
Ounces to Grams Conversion Calculator

Convert oz to grams or grams to oz, grams to troy oz and oz to troy oz

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Ounce Gram Converter

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Formula to convert Ounce to Gram and Gram to Ounces

How many Ounces in a Gram (oz to g, ounces per gram)

To convert ounces to grams, multiply ounces by 28.35

g = oz * 28.35

For example, 2 ounces is equal to 2 * 28.35 grams = 56.7 grams

How many Grams in an Ounce (g to oz ,grams per ounce)

To convert grams to ounces, divide grams by 28.35

oz = g / 28.35

For example, 50 grams to ounce is 50/28.35 = 1.762 ounces

How many Grams to Troy Ounces? (g to oz t)

To convert grams to Troy ounces, divide grams by 31.10

oz t = g / 31.10

For example, 50 grams to troy ounces is 50/31.10 = 1.61 troy ounces

How many Troy Ounces to Grams? (oz t to g)

To convert troy ounces to grams, multiply troy ounces by 31.10

g = oz t * 31.10

For example, 2 troy ounces to grams is 2 * 31.10 = 62.21 gms

How to use the Ounce to Gram Conversion Tool?

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Enter the desired input value in their respective fields and get the results instantly.
  • To get gram value for a given ounce. enter the value in the field labelled as 'Ounce'.
    You will get the equivalent value in the field marked as Gram
  • Similarly Enter the value for Gram if you want to convert grams to ounces.
    You will get the corresponding ounce value.
  • To convert troy ounces to grams or troy ounces to avoirdupois ounces, enter the input value for oz t in the field labelled as troy ounce and the equivalent gram and ounce (avoirdupois) computed automatically.

What are Ounces and Grams?

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  • Ounce and Grams are units of mass belonging to different measurement systems.
  • A gram is a unit of mass in the metric system.
  • It is defined as one thousandth of a kilogram.
  • One gram is equal to 0.035274 avoirdupois ounces and equal to 0.032154 troy ounces
  • The abbreviation used for gram is 'g' or 'gm'
  • Grams are used in weighing small items such as vegetables and fruits, jewellery items, precious metals, medicine dosages
  • A Gram is a smaller unit than both the ounces.

What is an Ounce?

  • Ounce is a unit of weight / mass. It is also known as 'Avoirdupois ounce'
  • The ounce is used in the imperial system of measurement which is mainly followed in the US and few other countries
  • There are two types of ounces in the customary system: avoirdupois ounces for mass and fluid ounces for measuring volume.
  • The avoirdupois ounce or simply 'ounce' is also referred to as a dry ounce
  • The abbreviation used for ounce is 'oz'
  • An Ounce is 28.35 times of a gram.
  • An ounce is used to measure weights of small items such as medicine dose, food items, baby weight, jewellery, syrups and other cooking measures
  • There is another type of ounce for measuring the weight of precious metals. This ounce is referred to as 'Troy ounce'
  • The abbreviation used for troy ounce is 'oz t'
  • A Troy Ounce is 31.10 times of a gram

