

where, x̄ is the mean of x, ȳ is the mean of y and xi,yi are the individual values in sets of x and y


Count of dataset 1

Count = n

where, n is the Number of items in dataset 1


Count of dataset 2

Count = n

where, n is the Number of items in dataset 2


Sample Std Deviation

S = Square root((1/ n - 1 ) * ∑ i( x i - x ¯ ) 2)

where, n is Number of observations in sample, xi is individual values in sample and x ¯ is Sample mean


XY Scatter Plot

Data shows Strong Positive Correlation


Correlation Analysis / Inference

Correlation Range



100% Positive Correlation

>= 0.7 < 1

Strong Positive Correlation

>= 0.5 < 0.7

Moderate Positive correlation

>= 0.3 < 0.5

Low Positive Correlation

> 0 <= 0.3

No Correlation


No Correlation

< 0 >= -0.3

No Correlation

>= -0.3 < -0.5

Low Negative Correlation

>=-0.5 < -0.7

Moderate Negative Correlation

>= -0.7 < - 1

Strong Negative Correlation


100% Negative Correlation

What is Coefficient Correlation and R?

  • Correlation Coefficient is the strength and relationship between two variables and the direction of it (+ve or -ve).

  • For example: Age vs Height have a positive correlation during the growing period.
    Calories Consumed vs Weight has a positive correlation.
    Relative Humidity and Temperature have a negative correlation
    Density and Volume have a negative correlation

  • R stands for Regression and is the correlation Coefficient between 2 sets of variables.

  • R value ranges from -1 to 1. A value of 0 for R indicates that there is no correlation between 2 sets of variables.

Significance of R

  • Significance of R is a measure of reliability. It is used to indicate if there is significant linear relationship between the variables and if it can be used for predictions

  • If R is significant, it indicates that the coefficient value and Scatter plot can be used for prediction of outcomes.based on the significant linear relationship between 2 variables

  • If R is NOT SIGNIFICANT, it means insignificant relationship between the variables and it cannot be used reliably to predict any outcome

  • This is used as a pre-requisite test before applying the Pearson's coefficient formula and analyzing

Frequently Asked Questions on R Calculator

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What is the formula to determine R (formula for coefficient correlation)

correlation coefficient r = Σ(xi - x̄)(yi - ȳ) / √(Σ(xi - x̄)2Σ(yi - ȳ)2 ).
where,where, x̄ is the mean of x, ȳ is the mean of y and xi,yi are the individual values in sample sets of x and y.
It ranges between -1 to 1

What is a good R value?

1 or -1 depending on the variables under consideration

What is the strongest correlation value?

1 (positive) and -1 (negative)

What does R value of -0.7 mean?

Strong Negative Correlation

What does R value of 0.5 indicate?

Moderate Positive correlation

What does R value of -0.2 mean?

Negligible or No Correlation