You can input in any of the fields and get equivalent values.
How to Convert BCD to Decimal?
First Split the BCD into nibbles(4 digits)
Write equivalent decimal no for each nibbles
Let's consider an example to Convert (100000110010)BCD binary to decimal
Split BCD into 4 digits as shown: 1000 0011 0010
(1000) becomes 8,(0011) becomes 3,(0010) becomes 2
Combine the decimal digits 832
How To Convert Decimal to BCD?
Write binary nibble for each digit of decimal
Let's consider an example to Convert 236 decimal to BCD
Binary Equivalent for 2 is 0010,Binary Equivalent for 3 is 0011,Binary Equivalent for 6 is 0110
Combine all the binary numbers
(236)10 = (001000110110)BCD
BCD to Decimal to Binary Converter table

BCD | Decimal | Binary |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0001 | 1 | 1 |
0010 | 2 | 10 |
0011 | 3 | 11 |
0100 | 4 | 100 |
0101 | 5 | 101 |
0110 | 6 | 110 |
0111 | 7 | 111 |
1000 | 8 | 1000 |
1001 | 9 | 1001 |
00010000 | 10 | 1010 |
00010001 | 11 | 1011 |
00010010 | 12 | 1100 |
00010011 | 13 | 1101 |
00010100 | 14 | 1110 |
00010101 | 15 | 1111 |
00010110 | 16 | 10000 |
00010111 | 17 | 10001 |
00011000 | 18 | 10010 |
00011001 | 19 | 10011 |
00100000 | 20 | 10100 |
00100100 | 24 | 11000 |
01001000 | 48 | 110000 |
01010000 | 50 | 110010 |
01100100 | 64 | 1000000 |
01110101 | 75 | 1001011 |
000100000000 | 100 | 1100100 |
000100101000 | 128 | 10000000 |
001001010101 | 255 | 11111111 |
010100010010 | 512 | 1000000000 |
0001000000100100 | 1024 | 10000000000 |
0010000001001000 | 2048 | 100000000000 |
Decimal to BCD Converter table

Decimal | BCD |
2 to bcd | 0010 |
4 to bcd | 0100 |
5 to bcd | 0101 |
6 to bcd | 0110 |
8 to bcd | 1000 |
10 to bcd | 00010000 |
11 to bcd | 00010001 |
12 to bcd | 00010010 |
13 to bcd | 00010011 |
15 to bcd | 00010101 |
16 to bcd | 00010110 |
18 to bcd | 00011000 |
21 to bcd | 00100001 |
25 to bcd | 00100101 |
31 to bcd | 00110001 |
32 to bcd | 00110010 |
64 to bcd | 01100100 |
128 to bcd | 000100101000 |
256 to bcd | 001001010110 |
Frequently Asked Questions on BCD to Decimal converter

What is binary coded decimal?
Binary Code decimal is the process of converting decimal numbers into their binary equivalents
What is 8421 code?
8421 is also called as BCD code which is expresses in 4 bit binary numbers according to their place value 8421 (2³ 2² 2¹ 2⁰ = 8421).
How to convert decimal to bcd?
Write the binary equivalent for each decimal digit and then combine the values.
How to convert bcd to decimal?
First Split the BCD into nibbles(4 digits).
Then write equivalent decimal no for each nibbles.
Finally Combine the decimal numbers.
What is the difference between binary and bcd?
Binary represents 0 and 1 whereas BCD represents binary code decimal .
Binary value is not coded separately whereas BCD value is coded separately.
Base value of binary is 2 whereas for BCD is 4.
Binary is number system whereas BCD is coding system.
Where is bcd used?
BCD is used in clock time and also for displaying alpha numberic values
bcd 2421
bcd 2421 is also called as Aiken code.
It is reflective.
bcd 5421
The value of bcd 5421 code for 9.2 is 1100.0010.
bcd 1111
Decimal Value:15,BCD Value:0001 0101
bcd 5211
5211 is actually denoting decimal numbers from 0 to 9 (5+2+1+1=9)