This conversion is applicable for body fat
Formula for Calories to Kilograms conversion
How many Calories in a Kilo? (kg to cal)
To convert kg of fat to calories, multiply kg by 7716.18
Calories = Kilograms * 7716.18
For example, to convert 0.5 kg to calories, multiply 0.5 by 7716
cal = 0.5 * 7716.18 = 3858 cal
How many Kilos in a Calorie? (cal to kg)
To convert Calories to Kilograms, divide calories by 7716.179. This is for calories to a kilo of body fat
Kilograms = Calories / 7716.179
For example, to find out how much kg is 2000 calories, divide 2000 by 7716
kg = 2000/7716 = 0.47 kg
What is a Calorie?

- A calorie is defined as the heat or energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
- It is also referred to as gram calorie (g-cal) or thermo chemical calorie or 'small' calorie. This is equal to 4.1868 joules of energy.
- The Food Calorie (Calorie with capital C) or kcal is equal to 1000 calories and is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree centigrade.
- The energy required for this in terms of joules is 4186.8. In other words, 1 Food Calorie (kcal or Calorie) is equal to 4,186.8 Joules
- This conversion tool is with reference to Food Calorie. All edible items refer to Food Calorie when they mention Calories. The calorific value indicates the amount of energy in kilo calories that it contains.
What is a Kilogram?
- A kilogram is the standard unit of mass
- It is the mass equal to 1000 cubic cm of water and equal to 1000 grams.
- A Kilo is short form of Kilogram and they are same. Abbreviation for Kilogram is 'kg'
- The latest definition of Kilogram is based on Planck's constant 6.626070150 × 10-34 kg m2/s. This is derived from the relationships between Energy, Mass and Frequency
- Calorie and Kilogram are indirectly related through Energy (in Joules or kg m2/s2)
How to Convert Calories to Kg?

- The relationship between Calorie and Kilogram is not a direct one and there is no accurate formula or equation for the same.
- The basis for weight and calorie is through research and experiments. It has been found that
1 gram of fat contains 9 calories.
1 gram of protein contains 4 calories.
1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories.
Here we are dealing with calories to body fat weight conversion - Since the actual body fat percentage in human adipose tissue is in the range of 70-80% of fat and not 100%, 1 gram of fat is 70 to 80% of 9 calories.
1 gram of body fat is taken to be 7 calories instead of 9 calories. - Therefore, a 1000 grams or 1 kg of fat is said to contain 7716 calories and it is the energy stored as body fat. This is used as the basis for the conversion of calorie to kg.
- The conversion factor of 0.00013 is derived from the above (1/7716 = 0.00013) Therefore, to convert calorie to kilogram of fat, we divide by 7716 or multiply by 0.00013
- This means that in order to lose one kilogram, you need to reduce your calories by 7,716 what is commonly referred to as 'calorie deficit'. This can be achieved by a combination of diet and exercise.
Similarly, in order to gain 1 kg, you need a surplus of 7716 calories.
Calories to Kg Table

Calories (kcal) | Kilogram (kg) | Pounds (lbs) |
1 kcal | 0.00013 kg | 0.00029 lbs |
2 kcal | 0.00026 kg | 0.00057 lbs |
3 kcal | 0.000389 kg | 0.00086 lbs |
4 kcal | 0.00052 kg | 0.00114 lbs |
5 kcal | 0.00065 kg | 0.00143 lbs |
6 kcal | 0.00078 kg | 0.00171 lbs |
7 kcal | 0.00091 kg | 0.002 lbs |
8 kcal | 0.0011 kg | 0.00229 lbs |
9 kcal | 0.00117 kg | 0.00257 lbs |
10 kcal | 0.0013 kg | 0.00286 lbs |
20 kcal | 0.0026 kg | 0.00571 lbs |
30 kcal | 0.0039 kg | 0.00857 lbs |
40 kcal | 0.0052 kg | 0.01143 lbs |
50 kcal | 0.0065 kg | 0.01429 lbs |
60 kcal | 0.0078 kg | 0.01714 lbs |
70 kcal | 0.0091 kg | 0.02 lbs |
80 kcal | 0.01 kg | 0.023 lbs |
90 kcal | 0.012 kg | 0.026 lbs |
100 kcal | 0.013 kg | 0.029 lbs |
200 kcal | 0.026 kg | 0.057 lbs |
250 kcal | 0.03 kg | 0.07 lbs |
300 kcal | 0.04 kg | 0.09 lbs |
400 kcal | 0.05 kg | 0.11 lbs |
500 kcal | 0.06 kg | 0.14 lbs |
600 kcal | 0.08 kg | 0.17 lbs |
700 kcal | 0.09 kg | 0.2 lbs |
800 kcal | 0.103 kg | 0.23 lbs |
900 kcal | 0.12 kg | 0.26 lbs |
1000 kcal | 0.13 kg | 0.29 lbs |
2000 kcal | 0.26 kg | 0.57 lbs |
3000 kcal | 0.39 kg | 0.86 lbs |
3500 kcal | 0.45 kg | 1 lbs |
4000 kcal | 0.52 kg | 1.1 lbs |
5000 kcal | 0.65 kg | 1.4 lbs |
6000 kcal | 0.78kg | 1.7 lbs |
7000 kcal | 0.9 kg | 2 lbs |
8000 kcal | 1 kg | 2.3 lbs |
9000 kcal | 1.2 kg | 2.6 lbs |
10000 kcal | 1.3 kg | 2.9 lbs |
15000 kcal | 1.9 kg | 4.3 lbs |
20000 kcal | 2.6 kg | 5.7 lbs |
25000 kcal | 3.2 kg | 7.1 lbs |
30000 kcal | 3.9 kg | 8.6 lbs |
35000 kcal | 4.5 kg | 10 lbs |
40000 kcal | 5.2 kg | 11.4 lbs |
50000 kcal | 6.5 kg | 14.3 lbs |
100000 kcal | 12.9 kg | 28.5 lbs |
Kg to Calories Table

