You can input in any of the fields and get equivalent values.
How to convert Grams to Tablespoon and Tablespoon to Grams using the tool?

Tablespoon is a unit of volume mostly used in medication and recipes. Gram is a unit of mass.
Tablespoon and Grams are related through density.
To convert between tbsp and gram for any item using this tool, follow the steps given below:
- Step 1: Select the item (liquid or solid) which has to be converted from the dropdown labelled as 'Select Fluid / Item'. The Default selected item is water.
- Step 2: Enter the value of tbsp in the text field under Tablespoon.
- Step 3: The gram value of the selected item is automatically shown in the gram text field for the selected item.
For eg, if you enter 1 tbsp and select Water, then the weight in grams is 14.79 grams. - Step 4: If you have the weight and want to know the equivalent tbsp value, then enter the weight in the gram field and view the number of tablespoons for the same item.
- Step 5: You can repeat the same procedure to find tbsp-gram value of other items
Formula for Conversion between Tablespoon and Grams
How much is 1 Tablespoon in Grams?(tbsp to g)
Weight in Grams = No of Tablespoons x 14.786 x Density of the item
- Note: 14.786 is the conversion factor from density in gms/cc to gms/tbsp
- To find the weight in grams of an item, you need the density of the item.
- Multiply the no of tablespoons with 14.786 to get the ml value and multiply that with density of the item (gms/ml).
- For example to find the weight of 1 tbsp of water in grams,
1 tbsp of water in grams = 1 tbsp * 1 gm/cc * 14.786 cc = 14.786 gms
For example, weight of 1 tbsp of honey in grams,
1 tbsp of honey in gms = 1 tbsp * 1.36 gm/cc * 14.786 = 15.68 gms
How many Tablespoons in a Gram (g to tbsp)
No of Tablespoons = No of Grams / (density in gms/cc x 14.786)
- To convert from grams to tablespoon, multiply the no of grams by density and 14.786
- For example, 30 grams of water in tbsp is equal to
30 g of water to tbsp = 30/(1 * 14.786) is approx equal to 2 tablespoons. - For example, 25 grams of Milk to tbsp using density of milk as 1.25 will be:
25 g of milk to tbsp = 25 grams/(1.25* 14.786)= 1.35 tbsp
What is a Gram?

- A Gram is a SI Unit of Mass and widely used in most countries except US.
- 1 Gram is 1/1000th of a Kilogram.
- A Gram is used to represent weight of small items such as vegetables, food items dry and wet, objects like paper, pencil, bottles, medicine doses.
- The unit of a gram is 'gm' or 'g'.
- If density of any substance is 1, then 1 tablespoon of it weighs under 15 grams and has a volume of 15 milliliters .
What is a Tablespoon?

- A tablespoon is a common unit of volume measurement.
- Though it is not part of the metric or SI unit of measurement, it is a very popular measure across the world.
- A tablespoon is equal to 1/16 th of a cup and 1/2 of an ounce and equal to 14.87 milliliters
- Tablespoons are used mainly in measuring ingredients of a recipe in cooking and baking and in medicine doses.
- Tablespoon unit is 'tbsp' or 'T'
How is Gram related to Tablespoon?
- They are not related directly. A gram is a unit of mass and tablespoon is a unit of volume. There is no direct conversion between them.
