Enter the number of datasets required. Import data as comma separated list and generate charts of different types. Click on REFRESH to view the latest

Action | Hex color | X Axis Category | ||
Bar Chart
Bar chart or Column Chart is useful for visual representation of Discrete Data.
Bar chart are of these types - Vertical, Horizontal, Grouped, Stacked. Grouped and Stacked can be vertical or horizontal Can be used for comparison of multiple datasets with respect to a common category or grouping
Example :
i) Sales, Revenue Data of a Product plotted on a timeline
ii) Profit vs Expense of different business units in a companyIt is not suitable for continuous data and where there are too many dimensions for comparison.
Create Simple Charts with our Online Chart Maker Tool

- Bar charts: These charts are useful for comparing categorical data in horizontal or vertical and plain or stacked.
- Line charts: These charts are useful for showing trends over time.
- Pie charts: These charts are useful for showing the proportion of different categories in a dataset.
- Scatter plots: These charts are useful for showing the relationship between two variables.
- Enter chart values and it automatically generates the view for different charts. You can choose different modes for viewing - horizontal, vertical, area, line etc...
- You can change color scheme used for each of the data set
- Users can download / export their chart as image and add it into their application.
Benefits of using our Chart Generator Tool
- These tools are easy to use and designed for those with no prior experience in chart creation.
- Charts are responsive and accessible from any device and desktop.
- The charts are free to use and no limits or restrictions for usage.
- All the commonly used charts are supported such as bar, stacked, line, area, polar, pie, radar, whisker.
- You can customize your charts easily
- Export as images or share the entire url with others and use it for any analysis.