Enter your height in feet/inch or cm and weight in pound or kg to find your bsa
1.9052 m2
20.5074 ft2
1.9108 m2
20.5677 ft2
1.9177 m2
20.6419 ft2
1.9221 m2
20.6893 ft2
1.8563 m2
19.981 ft2
1.9228 m2
20.6968 ft2
1.9203 m2
20.6699 ft2
1.8102 m2
19.4848 ft2
1.8833 m2
20.2717 ft2
1.9114 m2
20.5741 ft2
1.8784 m2
20.2189 ft2
What is the formula to calculate Body Surface Area?

Du Bois Formula
BSA (m2) = Wt(kg)^0.425 x Ht(cm)^0.725 x 0.007184
Mosteller Formula
BSA (m2) = Square root ((Ht (cm) x Wt (kg))/3600)
Haycock Formula
BSA (m2) = Wt(kg)^0.5378 x Ht(cm)^0.3964 x 0.024265
Gehan & George Formula
BSA (m2) = Wt(kg)^0.51456 x Ht(cm)^0.42246 x 0.0235
Fujimoto Formula
BSA (m2) = 0.008883 × Wt(kg)^0.444 × Ht(cm)^0.663
Boyd Formula
BSA (m2) = 0.0003207 x Ht(cm)^0.3 x Wt(kg)^(0.7285 – ( 0.0188 x LOG(Wt (g))))
Takahira Formula
BSA (m2) = 0.007241 × Wt(kg)^0.425 × Ht(cm)^0.725
Schlich Male Formula
BSA (m2) = 0.000579479 × Wt(kg)^0.38 × Ht(cm)^1.24
Schlich Female Formula
BSA (m2) = 0.000975482 × Wt(kg)^0.46 × Ht(cm)^1.08
Lipscombe Formula
BSA (m2) = 0.00878108 × Wt(kg)^0.434972 × Ht(cm)^0.67844
Schuter Formula
BSA (m2) = 0.00949 x Wt(kg)^0.441 × Ht(cm)^0.665
What is the use of calculating BSA?

BSA stands for Body Surface Area It is a measure of the surface area of the human body. It is measured in units of sq meter (m2)
There are many formulae to calculate BSA. Du bois formula and the simplified formula given by Mosteller are most popular.
It is used clinically for dosage calculation.
There are certain drugs that are to be dosed based on milligrams/ body surface area. The computed body surface area will help to determine the actual dosage to be given.
For eg: 500 mg/m2 of antibiotics per day or an IV infusion of 200 mg/m2. Based on the prescribed dosage, the actual adjusted dose is calculated using each individual's bsa value.
This is mainly used for administering antibiotics, chemo drugs, steroid medicines, IV infusion that need the exact dosage based on the person's weight and height. The adjustment based on the bsa value is especially done for children.
Note: These dosage calculations are to be used only by medical professionals
Average Value of Body Surface Area for different age groups
Category | BSA Value (m2) | BSA Value (cm2) | BSA Value (ft2) |
Average BSA for men | 1.9 m² | 19000 cm² | 20.5 ft² |
Average BSA for women | 1.6 m² | 16000 cm² | 17.2 ft² |
Average BSA for child (9 years) | 1.07 m² | 10700 cm² | 11.5 ft² |
Average BSA for child (10 years) | 1.14 m² | 11400 cm² | 12.3 ft² |
Average BSA for child (12-13 years) | 1.33 m² | 13300 cm² | 14.3 ft² |
Frequently Asked Questions on Body Surface Area Calculator

What does BSA stand for?
BSA stands for Body Surface Area.
It is a measure of the surface area of the human body.
How is BSA measured?
Body Surface area is calculated using height and weight of a person
What is the unit of BSA?
BSA which is Area is measured in units of sq meter m²
Where is BSA used?
It is used clinically for dosage calculation.
This is mainly applied in Chemotherapy, Glucocorticoid dosing, IV Fluid administration, Cardiac Index measurement and one of Renal function Measure of GFR (Glomerular Filteration Rate)
What is Mosteller formula?
Mosteller is a popular formula used to calculate body surface area.
It is square root of height multiplied by weight.
BSA (m²) = Square root ((Ht (cm) x Wt (kg))/3600)
What is Dubois formula?
Dubois is another popular formula for body surface area measurement.
BSA (m²) = Wt(kg)^0.425 x Ht(cm)^0.725 x 0.007184
What is the normal value of bsa for men and women?
'Normal' BSA is taken to be 1.7 m².