- However, they are linked together through density which is a measure of how closely packed an object is from within
- Different ingredients have different densities, so the same number of grams of different substances will have diff volumes. For example, 1 gram of flour is about 1 tablespoon, but 1 gram of baking powder is about 1/2 teaspoon. As baking powder has higher density than flour, the volume is lower (Volume is inversely proportional to density)
Density Table (gms/cc)

Item | Density(gram/cubic ml) |
Water | 1 |
Alcohol | 0.79 |
Almond | 0.46 |
All Purpose Flour | 0.59 |
Baking Powder | 0.97 |
Baking Soda | 2.2 |
Butter | 0.96 |
Cashew | 0.5 |
Chilli | 0.5 |
Cocoa Powder | 0.55 |
Corn | 0.72 |
Dough | 0.56 |
Egg Powdered | 0.35 |
Egg | 1.031 |
Fruit Juice | 1.045 |
Gelatin | 0.72 |
Granulated Sugar | 0.85 |
Glucose | 1.56 |
Honey | 1.36 |
Jam | 1.43 |
Legumes | 0.75 |
Milk | 1.25 |
Mineral Water | 1.04 |
Nuts | 0.63 |
Olive Oil | 0.92 |
Oats | 0.41 |
Onions Chopped | 0.22 |
Powdered Sugar | 0.56 |
Rice | 0.72 |
Soy | 0.7 |
Syrup | 1.32 |
Salt Powdered | 1.38 |
Salt Granulated | 1.28 |
Soup | 1.05 |
Spice | 0.58 |
Vitamin | 0.7 |
Wheat | 0.77 |
Whey | 0.56 |
Yoghurt | 1.06 |
Gram to Tablespoon Conversion (g to tbsp) Table
Gram (g) | Water (tbsp) | Water (tsp) | Milk (tbsp) | Flour (tbsp) | Sugar (tbsp) | Salt (tbsp) | Oil (tbsp) | Honey (tbsp) |
1 g | 0.07 tbsp | 0.2 tsp | 0.07 tbsp | 0.13 tbsp | 0.079999997 tbsp | 0.06 tbsp | 0.07 tbsp | 0.05 tbsp |
1.5 g | 0.1 tbsp | 0.3 tsp | 0.1 tbsp | 0.19 tbsp | 0.119999995 tbsp | 0.08 tbsp | 0.11 tbsp | 0.07 tbsp |
2 g | 0.14 tbsp | 0.41 tsp | 0.13 tbsp | 0.26 tbsp | 0.159999994 tbsp | 0.11 tbsp | 0.15 tbsp | 0.1 tbsp |
2.5 g | 0.17 tbsp | 0.51 tsp | 0.16 tbsp | 0.32 tbsp | 0.199999992 tbsp | 0.14 tbsp | 0.18 tbsp | 0.12 tbsp |
3 g | 0.2 tbsp | 0.61 tsp | 0.2 tbsp | 0.38 tbsp | 0.239999991 tbsp | 0.17 tbsp | 0.22 tbsp | 0.14 tbsp |
3.5 g | 0.24 tbsp | 0.71 tsp | 0.23 tbsp | 0.45 tbsp | 0.279999989 tbsp | 0.2 tbsp | 0.26 tbsp | 0.17 tbsp |
4 g | 0.27 tbsp | 0.81 tsp | 0.26 tbsp | 0.51 tbsp | 0.319999988 tbsp | 0.23 tbsp | 0.29 tbsp | 0.19 tbsp |
4.5 g | 0.3 tbsp | 0.91 tsp | 0.3 tbsp | 0.58 tbsp | 0.359999986 tbsp | 0.25 tbsp | 0.33 tbsp | 0.21 tbsp |
5 g | 0.34 tbsp | 1.01 tsp | 0.33 tbsp | 0.64 tbsp | 0.399999985 tbsp | 0.28 tbsp | 0.37 tbsp | 0.24 tbsp |
5.5 g | 0.37 tbsp | 1.12 tsp | 0.36 tbsp | 0.7 tbsp | 0.439999983 tbsp | 0.31 tbsp | 0.4 tbsp | 0.26 tbsp |