Ounces to Grams Table

Conversion Table Icon
Ounce(oz) Grams(g)Troy Ounce(oz t)
0.05 oz 1.42 g 0.046 oz t
0.25 oz 7.08 g 0.228 oz t
0.5 oz 14.17 g 0.4556 oz t
0.6 oz 17 g 0.547 oz t
1 oz 28.35 g 0.912 oz t
1.2 oz 34.019 g 1.094 oz t
1.3 oz 36.854 g 1.185 oz t
1.5 oz 42.524 g 1.367 oz t
1.7 oz 48.194 g 1.55 oz t
1.75 oz 49.612 g 1.595 oz t
1.8 oz 51.029 g 1.641 oz t
1.9 oz 53.864 g 1.732 oz t
2 oz 56.699 g 1.823 oz t
2.1 oz 59.534 g 1.914 oz t
2.2 oz 62.369 g 2.005 oz t
2.3 oz 65.204 g 2.096 oz t
2.5 oz 70.874 g 2.279 oz t
3 oz 85.049 g 2.735 oz t
3.2 oz 90.718 g 2.917 oz t
3.3 oz 93.553 g 3.008 oz t
3.4 oz 96.388 g 3.099 oz t
3.5 oz 99.223 g 3.19 oz t
3.6 oz 102.058 g 3.281 oz t
3.7 oz 104.893 g 3.373 oz t
4 oz 113.398 g 3.646 oz t
4.4 oz 124.738 g 4.011 oz t
4.5 oz 127.573 g 4.102 oz t
4.6 oz 130.408 g 4.193 oz t
5 oz 141.748 g 4.558 oz t
5.2 oz 147.417 g 4.74 oz t
5.3 oz 150.252 g 4.831 oz t
5.5 oz 155.922 g 5.013 oz t
5.6 oz 158.757 g 5.104 oz t
6 oz 170.097 g 5.469 oz t
6.5 oz 184.272 g 5.925 oz t
6.7 oz 189.942 g 6.107 oz t
7 oz 198.447 g 6.381 oz t
7.5 oz 212.621 g 6.836 oz t
8 oz 226.796 g 7.292 oz t
8.3 oz 235.301 g 7.565 oz t
8.5 oz 240.971 g 7.748 oz t
8.8 oz 249.476 g 8.021 oz t
9 oz 255.146 g 8.204 oz t
9.5 oz 269.32 g 8.659 oz t
10 oz 283.495 g 9.115 oz t
10.5 oz 297.67 g 9.571 oz t
10.6 oz 300.505 g 9.662 oz t
11 oz 311.845 g 10.027 oz t
11.5 oz 326.019 g 10.482 oz t
12 oz 340.194 g 10.938 oz t
12.5 oz 354.369 g 11.394 oz t
14 oz 396.893 g 12.761 oz t
14.5 oz 411.068 g 13.217 oz t
15 oz 425.243 g 13.673 oz t
16 oz 453.592 g 14.584 oz t
17 oz 481.942 g 15.496 oz t
18 oz 510.291 g 16.407 oz t
19 oz 538.641 g 17.319 oz t
20 oz 566.99 g 18.23 oz t
21 oz 595.34 g 19.142 oz t
22 oz 623.689 g 20.053 oz t
23 oz 652.039 g 20.965 oz t
24 oz 680.388 g 21.876 oz t
25 oz 708.738 g 22.788 oz t
28 oz 793.786 g 25.522 oz t
30 oz 850.485 g 27.345 oz t
32 oz 907.184 g 29.168 oz t
36 oz 1020.582 g 32.814 oz t
40 oz 1133.98 g 36.46 oz t
48 oz 1360.776 g 43.752 oz t
50 oz 1417.475 g 45.575 oz t
64 oz 1814.368 g 58.336 oz t
100 oz 2834.95 g 91.15 oz t

Grams to Ounces Table

Conversion Table Icon
Grams(g)Ounces (oz) Troy Ounce(oz t)
1 g 0.035 oz 0.032 oz t
2 g 0.071 oz 0.064 oz t
3 g 0.106 oz 0.096 oz t
5 g 0.177 oz 0.161 oz t
7 g 0.247 oz 0.225 oz t
10 g 0.353 oz 0.321 oz t
11 g 0.388 oz 0.353 oz t
13 g 0.459 oz 0.417 oz t
14 g 0.494 oz 0.449 oz t
15 g 0.53 oz 0.482 oz t
17 g 0.6 oz 0.546 oz t
18 g 0.635 oz 0.578 oz t
19 g 0.671 oz 0.61 oz t
20 g 0.706 oz 0.642 oz t
21 g 0.741 oz 0.674 oz t
22 g 0.777 oz 0.706 oz t
23 g 0.812 oz 0.738 oz t
24 g 0.847 oz 0.77 oz t
25 g 0.883 oz 0.803 oz t
28 g 0.988 oz 0.899 oz t
29 g 1.024 oz 0.931 oz t
30 g 1.059 oz 0.963 oz t
31 g 1.094 oz 0.995 oz t
32 g 1.13 oz 1.027 oz t
33 g 1.165 oz 1.059 oz t
34 g 1.2 oz 1.091 oz t
35 g 1.236 oz 1.124 oz t
36 g 1.271 oz 1.156 oz t
38 g 1.341 oz 1.22 oz t
40 g 1.412 oz 1.284 oz t
42 g 1.483 oz 1.348 oz t
43 g 1.518 oz 1.38 oz t
44 g 1.553 oz 1.412 oz t
45 g 1.589 oz 1.445 oz t
48 g 1.694 oz 1.541 oz t
50 g 1.765 oz 1.605 oz t
52 g 1.836 oz 1.669 oz t
55 g 1.942 oz 1.766 oz t
56 g 1.977 oz 1.798 oz t
59 g 2.083 oz 1.894 oz t
60 g 2.118 oz 1.926 oz t
64 g 2.259 oz 2.054 oz t
67 g 2.365 oz 2.151 oz t
68 g 2.4 oz 2.183 oz t
70 g 2.471 oz 2.247 oz t
72 g 2.542 oz 2.311 oz t
75 g 2.648 oz 2.408 oz t
76 g 2.683 oz 2.44 oz t
78 g 2.753 oz 2.504 oz t
80 g 2.824 oz 2.568 oz t
84 g 2.965 oz 2.696 oz t
85 g 3.001 oz 2.729 oz t
90 g 3.177 oz 2.889 oz t
92 g 3.248 oz 2.953 oz t
95 g 3.354 oz 3.05 oz t
98 g 3.459 oz 3.146 oz t
100 g 3.53 oz 3.21 oz t
102 g 3.601 oz 3.274 oz t
105 g 3.707 oz 3.371 oz t
108 g 3.812 oz 3.467 oz t
110 g 3.883 oz 3.531 oz t
112 g 3.954 oz 3.595 oz t
113 g 3.989 oz 3.627 oz t
114 g 4.024 oz 3.659 oz t
115 g 4.06 oz 3.692 oz t
119 g 4.201 oz 3.82 oz t
120 g 4.236 oz 3.852 oz t
124 g 4.377 oz 3.98 oz t
125 g 4.413 oz 4.013 oz t
126 g 4.448 oz 4.045 oz t
130 g 4.589 oz 4.173 oz t
133 g 4.695 oz 4.269 oz t
135 g 4.766 oz 4.334 oz t
140 g 4.942 oz 4.494 oz t
142 g 5.013 oz 4.558 oz t
144 g 5.083 oz 4.622 oz t
150 g 5.295 oz 4.815 oz t
155 g 5.472 oz 4.976 oz t
160 g 5.648 oz 5.136 oz t
170 g 6.001 oz 5.457 oz t
175 g 6.178 oz 5.618 oz t
180 g 6.354 oz 5.778 oz t
195 g 6.884 oz 6.26 oz t
200 g 7.06 oz 6.42 oz t
210 g 7.413 oz 6.741 oz t
220 g 7.766 oz 7.062 oz t
224 g 7.907 oz 7.19 oz t
225 g 7.943 oz 7.223 oz t
227 g 8.013 oz 7.287 oz t
230 g 8.119 oz 7.383 oz t
238 g 8.401 oz 7.64 oz t
240 g 8.472 oz 7.704 oz t
250 g 8.825 oz 8.025 oz t
255 g 9.002 oz 8.186 oz t
270 g 9.531 oz 8.667 oz t
280 g 9.884 oz 8.988 oz t
285 g 10.061 oz 9.149 oz t
300 g 10.59 oz 9.63 oz t
340 g 12.002 oz 10.914 oz t
350 g 12.355 oz 11.235 oz t
360 g 12.708 oz 11.556 oz t
380 g 13.414 oz 12.198 oz t
400 g 14.12 oz 12.84 oz t
425 g 15.003 oz 13.643 oz t
450 g 15.885 oz 14.445 oz t
454 g 16.026 oz 14.573 oz t
500 g 17.65 oz 16.05 oz t
510 g 18.003 oz 16.371 oz t
550 g 19.415 oz 17.655 oz t
600 g 21.18 oz 19.26 oz t
650 g 22.945 oz 20.865 oz t
680 g 24.004 oz 21.828 oz t
700 g 24.71 oz 22.47 oz t
750 g 26.475 oz 24.075 oz t
800 g 28.24 oz 25.68 oz t
850 g 30.005 oz 27.285 oz t
900 g 31.77 oz 28.89 oz t
950 g 33.535 oz 30.495 oz t
1000 g 35.3 oz 32.1 oz t

