
Cat year to Human year

Cat Age Calculator - Find cat age in human years

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Cat Age in Human Years Calculator

You can enter cat's age by years, months, weeks or days OR select the date of birth to compute human years. You can enter human years to find the equivalent cat years.







How many Cat years to Human Years?

Conversion Icon
  • There is no direct formula as such but this can be used as an approximation

    Human age = (Cat age - 2) x 4 + 24 use this for cat age > 2

  • The first year of a cat is equal to 15 human years. The 2nd year of cat is about 9 human years
  • From the 3rd year onwards, it is equal to 4 human years
  • This means that a 5-year-old cat is 15+9+4+4+4=36 human years
  • The conversion of cat to human years is an estimate. You can refer the table below in next section for a look up on cat and human years

Steps to use the Cat to Human Age Calculator Tool

Conversion Icon
  • Enter the cat's or kitten's age in Years, months, Weeks or Days.

  • Or you can simply enter the date of birth of the cat. Click the date picker and select the date or enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

  • The equivalent human year is automatically displayed in the Human Year field.

  • For eg, to find the human year equivalent of a 10 day kitten, enter 10 in the field marked as Days. Enter 0 in all the other fields and the human year is updated instantly

Cat's Age Chart

Conversion Table Icon
Age in Cat Years Age in Human Years
1 year 15 years
2 years 24 years
3 years 28 years
4 years 32 years
5 years 36 years
6 years 40 years
7 years 44 years
8 years 48 years
9 years 52 years
10 years 56 years
11 years 60 years
12 years 64 years
13 years 68 years
14 years 72 years
15 years 76 years
16 years 80 years
17 years 84 years
18 years 88 years
19 years 92 years
20 years 96 years

Kitten to Human Age Chart

Conversion Table Icon
Kitten's Age in Months Kitten's Age in weeks Age in Human Years
0.25 1 week 0.31 years
0.5 2 weeks 0.63 years
0.75 3 weeks 1.13 years
1 4 weeks 1.5 years
1.5 6 weeks 2.25 years
2 8 weeks 3 years
2.5 10 weeks 3.75 years
3 12 weeks 4.5 years
3.5 14 weeks 5.25 years
4 16 weeks 6 years
4.5 18 weeks 6.75 years
5 20 weeks 7.5 years
5.5 22 weeks 8.25 years
6 24 weeks 9 years
6.5 26 weeks 9.5 years
7 28 weeks 10 years
7.5 30 weeks 10.5 years
8 32 weeks 11 years
8.5 34 weeks 11.5 years
9 36 weeks 12 years
9.5 38 weeks 12.5 years
10 40 weeks 13 years
10.5 42 weeks 13.5 years
11 44 weeks 14 years
11.5 46 weeks 14.5 years