6 g | 0.41 tbsp | 1.22 tsp | 0.39 tbsp | 0.77 tbsp | 0.479999982 tbsp | 0.34 tbsp | 0.44 tbsp | 0.29 tbsp |
6.5 g | 0.44 tbsp | 1.32 tsp | 0.43 tbsp | 0.83 tbsp | 0.51999998 tbsp | 0.37 tbsp | 0.48 tbsp | 0.31 tbsp |
7 g | 0.47 tbsp | 1.42 tsp | 0.46 tbsp | 0.89 tbsp | 0.559999978 tbsp | 0.39 tbsp | 0.51 tbsp | 0.33 tbsp |
8 g | 0.54 tbsp | 1.62 tsp | 0.53 tbsp | 1.02 tbsp | 0.639999975 tbsp | 0.45 tbsp | 0.59 tbsp | 0.38 tbsp |
9 g | 0.61 tbsp | 1.83 tsp | 0.59 tbsp | 1.15 tbsp | 0.719999972 tbsp | 0.51 tbsp | 0.66 tbsp | 0.43 tbsp |
10 g | 0.68 tbsp | 2.03 tsp | 0.66 tbsp | 1.28 tbsp | 0.799999969 tbsp | 0.56 tbsp | 0.73 tbsp | 0.48 tbsp |
11 g | 0.74 tbsp | 2.23 tsp | 0.72 tbsp | 1.41 tbsp | 0.879999966 tbsp | 0.62 tbsp | 0.81 tbsp | 0.52 tbsp |
12 g | 0.81 tbsp | 2.43 tsp | 0.79 tbsp | 1.53 tbsp | 0.959999963 tbsp | 0.68 tbsp | 0.88 tbsp | 0.57 tbsp |
13 g | 0.88 tbsp | 2.64 tsp | 0.85 tbsp | 1.66 tbsp | 1.03999996 tbsp | 0.73 tbsp | 0.95 tbsp | 0.62 tbsp |
14 g | 0.95 tbsp | 2.84 tsp | 0.92 tbsp | 1.79 tbsp | 1.119999957 tbsp | 0.79 tbsp | 1.03 tbsp | 0.67 tbsp |
15 g | 1.01 tbsp | 3.04 tsp | 0.98 tbsp | 1.92 tbsp | 1.199999954 tbsp | 0.84 tbsp | 1.1 tbsp | 0.71 tbsp |
20 g | 1.35 tbsp | 4.06 tsp | 1.31 tbsp | 2.56 tbsp | 1.599999938 tbsp | 1.13 tbsp | 1.47 tbsp | 0.95 tbsp |
25 g | 1.69 tbsp | 5.07 tsp | 1.64 tbsp | 3.2 tbsp | 1.999999923 tbsp | 1.41 tbsp | 1.83 tbsp | 1.19 tbsp |
30 g | 2.03 tbsp | 6.09 tsp | 1.97 tbsp | 3.84 tbsp | 2.399999908 tbsp | 1.69 tbsp | 2.2 tbsp | 1.43 tbsp |
35 g | 2.37 tbsp | 7.1 tsp | 2.3 tbsp | 4.47 tbsp | 2.799999892 tbsp | 1.97 tbsp | 2.57 tbsp | 1.67 tbsp |
40 g | 2.71 tbsp | 8.12 tsp | 2.63 tbsp | 5.11 tbsp | 3.199999877 tbsp | 2.25 tbsp | 2.93 tbsp | 1.9 tbsp |
45 g | 3.04 tbsp | 9.13 tsp | 2.95 tbsp | 5.75 tbsp | 3.599999862 tbsp | 2.53 tbsp | 3.3 tbsp | 2.14 tbsp |
50 g | 3.38 tbsp | 10.14 tsp | 3.28 tbsp | 6.39 tbsp | 3.999999846 tbsp | 2.82 tbsp | 3.67 tbsp | 2.38 tbsp |
60 g | 4.06 tbsp | 12.17 tsp | 3.94 tbsp | 7.67 tbsp | 4.799999815 tbsp | 3.38 tbsp | 4.4 tbsp | 2.86 tbsp |
70 g | 4.73 tbsp | 14.2 tsp | 4.6 tbsp | 8.95 tbsp | 5.599999785 tbsp | 3.94 tbsp | 5.13 tbsp | 3.33 tbsp |
80 g | 5.41 tbsp | 16.23 tsp | 5.25 tbsp | 10.23 tbsp | 6.399999754 tbsp | 4.5 tbsp | 5.87 tbsp | 3.81 tbsp |
90 g | 6.09 tbsp | 18.26 tsp | 5.91 tbsp | 11.51 tbsp | 7.199999723 tbsp | 5.07 tbsp | 6.6 tbsp | 4.28 tbsp |
100 g | 6.76 tbsp | 20.29 tsp | 6.57 tbsp | 12.78 tbsp | 7.999999692 tbsp | 5.63 tbsp | 7.33 tbsp | 4.76 tbsp |
