
Ounces to Grams Conversion Calculater

Convert oz to grams or grams to oz

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Ounce Gram Converter

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Formula to convert Ounce to Gram and Gram to Ounces

How many Ounces in a Gram (oz to g, ounces per gram)

The formula to convert ounces (oz) to grams (g) is:

g = oz * 28.35

This means that to convert from ounces to grams, you simply need to multiply the number of ounces by 28.35.

For example, 2 ounces is equal to 2 * 28.35 grams = 56.7 grams

How many Grams in an Ounce (g to oz ,grams per ounce)

The formula to convert grams (g) to ounces (oz) is:

oz = g / 28.35

This means that to convert from grams to ounces, you simply need to divide the number of grams by 28.35.

For example, 50 grams to ounce is 50/28.35 = 1.762 ounces

How to use the Ounce to Gram Conversion Tool?

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Using this tool is very straightforward. Enter the value in either of the fields and get the result instantly.
  • To get gram value for a given ounce. enter the value in the field labelled as 'Ounce'.
    You will get the equivalent value in the field marked as Gram
  • Similarly Enter the value for Gram if you want to convert grams to ounces.
    You will get the corresponding ounce value.

Understanding Ounces and Grams

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  • Ounce and Grams are units of mass belonging to different measurement systems. Mass and Weight are generally used interchangeably in colloquial sense. Also in imperial system of measurement, ounce and pound are referred to as unit of weight, though all actually represent 'mass'
  • As per definition, a weight is defined as mass with gravititional force acting on it (unit is Newton or kg m/s2 . Mass is the amount of matter contained in a body

What is a Gram?

  • A gram is a unit of mass in the metric system.
  • It is defined as one thousandth of a kilogram.
  • One gram is equal to 0.035274 avoirdupois ounces.
  • The abbreviation used for gram is 'g' or 'gm'Grams are used in weighing small items such as vegetables and fruits, jewellery items, precious metals, medicine dosages
  • Grams are used in weighing small items such as vegetables and fruits, jewellery items, precious metals, medicine dosages
  • A Gram is a smaller unit than an ounce.

What is an Ounce?

  • Ounce is a unit of weight / mass. It is also known as 'Avoirdupois ounce'
  • The ounce is used in the imperial system of measurement which is mainly followed in the US and few other countries
  • There are two types of ounces in the customary system: avoirdupois ounces for mass and fluid ounces for measuring volume.
  • The avoirdupois ounce or simply 'ounce' is also referred to as a dry ounce
  • The abbreviation used for ounce is 'oz'
  • An Ounce is 28.35 times of a gram.
  • An ounce is used to measure weights of small items such as medicine dose, food items, baby weight, jewellery, syrups and other cooking measures
  • There is another type of ounce for measuring the weight of precious metals. This ounce is referred to as 'Troy ounce'
  • A Troy Ounce is 31.10 times of a gram

Use of Ounces to Grams Converter Tool

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  • Ounces to Grams converter is mainly required when referring to measures of a recipe or medicine dosages from the metric system or while travelling to countries that use metric system. All measurements of daily needs in metric system will be either grams or kilograms. So it is handy to use the converter to understand the correct measurements. .
  • Ounces are commonly used to measure the weight of food and ingredients in recipes and on food labels. They are also used to measure the weight of beverages in the United States.
  • Grams are commonly used to measure the weight of medications, precious metals, and other small objects. They are also used to measure the weight of food and ingredients in other countries.
  • Ounces are more commonly used in the United States to measure the weight of food and ingredients in recipes and on food labels, as well as the weight of beverages. For example, a recipe might call for 1 cup of flour, which is equal to 8 ounces.
  • Babies are weighed in pounds/ounces in some hospitals while others use kg / gms. The Weight gain or losses are mostly tracked in ounces.
  • Grams are more commonly used in other countries to measure the weight of food and ingredients, as well as the weight of smaller objects, such as medications and precious metals. .

Ounces to Grams Table

Conversion Table Icon
Ounce(oz) Grams(g)
0.05 oz 1.42 g
0.25 oz 7.08 g
0.5 oz 14.17 g
0.6 oz 17.00 g
1 oz 28.35 g
1.2 oz 34.019 g
1.3 oz 36.85 g
1.5 oz 42.52 g
1.7 oz 48.19 g
1.75 oz 49.611 g
1.8 oz 51.02 g
1.9 oz 53.86 g
2 oz 56.7 g
2.1 oz 59.53 g
2.2 oz 62.368 g
2.3 oz 65.20 g
2.5 oz 70.87 g
3 oz 85.05 g
3.2 oz 90.71 g
3.3 oz 93.55 g
3.4 oz 96.38 g
3.5 oz 99.22 g
3.6 oz 102.058 g
3.7 oz 104.89 g
4 oz 113.4 g
4.4 oz 124.737 g
4.5 oz 127.57 g
4.6 oz 130.40 g
5 oz 141.75 g
5.2 oz 141.75 g
5.3 oz 150.25 g
5.5 oz 155.92 g
5.6 oz 158.757 g
6 oz 170.10 g
6.5 oz 184.27 g
6.7 oz 189.94 g
7 oz 198.45 g
7.5 oz 212.62 g
8 oz 226.8 g
8.3 oz 235.30 g
8.5 oz 240.97 g
8.8 oz 249.47 g
9 oz 255.15 g
9.5 oz 269.32 g
10 oz 283.50 g
10.5 oz 297.67 g
10.6 oz 300.50 g
11 oz 311.84 g
11.5 oz 326.02 g
12 oz 340.19 g
12.5 oz 354.37 g
14 oz 396.89 g
14.5 oz 411.07 g
15 oz 425.24 g
16 oz 453.59 g
17 oz 481.94 g
18 oz 510.29 g
19 oz 538.64 g
20 oz 566.99 g
21 oz 595.34 g
22 oz 623.69 g
23 oz 652.03 g
24 oz 680.39 g
25 oz 708.73 g
28 oz 793.79 g
30 oz 850.49 g
32 oz 907.18 g
36 oz 1020.58 g
40 oz 1133.98 g
48 oz 1360.78 g
50 oz 1417.47 g
64 oz 1814.36 g
100 oz 2834.95 g