Kilogram (kg) | Calories (kcal) |
0.1 kg | 772 kcal |
0.25 kg | 1929 kcal |
0.5 kg | 3858 kcal |
0.75 kg | 5787 kcal |
1 kg | 7716 kcal |
1.25 kg | 9645 kcal |
1.5 kg | 11574 kcal |
1.75 kg | 13503 kcal |
2 kg | 15432 kcal |
2.2 kg | 16976 kcal |
2.5 kg | 19290 kcal |
3 kg | 23149 kcal |
3.5 kg | 27007 kcal |
4 kg | 30865 kcal |
4.5 kg | 34723 kcal |
5 kg | 38581 kcal |
5.5 kg | 42439 kcal |
6 kg | 46297 kcal |
6.5 kg | 50155 kcal |
6.6 kg | 50927 kcal |
7 kg | 54013 kcal |
7.5 kg | 57871 kcal |
8 kg | 61729 kcal |
8.5 kg | 65588 kcal |
9 kg | 69446 kcal |
9.5 kg | 73304 kcal |
10 kg | 77162 kcal |
11 kg | 84878 kcal |
12 kg | 92594 kcal |
13 kg | 100310 kcal |
14 kg | 108027 kcal |
15 kg | 115743 kcal |
16 kg | 123459 kcal |
17 kg | 131175 kcal |
18 kg | 138891 kcal |
19 kg | 146607 kcal |
20 kg | 154324 kcal |
21 kg | 162040 kcal |
22 kg | 169756 kcal |
23 kg | 177472 kcal |
24 kg | 185188 kcal |
25 kg | 192904 kcal |
30 kg | 231485 kcal |
35 kg | 270066 kcal |
40 kg | 308647 kcal |
Frequently Asked Questions on Calories to Kg calculator

How many calories in a kilogram?
There are 7716 Calories in a kilogram of fat.
Depending on the item, the number of Calories / gram varies.
A gram of protein and carbohydrate contains 4 Calories.
Fibre contains 2 Calories, Alcohol 7 Calories, Organic Acid 3 Calories, Water and some Fruits and Vegetables contain 0 Calories.
What is the formula used for the kg to cal conversion?
To convert kilogram of fat to Calorie (kcal), multiply kg by 7716.18
Calorie = kg * 7716.18
Can I use this tool for medical purposes or professional dietary planning?
You can use this as a reference to understand the relationship between weight and calorie
Use it for your calculations on weight gain or loss through diet or exercise.
However, for any medical or diet planning, always consult and work under the supervision of a professional
How accurate is the calorie to kilogram converter tool?
The conversion factor which is commonly used by all tools to convert Calorie to kg of fat is 0.000129.
This value can vary and therefore, the conversion is not precise but only an approximation
It also changes with other food types such as protein and carbs.
However, it is still valuable and useful for understanding how much calorie surplus or deficit is needed for gaining or losing few kgs.
Can I rely on online converters for accurate calorie to kilogram conversions?
It is only a reference for calorie to kg fat conversion.
All online converters apply the same standard formula for conversion between Calorie and kg (1 kg of fat approximately contains 7716 Calories).
But in reality, you have to take into account the energy / gram of all the food ingredients and then total them up to get the actual kilogram.