120 g | 8.12 tbsp | 24.35 tsp | 7.88 tbsp | 15.34 tbsp | 9.599999631 tbsp | 6.76 tbsp | 8.8 tbsp | 5.71 tbsp |
125 g | 8.45 tbsp | 25.36 tsp | 8.21 tbsp | 15.98 tbsp | 9.999999616 tbsp | 7.04 tbsp | 9.17 tbsp | 5.95 tbsp |
150 g | 10.14 tbsp | 30.43 tsp | 9.85 tbsp | 19.18 tbsp | 11.99999954 tbsp | 8.45 tbsp | 11 tbsp | 7.14 tbsp |
200 g | 13.53 tbsp | 40.58 tsp | 13.13 tbsp | 25.57 tbsp | 15.99999938 tbsp | 11.26 tbsp | 14.67 tbsp | 9.52 tbsp |
300 g | 20.29 tbsp | 60.87 tsp | 19.7 tbsp | 38.35 tbsp | 23.99999908 tbsp | 16.89 tbsp | 22 tbsp | 14.28 tbsp |
400 g | 27.05 tbsp | 81.15 tsp | 26.26 tbsp | 51.14 tbsp | 31.99999877 tbsp | 22.52 tbsp | 29.34 tbsp | 19.04 tbsp |
500 g | 33.81 tbsp | 101.44 tsp | 32.83 tbsp | 63.92 tbsp | 39.99999846 tbsp | 28.15 tbsp | 36.67 tbsp | 23.8 tbsp |
Tablespoon into Gram conversion (tbsp to g) table
Tablespoon (tbsp) | Water (g) | Water (tsp) | Milk (g) | Flour (g) | Sugar (g) | Salt (g) | Oil (g) | Honey (g) |
0.25 tbsp | 3.7 g | 0.75 tsp | 3.83 g | 1.96 g | 3.18 g | 4.58 g | 3.3 g | 5.3 g |
0.5 tbsp | 7.39 g | 1.5 tsp | 7.65 g | 3.91 g | 6.35 g | 9.15 g | 6.6 g | 10.5 g |
0.75 tbsp | 11.09 g | 2.25 tsp | 11.48 g | 5.87 g | 9.53 g | 13.73 g | 9.9 g | 15.8 g |
1 tbsp | 14.79 g | 3 tsp | 15.3 g | 7.82 g | 12.7 g | 18.3 g | 13.2 g | 21 g |
1.25 tbsp | 18.48 g | 3.75 tsp | 19.13 g | 9.78 g | 15.88 g | 22.88 g | 16.5 g | 26.3 g |
1.5 tbsp | 22.18 g | 4.5 tsp | 22.95 g | 11.73 g | 19.05 g | 27.45 g | 19.8 g | 31.5 g |
1.75 tbsp | 25.88 g | 5.25 tsp | 26.78 g | 13.69 g | 22.23 g | 32.03 g | 23.1 g | 36.8 g |
2 tbsp | 29.57 g | 6 tsp | 30.6 g | 15.64 g | 25.4 g | 36.6 g | 26.4 g | 42 g |
2.5 tbsp | 36.97 g | 7.5 tsp | 38.25 g | 19.55 g | 31.75 g | 45.75 g | 33 g | 52.5 g |
3 tbsp | 44.36 g | 9 tsp | 45.9 g | 23.46 g | 38.1 g | 54.9 g | 39.6 g | 63 g |
3.5 tbsp | 51.75 g | 10.5 tsp | 53.55 g | 27.37 g | 44.45 g | 64.05 g | 46.2 g | 73.5 g |
4 tbsp | 59.15 g | 12 tsp | 61.2 g | 31.28 g | 50.8 g | 73.2 g | 52.8 g | 84 g |
4.5 tbsp | 66.54 g | 13.5 tsp | 68.85 g | 35.19 g | 57.15 g | 82.35 g | 59.4 g | 94.5 g |
5 tbsp | 73.93 g | 15 tsp | 76.5 g | 39.1 g | 63.5 g | 91.5 g | 66 g | 105 g |
5.5 tbsp | 81.33 g | 16.5 tsp | 84.15 g | 43.01 g | 69.85 g | 100.65 g | 72.6 g | 115.5 g |
6 tbsp | 88.72 g | 18 tsp | 91.8 g | 46.92 g | 76.2 g | 109.8 g | 79.2 g | 126 g |
7 tbsp | 103.51 g | 21 tsp | 107.1 g | 54.74 g | 88.9 g | 128.1 g | 92.4 g | 147 g |
