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How to add and subtract Whole numbers?

There are four Arithmetic operations. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. In that the very basic one is addition.
Lets start with sum of two numbers,
Whole numbers are nothing but positive numbers with zero.
Single digit addition
It is just like counting the numbers using your fingers
(i.e Simple Addition)
Adding two or more digit number is little different from adding single digit number.
First align the numbers w.r.t their place values then add the digits in each place value.
Example: 28 + 61 :Add the ones: 8+1=9
Add the tens: 2+6=8
H T O2 8+ 6 18 9Facts about Addition of Whole number:
Closure Property: Whole numbers are Closed(for ex: 4 + 9 = 13 4 and 9 the addend is a whole number and the result too is a whole number.)
Commutative Property: If we change the order of the numbers the result won’t change.For eg: 4 + 5 = 9 = 5 + 4.
How to add and subtract Integers?

Integers are set of positive numbers, negative numbers and zero with no decimal or fractional element.
We can perform following operations Addition of integers , subtraction of integers , Multiplication and Division of integers.
Following are the example of integers: -42, -2 ,0 1,54,87
Adding positive integers is same as adding whole numbers.
But for adding negative numbers and combination of negative and positive numbers we have some rules to follow
Here are the rules;
When the two integers have the negative sign, add the integers and give (-) sign to the result.
When the two integers have opposite sign [one positive (+) and other negative (-)], find the difference of the numbers and give bigger number sign to the result.
Example: (-17) + 29
[Here, two integers are with unlike signs – and +.We find the difference of the numbers is 12 and to the result give greater number sign ; so the answer is positive 12]. = 12.
Following the above rule we can add numbers,add two numbers , add integers ,add positive numbers ,add negative numbers ,add two negative numbers,add positive and negative numbers ,add three digit numbers,add n-digit numbers,long addition add and subtract numbers.
How to add and subtract Decimals?

Decimal Addition is same as addition of whole numbers. Only thing we need to align the decimal numbers according to their place values one below the other, keeping the decimal point intact, and then add the numbers.
Add zeros in the places wherever the length of the decimal numbers is not the same. Now add the numbers and place the decimal point aligned with the given decimal points.
Adding decimals example: 2.53 + 1.14
O t h2 .5 3+1. 1 43. 6 7Then add the digits in each place value. Add the ones: 8+1=9 Add the tens: 2+6=8 , it is often easier to write the numbers vertically in columns.
Tricks to add decimals
Begin to add decimals from the right-hand side,
Decimal points are always aligned below the decimal point.
Treat the decimal numbers as whole number and add at the end make sure to keep the decimal point in the proper place.
Properties of Addition

Closure Property of Addition:
Whole numbers, Natural, and Integers are Closed under addition.
For eg: 4 + 9 = 13 4 and 9 the addend is a whole number and the sum of the numbers too is a whole number.)Commutative Property of Addition:
If we change the order of the numbers the result won’t change.
For eg: 4 + 5 = 9 = 5 + 4.Inverse Property of Addition:
Inverse operation of addition is subtraction this property holds for whole , natural and Intergers.
For eg: 2 + 4 =6 and if we want to reverse the addition operation then subtract 4 from the result.This will give the original number with which we started.Associative Property of Addition:
Let a, b, and c be any three numbers.
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c, (i.e) if we change the order of the numbers still the addition of numbers remains the same.
For eg: Lets take 3 , 4 , and 5. here 3 + (4 + 5) = 12 =(3 + 4) + 5Zero property of addition.
When we add the number to any of the number which will results in the same number.This number is known as Identity number.And this property is also known as Addition property of equality.
For eg: 4 + 0 = 4.
Significant figures
Definition: Significant figures of a given number is a number or digits that gives the accuracy of it.
We can perform significant figures addition.
Rules to identify Significant figures
Each and every non-zero numbers in a given number are significant.
Zeros before the decimal are not significant.
Zeros after the decimal are significant only if they are not followed by the non zero number.
Zeroes between two non zero number are significant.
Table of Significant numbers
Numbers No.of significant figures Significant figure 54 2 5 , 4 96.5 3 9 , 6 ,5 0.00145 3 1 , 4 , 5 40.250 5 4 , 0 , 2 , 5 , 0 7800 4 7 , 8 , 0 , 0
Frequently Asked Questions on Add Fractions and Add Numbers

Addend in math is nothing but the number that added to the another number is called addend also called as summand in math.When you addup two numbers then the two numbers are addend to eachother. For eg:4 + 5 = 9, here 4, 5 both are addend.When we do repeated addition all numbers are addend to each other.
Addend in math is nothing but the number that added to the another number is called addend also called as summand in math.When you addup two numbers then the two numbers are addend to eachother. For eg:4 + 5 = 9, here 4, 5 both are addend.When we do repeated addition all numbers are addend to each other.
An inverse operation is just a reverse of another operation which helps to undo the original operation. For eg:4 + 4 = 8 , 8 - 4 = 4, For eg:4 + 4 = 8 , 8 - 4 = 4, here we started with 4 and after adding 4 we get 8. And when we subtract 4 from the result which gives 4. This means subtraction operation reversed the addition.
An inverse operation is just a reverse of another operation which helps to undo the original operation. For eg:4 + 4 = 8 , 8 - 4 = 4, For eg:4 + 4 = 8 , 8 - 4 = 4, here we started with 4 and after adding 4 we get 8. And when we subtract 4 from the result which gives 4. This means subtraction operation reversed the addition.
Subtraction is an inverse of Addition operation.These inverse operations exists for addition of decimals too.
Subtraction is an inverse of Addition operation.These inverse operations exists for addition of decimals too.
Significant Figures refer to the number of important single digits from 0 to 9 that use to convey the message accurately.
Significant Figures refer to the number of important single digits from 0 to 9 that use to convey the message accurately.
Count the number of significant numbers, only in the decimal portions of the given numbers. Now add or subtract in the basic addition and basic subtraction respectively.In this way we can do adding significant figures addition and subtraction.
Count the number of significant numbers, only in the decimal portions of the given numbers. Now add or subtract in the basic addition and basic subtraction respectively.In this way we can do adding significant figures addition and subtraction.