FAQ on Ounces to Gram and Gram To Ounces conversion

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Which is bigger ounce or gram (oz or gm)?

Ounce is 28 times bigger than gram. 1 oz = 28.349 gms.

How much is half ounce to grams

half ounce is 14.17 grams

How to convert grams to pounds ounces (lb oz)?

Convert Grams to Pounds ( 1 pound = 453.59 grams).
Convert fraction part to ounces, 1 pound = 16 ounces.
for eg to convert 500 g to lb and oz.
pound value = 500/453.59 = 1 pound.
ounce value = 0.59 x 16 = 9.44 ounces.
500 g is 1 lb 9.44 oz

How to convert pounds-ounces to grams (lbs oz to grams)?

Convert ounces to pounds by dividing by 16.
Find total pound value and convert to grams by multiplying 453.59.
to convert 3 pounds 10 ounces to grams.
total pounds 3 + 10/16 = 3.625 lb.
convert lb to grams = 3.625 x 453.59 = 1644.26 gm

Difference between fluid ounce (fl-oz) and ounce (oz)?

Fluid ounce is a unit of capacity. Ounce is a unit of mass/weight.
1 fluid ounce = 1.0431 ounce.

What is the difference between Troy Ounce and Avoirdupois ounce?

A troy ounce is mainly used in measuring weight in the precious metal market such as gold and silver or other gems
A troy ounce is slightly bigger than avoirdupois ounce
1 troy ounce = 1.097 * avoirdupois
A troy ounce is 31.10 grams while the commonly used ounce is 28.35 grams
The unit of troy ounce is oz t or t oz and unit of avoirdupois ounce is oz.

Give an example of 1 gram

1 ml of water (less than quarter teaspoon), 0.97 ml of milk weigh 1 gram.
Weight of 2 or 3 needles together weighs 1 gram.

Give an example of 1 ounce

More than 5 1/2 teaspoons of water or close to 2 tablespoons of water will weigh an ounce (28 gms) A pen or pencil weigh 1 ounce.