8 tbsp | 118.29 g | 24 tsp | 122.4 g | 62.56 g | 101.6 g | 146.4 g | 105.6 g | 168 g |
9 tbsp | 133.08 g | 27 tsp | 137.7 g | 70.38 g | 114.3 g | 164.7 g | 118.8 g | 189 g |
10 tbsp | 147.87 g | 30 tsp | 153 g | 78.2 g | 127 g | 183 g | 132 g | 210 g |
11 tbsp | 162.65 g | 33 tsp | 168.3 g | 86.02 g | 139.7 g | 201.3 g | 145.2 g | 231 g |
12 tbsp | 177.44 g | 36 tsp | 183.6 g | 93.84 g | 152.4 g | 219.6 g | 158.4 g | 252 g |
13 tbsp | 192.23 g | 39 tsp | 198.9 g | 101.66 g | 165.1 g | 237.9 g | 171.6 g | 273 g |
14 tbsp | 207.01 g | 42 tsp | 214.2 g | 109.48 g | 177.8 g | 256.2 g | 184.8 g | 294 g |
15 tbsp | 221.8 g | tsp | 229.5 g | 117.3 g | 190.5 g | 274.5 g | 198 g | 315 g |
FAQ on Grams to Tablespoons Conversion

How is the conversion value of 14.78 taken while converting grams to tablespoon?
Since density of items is in gms/ml, we need to know the ml value for conversion.
1 standard US cup is 236.59 ml which is fixed.
We also know that a cup is equal to 16 tablespoons.
Therefore, a tablespoon is equal to 236.59/16 = 14.78 ml.
Why is Density needed for this conversion?
Tablespoon and Grams are different units and not directly related.
Tablespoon measures Volume which is a measure of the amount of space an item occupies.
Grams measures Mass which is the amount of matter contained in an item.
Density is a measure of compactness of an item which is equal to Mass / Volume.
To find Mass from Volume or Volume from Mass, we have to multiply or divide by Density of that substance.
How much is 1 Teaspoon in Grams? (1 tsp to g)
No of Teaspoons = No of Grams / (Density in gms/cc * 4.93)
1 gm of water = 0.2 tsp
How much is 1 Gram to Teaspoon? (1 g to tsp)
1 teaspoon is 14.786/3 = 4.93 ml
Weight in Grams = No of Teaspoons x 4.93 x Density of the item
1 tsp of water = 4.93 gms , where density of water is 1
1 tsp of sugar = 3.1 gms, where density of sugar is 0.85
Which tablespoon should I use?
Spoons come in various shapes and sizes.
A tablespoon is large and typically used for serving food.
The smallest of the spoons will be the teaspoon. A tablespoon will be 3 times larger than the teaspoon.
1 tablespoon measure will be equal to 15 ml or 0.5 oz.
How do I calculate the number of tablespoons from grams when given density?
Multiply the no of grams by the given density and 14.786
The result is the tablespoon value for that items.
For eg, for 50 grams of sugar, the no of tablespoons can be calculated as follows:
No of tablespoons = 50 * 14.786 * 0.85 (density of sugar) = 4 tbsp.