Grams to Ounces Table

Conversion Table Icon
Grams(g)Ounces (oz)
1 g 0.04 oz
2 g 0.07 oz
3 g 0.10 oz
5 g 0.18 oz
7 g 0.24 oz
10 g 0.35 oz
11 g 0.39 oz
13 g 0.45 oz
14 g 0.49 oz
15 g 0.53 oz
17 g 0.59 oz
18 g 0.63 oz
19 g 0.67 oz
20 g 0.71 oz
21 g 0.74 oz
22 g 0.77 oz
23 g 0.81 oz
24 g 0.84 oz
25 g 0.88 oz
28 g 0.99 oz
29 g 1.02 oz
30 g 1.06 oz
31 g 1.09 oz
32 g 1.12 oz
33 g 1.16 oz
34 g 1.19 oz
35 g 1.23 oz
36 g 1.27 oz
38 g 1.34 oz
40 g 1.41 oz
42 g 1.48 oz
43 g 1.51 oz
44 g 1.55 oz
45 g 1.59 oz
48 g 1.59 oz
50 g 1.76 oz
52 g 1.83 oz
55 g 1.94 oz
56 g 1.98 oz
59 g 2.08 oz
60 g 2.12 oz
64 g 2.25 oz
67 g 2.36 oz
68 g 2.39 oz
70 g 2.47 oz
72 g 2.53 oz
75 g 2.64 oz
76 g 2.68 oz
78 g 2.75 oz
80 g 2.82 oz
84 g 2.96 oz
85 g 3.00 oz
90 g 3.17 oz
92 g 3.24 oz
95 g 3.35 oz
98 g 3.46 oz
100 g 3.53 oz
102 g 3.59 oz
105 g 3.70 oz
108 g 3.80 oz
110 g 3.88 oz
112 g 3.95 oz
113 g 3.98 oz
114 g 4.02 oz
115 g 4.05 oz
119 g 4.19 oz
120 g 4.23 oz
124 g 4.37 oz
125 g 4.40 oz
126 g 4.44 oz
130 g 4.59 oz
133 g 4.69 oz
135 g 4.76 oz
140 g 4.94 oz
142 g 5.00 oz
144 g 5.07 oz
150 g 5.29 oz
155 g 5.46 oz
160 g 5.64 oz
170 g 6.00 oz
175 g 6.17 oz
180 g 6.34 oz
195 g 6.87 oz
200 g 7.05 oz
210 g 7.40 oz
220 g 7.76 oz
224 g 7.90 oz
225 g 7.93 oz
227 g 8.00 oz
230 g 8.11 oz
238 g 8.39 oz
240 g 8.46 oz
250 g 8.82 oz
255 g 8.99 oz
270 g 9.52 oz
280 g 9.87 oz
285 g 10.05 oz
300 g 10.58 oz
340 g 11.99 oz
350 g 12.35 oz
360 g 12.69 oz
380 g 13.40 oz
400 g 14.11 oz
425 g 14.99 oz
450 g 15.87 oz
454 g 16.01 oz
500 g 17.64 oz
510 g 17.98 oz
550 g 19.40 oz
600 g 21.16 oz
650 g 22.93 oz
680 g 23.98 oz
700 g 24.69 oz
750 g 26.46 oz
800 g 28.22 oz
850 g 29.98 oz
900 g 31.75 oz
950 g 33.51 oz
1000 g 35.27 oz

FAQ on Ounces to Gram and Gram To Ounces conversion

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  • Ounce is 28 times bigger than gram. 1 oz = 28.349 gms.

  • half ounce is 14.17 grams

  • Convert Grams to Pounds ( 1 pound = 453.59 grams).
    Convert fraction part to ounces, 1 pound = 16 ounces.
    for eg to convert 500 g to lb and oz.
    pound value = 500/453.59 = 1 pound.
    ounce value = 0.59 x 16 = 9.44 ounces.
    500 g is 1 lb 9.44 oz

  • Convert ounces to pounds by dividing by 16.
    Find total pound value and convert to grams by multiplying 453.59.
    to convert 3 pounds 10 ounces to grams.
    total pounds 3 + 10/16 = 3.625 lb.
    convert lb to grams = 3.625 x 453.59 = 1644.26 gm

  • Fluid ounce is a unit of capacity. Ounce is a unit of mass/weight.
    1 fluid ounce = 1.0431 ounce.

  • A troy ounce is mainly used in measuring weight in the precious metal market such as gold and silver or other gems
    A troy ounce is slightly bigger than avoirdupois ounce
    1 troy ounce = 1.097 * avoirdupois
    A troy ounce is 31.26 grams while the commonly used ounce is 28.35 grams
    The unit of troy ounce is t oz and unit of avoirdupois ounce is oz.

  • 1 ml of water (less than quarter teaspoon), 0.97 ml of milk weigh 1 gram.
    Weight of 2 or 3 needles together weighs 1 gram.

  • More than 5 1/2 teaspoons of water or close to 2 tablespoons of water will weigh an ounce (28 gms) A pen or pencil weigh 1 ounce.